Hi Andrzej,

I think the problem is that contour data data contains large
empty areas on sea.
I see two solutions:
Calculate the split file for the normal OSM data and use
that also for the contour data, or
use a higher maxnodes value for the contour data.


Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2015 18:04:53 +0200
From: po...@poczta.onet.pl
To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Subject: [mkgmap-dev] Splitter - missing area, trim not working

I'm trying to create contour map of Europe. I have created a rectangle 
area with contours using phyghtmap and then clipped it to europe.poly 
using osmosis.
I'm working with splitter 421. My first split of data went wrong, some 
parts of north Scandinavia was missing. After some trying, I have found 
that adding option --polygon-file=europe.poly helps and map contains all 
data. But at the same time trimming of tiles stopped working and I'm 
getting some big empty tiles.
I have attached a picture, showing all examples of splits. You can see, 
that without bounding polygon trim works but some data is missing. And 
with polygon trim doesn't work.
My map will be transparent, without background polygon. I prefer to get 
tile area covering only existing data, which require trim to work. And I 
don't like empty tiles.
I'm not sure what could help to debug this problem. Source data is about 
1.3GB, I can upload it.
Best regards,

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