Hi Gerd,

I have compiled example with a road that goes across 3 cities, see attached archive.

Road has 2 names, which are the same for all cities. This is good for left/right cities, but rather unusual, when a road leads from one city to another.

Road name is StreetLeft and StreetRight, first one is displayed on map. Numbering along road goes like this:
numbers 1-9 for CityLeft and 2-10 for CityRight
numbers 11-19 and 12-20, both sides in CityLeft
numbers 1-19 and 2-20, both sides for CityThird

I have noticed, that junction inside the road breaks numbering. I had to explicitly set numbering for junction point to get continuous numbering along whole road.

Mapsource finds correctly addresses for each city, but search without city shows only one address from two available. Both street names can be used, there is no assignment to left/right city.

Best regards,

Attachment: adr_punkt3.7z
Description: Binary data

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