Hi Henning

I think you are right - I have in the past been guilty of forcing labels on certain long distance walking routes by cutting the highway !

I wonder , Gerd, if it is possible to only add a shield if highway's length > a  length defined by the user?


On 12/03/2018 11:52, Henning Scholland wrote:
Hi Gerd,
Maybe it helps for brainstorming to understand how the Garmin-container
is working.

So far I understand we take osm-way, shifting each osm-node to closest
Garmin-node, this then is written somehow to the map. But how all these
information are stored. Is the way-geometry stored once and the linked
to routing-data and drawing-data, or are they independent?

Basically I'm thinking, if rendering-ways can be merged while
routing-way is splitted more detailed. I think this might improve the
rendering of labels. So far I know Garmin-Software later just place the
labels per way. So if we have a lot of small ways, there will be too
many labels.

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