Would it be possible to check if a given street is inside a suburb and a city boundaries or a municipality boundary and a place polygon (with different names) and get the city names from both of them. See for example streets in Valdesalor [1] which are inside admin boundary relation 1899973 (municipality) and village polygon (way 23186267)
[1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/39.37820/-6.34773

El 07/06/15 a las 18:27, Gerd Petermann escribió:
Hi Carlos,

the basic support for this was implemented in the housenumber2
branch, but up to now the only way to use it is to have different
mkgmap:city values which are assigned to the same road.

That means, we did not implement a way to set multiple cities
in the style, but if e.g. a the road connects two cities
and you have housenumber elements in both cities assigned to
this road, you can find the road in both cities.


> Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2015 17:44:10 +0200
> From: cdavi...@orangecorreo.es
> To: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
> Subject: [mkgmap-dev] Assigning a street to more than one city
> I've seen City Navigator maps are able to find the same street in two
> cities. I find this quite useful for the case of big municipalities with > a main city and several minor villages belonging to that municipality or
> big cities with also big suburbs . I these cases you may not be sure
> what to enter in the "City" field when searching for a given street and
> finding it in both places eases search. Is it possible to accomplish the
> same with mkgmp?

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