Hi Folks,

I’m have a number of trail maps in ArcMap format that I’m considering 
converting to Garmin .img.  I have tried a few different utilities, however it 
appears they are having issues with incorrect or null attribute formats.  What 
I notice is these vector maps consist of a number of polylines with attributes 
ObjectID, Shape, Type, Name, Shape_Length and Code.  The Type field is <Null> 
on all the lines, however the Code changes depending on the type of line.  I’d 
like to convert this data to Polish MP or OSM and use mkgmap to create the 
Garmin image file, however I’m a bit puzzled by the attribute fields and what 
to use for values.  Is there a mapping somewhere of what attribute fields 
mkgmap and/or Garmin format expects?  I.e. field and value which would specify 
a trail, a road, etc?

Thanks so much,
mkgmap-dev mailing list

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