
'14 Hauptstrasse' and nearby one named '13/14 Hauptstrasse' When I
type "14 Hau"  I want to find both entries, but I prefer to see '14
Hauptstrasse' first (topmost).  This depends on how we sort, maybe
also on the order in which the names appear in the *.img files.

Is '13/14 Hauptstrasse' the actual name of the street?

If is is and I use '|' to mark the name offset in the index, then
if you add an index entry for '13/|14 Hauptstrasse'
and '|14 Hauptstrasse' then I expect them to be ordered as:

  |14 Hauptstrasse
  13/|14 Hauptstrasse

So they should be in the order you expect in the dropdown on typing
'14 haup...'

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