Hi Frank,

I have successfully build several maps with DEM, thanks again for your tool.

I have tripped on out-of-memory problems too. One case is, when tile is too big. This I can deal with, simply preparing smaller tiles. I think the limit is about 200 degree square.

Other problem is with preview maps. I can't make it smaller. What I can do is to make hgt files smaller, since there is no need for full resolution for preview. Unfortunately your program assumes, that dummy tile is always 1201x1201. So regardless of hgt size, memory is full anyway, since my preview maps include a lot of sea.

Side note: isn't predefined size of dummy tile an error? What does happen, when I use 1-second hgt with size 3601x3601? It has worked for me, but maybe I was lucky? But if it works, then maybe use 3x3 size for dummy?

I have recompiled BuildDEMFile, adding option for hgt line length (actually I have reused usedummydata for this purpose). So now I can use hgt files downsized to 76x76. This allow me to create very big preview maps, like for a full continent.

I think BuildDEMFile could downsize hgt files on the fly, when there is big difference in DEM pixel size compared to hgt pixel. I hope you could consider addition of that kind of functionality.

Best regards,
mkgmap-dev mailing list

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