Hi Gerd
There is an archive of Garmin updates here http://gawisp.com/perry/ 
<http://gawisp.com/perry/> and for Oregon here http://gawisp.com/perry/oregon/ 
and this may be the 4.6 update 
I have not used these before so I am unsure if you can revert to the older 
state using these?


> On 15 May 2017, at 3:52 PM, Gerd Petermann <gpetermann_muenc...@hotmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> It seems that r3942 produces maps which work quite well with MapSource and 
> Basecamp.
> I can find roads with names like Æblegården or "Außer Ort". 
> I find POI in the expected category.
> Anyhow, I see different results on my devices.
> It seems that the Oregon 600 with firmware 5.00 doesn't "understand" the 
> GARMIN SRT file.
> Road names containing characters which appear in the "expand" section cause 
> trouble.
> For cp-1252 (--latin1) these are
> expand … to  . . .
> expand ¼ to  1 / 4
> expand ½ to  1 / 2
> expand ¾ to  3 / 4
> expand æ to  a e
> expand Æ to  A E
> expand œ to  o e
> expand Πto  O E
> expand ß to  s s
> expand ™ to  T M
> I am pretty sure now that this is a bug in the Oregon firmware.
> It would be interesting to know if firmware 4.60 worked. According to this 
> page
> http://www8.garmin.com/support/download_details.jsp?id=6157
> there was a change described "Improved address search" with 4.80. 
> Unfortunately I was not able to 
> download any previous version. Any hints?
> The Nüvi2447 seems to work fine with maps created with --latin1 (also with 
> --lower-case) 
> but says that --unicode  maps are broken. This also happens when I use 
> MapSource to 
> install the map on the device. The installed map "GARMIN  CN Europe NTU 
> 2018.1" is a unicode map
> and works fine.
> So, if you create maps which contain road names containing special characters,
> please try how maps created with r3942 work on your device(s).
> I've uploaded a copy of the version here:
> http://files.mkgmap.org.uk/download/351/mkgmap-optimize-index-r3942.zip
> These are the test cases that don't work on my Oregon:
> Map around Copenhagen:
> - Search for all roads in Denmark starting with Æ (switch to Danish keyboard 
> to be able to type that character)
> or Ae doesn't find any road, it should find many.
> - Search for other special characters like Ø works fine.
> - Search for all roads in city "Albertslund Kommune" lists
> ...
> Abildgården
> Æblets Kvt
> Alberts Have
> Alberts Vænge
> ...
> When I search for roads starting with A in Albertslund Kommune it lists only  
> Abildgården
> Similar results with other searches, the device seems to stop reading the 
> data when the first name with Æ is hit.
> When I search for AL (so that it doesn't read the Æ name) it lists the above 
> roads. 
> Don't know if I should contact Garmin ?
> Gerd
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