Hi Mike,

Hi Gerd, I added the following to the lines file in my style and it works fine 
there if I remove the --make-opposite-cycleways option, allowing just cycling 
and walking against the flow. However, it doesn’t seem to work correctly if I 
add it to the default style (it allows cars to go the wrong way along the 
one-way street). highway=* & (oneway=yes | oneway=-1 | oneway=true | oneway=1 | 
oneway=reverse) & (oneway:bicycle=no | cycleway=opposite | 
cycleway=opposite_lane | cycleway=opposite_track) {delete oneway; delete 
cycleway; set access=no; delete foot; delete vehicle; delete motor_vehicle; 
delete motorcar; delete goods; delete hgv; delete psv; delete emergency; delete 
taxi; delete bus; add bicycle=yes; set highway=cycleway} [0x10 road_class=0 
road_speed=1 resolution 24 continue] I can’t see why this might be happening. 
Has anyone any ideas (the attached patch is what I changed)?
I think that is the problem I was discussing with Minko. The order in which 
routable ways are added 
by the style matters, although we don't know exactly why.
With the --make-opposite-cycleways the cycle way is added after the "normal" 
with your change below it is added before.
Garmin algos seem to use only one way in some cases, esp. at the beginning of a 

Further thoughts: 
1) Your new patch also removes the special handling for mkgmap:synthesised in 
-#limit artificial cycleways to to resolution 24
-mkgmap:synthesised=yes & mkgmap:bicycle=yes { set 
mkgmap:highest-resolution-only = true }
This is okay for your case, but I should mention that the tag
mkgmap:synthesised is also evaluated within mkgmap to avoid some
meaningless warnings in e.g. the roundabout checks.
In other words: A style that adds  multiple routable ways for one OSM way
should try to  setmkgmap:synthesised=true 
when options like --check-roundabouts or --check-roundabout-flares are used.

I think we might as well set that a corresponding flag in mkgmap when it 
that more than one routable way was added (with res 24) for one OSM way.

2) Maybe we can replace the  --make-opposite-cycleways option by 
a new special tag like mkgmap:add_cycleway=[before|after] ?


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