On 07/31/2016 10:13 PM, Felix Hartmann wrote:
> I think most users switched a long time ago...

All except Linux users where distributions have not switched the default
to Java 8 yet, as can be seen in the JOSM statistics.

Debian stable still has JDK 7 as default, but has JDK 8 available in
backports for example. Those users still mostly use Java 7 unless they
explicitly chose to use the Java 8 backport (or a backported application
that requires it).

On Windows & OSX the Oracle JRE tends to be used instead of what comes
with the OS, those users have mostly all switched to Java 8.

There should be no blockers to move mkgmap to require Java 8, except on
really old Linux distro releases which don't include OpenJDK 8, e.g.
Debian wheezy & Ubuntu trusty. Those Debian users can build their own
JDK packages using make-jpkg from java-package [0], and those Ubuntu
users can use the oracle-java8-installer packages from the webup8team
PPA [1].

[0] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/java-package
[1] https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/java/+packages

Kind Regards,


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