Am Sonntag, 11. Januar 2015, 22:11:43 schrieb Enrico Liboni:
> Pls. let me know your point,

Hi Enrico

when playing around with your rules, i have seen that in the german speaking 
parts of Italy, Switzerland. France, Luxembourg and Belgium a lot of streets 
are tagged with 'An, Zum, In, ...' This parts of the name are also useless for 
searching by name. 

But if i add 
  mkgmap:country=LUX |
  mkgmap:country=DEU |
  mkgmap:country=BEL |
to the country list, i got lots of list entries like
  Straße, Kieler
  Weg, Bonner

This are my changes

# Get the last full word if a \s (whitespace) exist in name
# if the last full word is a roman number - i.e. if a street has been named 
after a King or
# a Pope - get the last two words
# set the labels used for address search (3&4):
# the 3rd label  is set with the last:word as 1st word followed by comma and 
the remaining words
# the 4th label skipping the 1st word (that is usually Via, Rue, Avenida etc, 
so not really useful in search)

( mkgmap:country=ITA |
  mkgmap:country=FRA |
  mkgmap:country=CHE |
  mkgmap:country=ESP |
  mkgmap:country=BEL |
  mkgmap:country=LUX |
  mkgmap:country=DEU |
  & highway=*
  & name ~ '.*\s.*'
  { set last:word='${name|part: :-1}' }

# the ignore list should be greater 
  & (
     last:word = Straße|
     last:word = Weg|
     last:word = Ring|
     last:word = Platz|
     last:word = Straat|
     last:word = Laan
        { delete last:word }

last:word ~ '(I|II|III|IV|V|VI.*|IX|X|XI.*|XV.*|XX.*)'
  {set last:word='${name|part: >-3}' }

  { set mkgmap:label:3='${last:word}, ${name|part: <-1}';
    set mkgmap:label:4='${name|part: >1}'

# only for the tests
  {echo '${mkgmap:label:1} | ${mkgmap:label:2} | ${mkgmap:label:3} | \ 
  echotags ''}

the result is something like that:

320136003: Am Stadtpark | null | Stadtpark, Am  | Stadtpark 
320136003 - [mkgmap:admin_level6=Rheinisch-Bergischer 
Kreis,mkgmap:admin_level5=Regierungsbezirk Köln,name=Am 
mkgmap:label:3=Stadtpark, Am ,mkgmap:label:1=Am 
Westfalen,mkgmap:admin_level8=Leichlingen,mkgmap:label:4=Stadtpark ] 

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artist: Lemar
title: Don't Give It Up
album: Time To Grow

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