987654...@use.startmail.com writes:

> I am new to osm and am not sure if this is the appropriate forum in
> which to ask this question so if it is not, I would appreciate any
> direction with respect to the best place to post it.

Gerd is quite right about the import process and list.  I would advise
joining the list and lurking for a month or two before posting, so that
you can calibrate yourself on the reactions.

> I am working in the Northeastern US.  Many streams are missing from the
> map.  I found a site

Note that one thing you can do is to merge other data and OSM and then
run mkgmap on it.  I am 99% sure that if you do not distribute the
merged data, you will be ok with respect to OSM's ODbL.

Doing this has been on my todo list for a while, for both hydro and

>         " Data Distribution Agreement
>             I. Description of Data to be Provided.
>             The data provided herein are distributed subject to the
>         following conditions and restrictions:
>             For all data contained herein, NJDEP makes no
>         representations of any kind, including, but not limited to, the
>         warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use,
>         nor are any such warranties to be implied with respect to the
>         digital data layers furnished hereunder.  NJDEP assumes no
>         responsibility to maintain them in any manner or form.
>             II.Terms of Agreement
>             1. Digital data received from the NJDEP are to be used
>         solely for internal purposes in the conduct of daily affairs.

This is inconsistent with the Contributor Terms.   So this data cannot
be added to OSM.

>          *   3. Digital data received from the NJDEP may not be
>         reproduced or redistributed for use by anyone without first
>         obtaining written permission from the NJDEP.  This clause is not
>         intended to restrict distribution of printed mapped information
>         produced from the digital data.*

Again this is inconsistent.

>             4. Any maps, publications, reports, or other documents
>         produced as a result of this project that utilize NJDEP digital
>         data will credit the NJDEP's Geographic Information System (GIS)
>         as the source of the data with the following credit/disclaimer:
>             "This (map/publication/report) was developed using New
>         Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Geographic
>         Information System digital data, but this secondary product has
>         not been verified by NJDEP and is not state-authorized."

This doesn't fit; OSM can attribute on wiki pages or changeset comments,
but cannot possibly demand (and does not, more importantly) that any map
have thousands of such disclaimers.

>             5.    Users shall require any independent contractor, hired
>         to undertake work that will utilize digital data obtained from
>         the NJDEP, to agree not to use, reproduce, or redistribute NJDEP
>         GIS data for any purpose other than the specified contractual
>         work.  All copies of NJDEP GIS data utilized by an independent
>         contractor will be required to be returned to the original user
>         at the close of such contractual work.


>             Users hereby agree to abide by the use and reproduction
>         conditions specified above and agree to hold any independent
>         contractor to the same terms.  By using data provided herein,
>         the user acknowledges that terms and conditions have been read
>         and that the user is bound by these criteria."

I would suggest talking to the NJDEP  and see if you can find a
sympathetic person, and if they would be willing to offer a license
compatible with the Contributor Terms.   You can point them at MassGIS,
which has terms that are basically Public Domain with attribution
requested.   But their terms are very far away from that, so I don't
expect rapid progress.

You might look at USGS data, and the National Hydrography Dataset,
which, being a work of the US government, is actually public domain.


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