
This is the next batch of default style changes.

I don't think anything here is contention. The changes are:

A few minor white-space changes that I missed in the previous batch.

Remove unnecessary () in conditions

Add tmp: prefix to tags that are just used by the style logic, so it is
clear they don't have special meaning to the mkgmap code and don't
overwrite osm tags. There are still a few tags created in relation that
I think should be renamed (mkgmap:boundary_name, mkgmap:relref,
mkgmap:fast_road, mkgmap:us_interstate, mkgmap:us_usroute,
mkgmap:us_state) but I won't do this yet.

Ferries default to mkgmap:toll=yes

add a few new points:
 amenity=grave_yard, crematorium
 amenity=restaurant, cuisine=curry, fish_and_chips, indian, seafood

add default name, either as [default_name ...] or {add name=...} to:

Improve Embassy name


Index: resources/styles/default/lines
--- resources/styles/default/lines	(revision 4255)
+++ resources/styles/default/lines	(working copy)
@@ -17,21 +17,21 @@
 highway=* & name=* {set mkgmap:street='${name}'}
 # Mark highways with the toll flag
-highway=* & (toll=yes|toll=true) {set mkgmap:toll=yes}
+highway=* & (toll=yes | toll=true) {set mkgmap:toll=yes}
 # mark multipolygons as area
 highway=* & mkgmap:mp_created=true {add area=yes}
 # Hide proposed ways
-(highway=proposed | highway=proposal | highway=planned | highway~'.*proposed.*') {delete highway; delete junction}
+highway=proposed | highway=proposal | highway=planned | highway~'.*proposed.*' {delete highway; delete junction}
 # Hide removed ways
-(highway=razed | highway=dismantled) {deletealltags}
+highway=razed | highway=dismantled {deletealltags}
 # Hide abandoned ways. Abandoned highways have some evidence of their former existence but are no longer used. These
 # abandoned highways could be useful in topographical maps.
 # https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:abandoned:
-((abandoned:highway=* & highway!=*) | highway=abandoned) {deletealltags}
+(abandoned:highway=* & highway!=*) | highway=abandoned {deletealltags}
 # Hide other non-existent ways
-(highway=unbuilt | highway=neverbuilt | highway=rejected | highway~'x-.*') {delete highway; delete junction}
+highway=unbuilt | highway=neverbuilt | highway=rejected | highway~'x-.*' {delete highway; delete junction}
 # Remove highway tag from ways which are not suitable for routing
 highway=traffic_signals | highway=junction | highway=island | highway=centre_line | highway=traffic_island | highway=stopline
     {delete highway}
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 # Hide unaccessible tunnels
 highway=* & tunnel=yes & (access=private | access=no) & foot!=* & bicycle!=* {delete highway; delete junction}
 # Disable dead-end-checks for unaccessible oneways
-highway=* & oneway=yes & (access=private|access=no) {add mkgmap:dead-end-check=false}
+highway=* & oneway=yes & (access=private | access=no) {add mkgmap:dead-end-check=false}
 # Validation-like checks (uncomment to enable)
 #highway=motorway_link & oneway!=yes & oneway!=no {echo "motorway_link lacks oneway"}
 highway=motorway | highway=motorway_link {add oneway=yes; add mkgmap:numbers=false}
@@ -51,21 +51,20 @@
 # motorway_link, trunk_link, primary_link, secondary_link, tertiary_link
 # build destination hint
 mkgmap:dest_hint=* {
-    set dest_hint='${destination:ref|subst: =>} ${mkgmap:dest_hint|subst:;=> |subst:/=> }' |
-                  '${ref|subst: =>} ${mkgmap:dest_hint|subst:;=> |subst:/=> }' |
-                  '${mkgmap:dest_hint|subst:;=> |subst:/=> }';
+    set tmp:dest_hint='${destination:ref|subst: =>} ${mkgmap:dest_hint|subst:;=> |subst:/=> }' |
+                      '${ref|subst: =>} ${mkgmap:dest_hint|subst:;=> |subst:/=> }' |
+                      '${mkgmap:dest_hint|subst:;=> |subst:/=> }';
 # build exit hint
 mkgmap:exit_hint=true {
-    set exit_hint='Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_ref} ${mkgmap:exit_hint_name}' |
-                  'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_ref} ${mkgmap:exit_hint_exit_to}' |
-                  'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_exit_to}' |
-                  'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_name}' |
-                  'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_ref}';
+    set tmp:exit_hint='Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_ref} ${mkgmap:exit_hint_name}' |
+                      'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_ref} ${mkgmap:exit_hint_exit_to}' |
+                      'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_exit_to}' |
+                      'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_name}' |
+                      'Exit ${mkgmap:exit_hint_ref}';
 # use destination hint and/or exit hint to build name
-(mkgmap:exit_hint=true | mkgmap:dest_hint=*) {name '${exit_hint} ${dest_hint}' | '${dest_hint}' | '${exit_hint}'}
+mkgmap:exit_hint=true | mkgmap:dest_hint=* {name '${tmp:exit_hint} ${tmp:dest_hint}' | '${tmp:dest_hint}' | '${tmp:exit_hint}'}
 # end of rules for process-exits and process-destination options
 # Flag paved roads
@@ -100,11 +99,11 @@
     {set mkgmap:road-class=-2; set mkgmap:road-speed=-2; delete mkgmap:fast_road}
 # Convert generic path to most specific
-highway=footway & snowplowing!=no & (bicycle=yes|bicycle=designated|bicycle=permissive|bicycle=official)
+highway=footway & snowplowing!=no & (bicycle=yes | bicycle=designated | bicycle=permissive | bicycle=official)
     {set highway=cycleway; set bicycle=yes; set foot=yes}
-highway=path & snowplowing!=no & (bicycle=designated|bicycle=permissive|bicycle=official)
+highway=path & snowplowing!=no & (bicycle=designated | bicycle=permissive | bicycle=official)
     {set highway=cycleway; set bicycle=yes}
-highway=path & (horse=designated|horse=permissive|horse=official)
+highway=path & (horse=designated | horse=permissive | horse=official)
     {set highway=bridleway; set horse=yes}
 leisure=track & area!=yes {add highway=footway; name '${name} (${sport})' | '${name}'}
@@ -213,9 +212,10 @@
 boundary=national [0x1e resolution 17]
 boundary=political [0x1c resolution 19]
-route=ferry {set mkgmap:numbers=false}
-route=ferry & (motorcar=no | motor_vehicle=no) {add mkgmap:ferry=1} [0x1b road_class=0 road_speed=0 resolution 23]
