Hi Minko,

> With the option --make-cycleways enabled, the streetname label gets name = 
> name (cycleway)
> The cycleway part of this street gets the name = name.
> Why is this not the other way around?

Sorry, I can't reproduce that. The way with bicycle=no is added first and 
without (cycleway)
in name.

> Is it possible to remove (cycleway) from the name label, it seems hardcoded?
> I have tried to delete name mkgmap:synthesised=yes but that didnt work.
> #limit artificial cycleways to to resolution 24
> mkgmap:synthesised=yes & mkgmap:bicycle=yes { set 
> mkgmap:highest-resolution-only = true; delete name }

I can reproduce that. It works with this as first line in lines (with bicycle, 
not mkgmap:bicycle)

mkgmap:synthesised=yes & bicycle=yes { set mkgmap:highest-resolution-only = 
true; delete name }


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