On Mon, Jun 06, 2016 at 01:09:34PM -0400, greg crago wrote:
Since I cannot seem to get this feature added to the OSM database (because it is not verifiable, or something) has anyone got this data from a different source and combined to maps together so I can tell when riding across the counrty thay I am crossing a timezone??

I would expect time zone to be an (explicit or implicit) attribute of a boundary=administrative relation. That is, the whole country or state (or province or city) would use the same time zone.

If the above does not apply (for example, if some US state is being divided by a time zone boundary), then some overlay of an external data source would indeed seem to be needed.

http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:timezone seems to agree with my reasoning above. It also refers to a changeset that introduced time zones for the Australian states. However, all those modified objects have since then been removed, and the new Australian state relations do not seem to include timezone=*.

http://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/timezone lists a number of values starting with America/*. Maybe the US states are already tagged?

There is also an algorithmic problem of extracting boundaries of tagged areas. Even if all the administrative areas are tagged with timezone=*, we would want to derive the boundaries, so that only those administrative boundaries that also represent a time zone boundary (with different values on each side) will be displayed.

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