Hi Gerd,

you mean to install any img for Mapsource and BaseCamp?

Any full mapset, like the one created by mkgmap, can be easy installed with MapSetTool:

In this case only click at button "Install" and fill provided form starting from tdb. Ignore other buttons and forms on main window.

If you got only img, then it is a bit more complicated. First you can try to see map in BaseCamp, it will read any img from removable drive like pendrive. Img should be saved in folder \Garmin. The catch is that you should prepare img header, which can be done with GMapTool, see info:

I think img created by mkgmap already have correct header for BaseCamp.

Finally you can create a mapset from img. This can be done with GMapTool too:

Sometimes GMapTool can't guess all info and you need to provide mapset name and FID in the same form as on info above. GMapTool creates empty preview map, which have to be compiled, GMapTool uses cgpsmapper for this purpose. GMapTool creats batches for installing map in registry, alternatively you can do it with MapsSetToolKit.

If you need a map with road signs for test, try this one:

Best regards,
mkgmap-dev mailing list

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