Thanks Bernd,
I think your method of "every routable ways is an invisible line with overlay" 
will prevent those crashes.
With my style I have used in case of roundabouts two routable lines on top of 
each other that might have caused those occasional crashes. The same with bike 
routes on top of other roads, I am using line type 0x02 to render dashed lines 
in all cases on top of other routable lines. Until now I haven't found any 
non-routable line type that displays on top of every other line. I can make 
0x02 unroutable by removing the road parameters but this leads to another 
When searching for a specific address on that particular road, the device will 
draw a straight line to that address without using roads.

So I either have to accept an occaisonal crash or bad address routing. Don't 
know what is worse?

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