
My way is more easy, and changes or experiments are easy to run :

1. rename the template.args (produced from splitter) to alaska_template.args, to avoid overwriting by the next run. 2. write all options in the alaska_template.args. Each option is one line. use a texteditor (not Word ) to do so. save in .txt format.

It looks for example like this :

//location-autofill="is_in,nearest" //
//copyright-message="Dave //Swarthout"//
/# ???? C:\Users\alask\Dropbox\Mapping\24983djs.TYP" # i don't know how to include typfiles/
#max-jobs reduces runtime on 2 cores prozessors
//# Following is a list of map tiles.  Add a suitable description//
//# for each one.//
//mapname= 63240001//
//#give it a usefull name//
//description= Nord//
//# adjust your path here !! Fullpath is recommended //
//input-file=D:\splitter\63240001.osm.pbf //
//mapname= 63240002//
//description= Middle//
//mapname= 63240003//
//description= South//

3: start mkgmap : java -Xmx1000m -jar mkgmap.jar *-c "C:\Users\Alask\Documents\splitter\alaska_template.args" .
*that is all .*
regards Thomas

Am 12.04.2017 um 01:37 schrieb Dave Swarthout:
java -Xmx1000m -jar mkgmap.jar *-c "C:\Users\Alask\Documents\splitter\template.args"* --latin1 --family-id=24983 --name-tag-list=name:en,int_name,name --gmapsupp --description="Alaska" --country-name=USA --country-abbr=USA --index --location-autofill="is_in,nearest" --copyright-message="ODbL by OSM contributors" --link-pois-to-ways --add-pois-to-areas --reduce-point-density=4 --reduce-point-density-polygon=8 --merge-lines --route --drive-on=right --net --housenumbers --x-split-name-index --check-roundabouts --check-roundabout-flares --process-destination --process-exits --poi-address *--generate-sea=land-tag=natural=background --style-file="C:\Users\alask\Dropbox\Mapping\DJS_styles" --precomp-sea="C:\Users\alask\Downloads\Maps\sea.zip" --bounds="C:\Users\alask\Downloads\Maps\bounds" "C:\Users\alask\Dropbox\Mapping\24983djs.TYP"*
Is the placement or order of the arguments important? Any other ideas or suggestions much appreciated.*

Thanks for your help,


Dave Swarthout
Homer, Alaska
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Travel Blog at http://dswarthout.blogspot.com

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