
Thanks all.
I'll watch it.

Le 06/05/2014 05:16, Minko a écrit :
> This issue can simply be solved by using a TYP file.
> You can grab the default style typ file that we use in Lambertus generic OSM 
> maps:
> https://code.google.com/p/mkgmap-style-sheets/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2Ftyp%2Fosm%20generic%253Fstate%253Dclosed
> The strange thing is that Garmin doesn't seem to recognize the building 
> poygons type 0x13.
> It is rendered as a white "unknown area" on Basecamp as well as Mapsource. 
> And as Gerd says it is rendered under the water polygons (in most typ files 
> it is always on top).
> Does anyone know which typ Garmin is using in its own maps for buildings?
> Or do they use a Typ file by default (with modern devices and many map 
> details on OSM this is imho a must).

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