Hi experts,

Hi Gerd,

I am not happy with the current code regarding address data.

My understanding so far:
- we have the --bounds option to specify precompiled bounds
- we have the LocationHook that is used to assign tags
mkgmap:admin_level2 to. mkgmap:admin_level10 and
- we have inc/address to which
uses either the data from the LocationHook or that from the
OSM element to set mkgmap:city, mkgmap:region etc.
The file inc/address in the default style doesn't care about
any other tags, means, the result doesn't depend on
the exstence of a highway tag or whether the element is
a node, way, or polygon.

I think we should change that.
My proposal:
Instead of inc/address  we have a file address (on the same level
like points, lines, etc)
this file is evaluated before the rules in points/lines/polygons
when it exists. Probably the class RuleFileReader should make sure that
the files points/lines/polygons do not include another

I think that's hard to realize. Other style implementors do not need to use the same name inc/address. It is also possible that the address rules are written in a mixed style file. So it's not easy to detect which include file contains address rules only.

What is the major problem you have? Is it that inc/address does not differ between nodes, ways and polygons? You might change that (function type() returns node, way, relation depending on its type).

The major advantage of an included address file is that other style implementors can easily use it as it is so it would be good if its usage is not weaved into the default style too much.



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