Hi all,

thought again about my strategy and found a few problems with r3535:
1) If some houses near a given road have the addr:place tag and others
have not, the latter may be ignored. 
2) the heuristics is not prepared for the case that a tile might 
contains data for two different hamlets with the same name,
e.g. in Germany we have ~ 50 different Holzhausen.

Besides that the current code is much too complex. I am  now trying to 
fix these problems.


From: gpetermann_muenc...@hotmail.com
To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 19:51:58 +0200
Subject: [mkgmap-dev] r3535 with improved addr:place support

Hi all,

I think addr:place is now also working well, so please test it.
See also the description of changes in the svn log:

If you think that numbers with
addr:housenumber=* & addr:street=* & addr:place=*
should not be treated as described, feel free to delete the addr:place tag.

I still don't fully understand the special cases in CZ,
the page

is not available in english and the Google Translator doesn't help me much,
so experts for this area: Please double check.



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