-route=ferry {add mkgmap:ferry=1} [0x1b road_class=3 road_speed=0 resolution 19]
+route=ferry & (toll=no | toll=false) {set mkgmap:toll=no}
+route=ferry {set mkgmap:numbers=false; set mkgmap:ferry=1; add mkgmap:toll=yes}
+route=ferry & (motorcar=no | motor_vehicle=no) [0x1b road_class=0 road_speed=0 resolution 23]
+route=ferry [0x1b road_class=3 road_speed=0 resolution 19]
 (waterway=river | waterway=canal) & intermittent=yes [0x26 resolution 20]
 (waterway=stream | waterway=drain) & intermittent=yes [0x10A02 resolution 22]
Index: resources/styles/default/points
--- resources/styles/default/points	(revision 4255)
+++ resources/styles/default/points	(working copy)
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@
 internet_access=yes {name 'Internet ${name}' | 'Internet'} [0x2f12 resolution 24 continue]
-internet_access=* & internet_access!=no & internet_access!=yes {name 'Internet(${internet_access}) ${name|def:}'} [0x2f12 resolution 24 continue]
+internet_access=* & internet_access!=no & internet_access!=yes
+    {name 'Internet(${internet_access}) ${name}' | 'Internet(${internet_access})'} [0x2f12 resolution 24 continue]
 (public_transport=platform | highway=bus_stop | railway=tram_stop | railway=halt | railway=station)
     & (ref=* | route_ref=*)
@@ -63,31 +64,31 @@
 include 'inc/name';
-place=city & population > 999999 &               name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0100 resolution 12 continue with_actions]
-place=city & population > 799999 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0200 resolution 14 continue with_actions]
-place=city & population > 399999 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0300 resolution 15 continue with_actions]
-place=city & population > 299999 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0400 resolution 16 continue with_actions]
-place=city & population > 199999 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0500 resolution 16 continue with_actions]
-place=city & population >  99999 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0600 resolution 17 continue with_actions]
-place=city & population >  49999 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0700 resolution 17 continue with_actions]
-place=city & population >   9999 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0800 resolution 18 continue with_actions]
+place=city & population > 999999 &                 name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0100 resolution 12 continue with_actions]
+place=city & population > 799999 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0200 resolution 14 continue with_actions]
+place=city & population > 399999 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0300 resolution 15 continue with_actions]
+place=city & population > 299999 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0400 resolution 16 continue with_actions]
+place=city & population > 199999 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0500 resolution 16 continue with_actions]
+place=city & population >  99999 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0600 resolution 17 continue with_actions]
+place=city & population >  49999 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0700 resolution 17 continue with_actions]
+place=city & population >   9999 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0800 resolution 18 continue with_actions]
-place=city & population >      0 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0800 resolution 18 continue with_actions]
-place=city                       & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0700 resolution 18 continue with_actions]
+place=city & population >      0 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0800 resolution 18 continue with_actions]
+place=city                       & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0700 resolution 18 continue with_actions]
-place=town & population >  69999 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0600 resolution 17 continue with_actions]
-place=town & population >  19999 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0700 resolution 18 continue with_actions]
-place=town & population >   9999 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0800 resolution 19 continue with_actions]
-place=town & population >   4999 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0900 resolution 19 continue with_actions]
-place=town & population >    999 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0a00 resolution 19 continue with_actions]
-place=town & population >      0 & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0b00 resolution 20 continue with_actions]
-place=town                       & cityxx!=yes & name=* {set cityxx=yes} [0x0800 resolution 19 continue with_actions]
+place=town & population >  69999 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0600 resolution 17 continue with_actions]
+place=town & population >  19999 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0700 resolution 18 continue with_actions]
+place=town & population >   9999 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0800 resolution 19 continue with_actions]
+place=town & population >   4999 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0900 resolution 19 continue with_actions]
+place=town & population >    999 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0a00 resolution 19 continue with_actions]
+place=town & population >      0 & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0b00 resolution 20 continue with_actions]
+place=town                       & tmp:city!=yes & name=* {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0800 resolution 19 continue with_actions]
-place=island                     & cityxx!=yes          {set cityxx=yes} [0x650c resolution 20 continue with_actions]
-place=islet                      & cityxx!=yes          {set cityxx=yes} [0x650c resolution 22 continue with_actions]
-place=village                    & cityxx!=yes          {set cityxx=yes} [0x0900 resolution 22 continue with_actions]
-place=suburb                     & cityxx!=yes          {set cityxx=yes} [0x0a00 resolution 22 continue with_actions]
-place=hamlet                     & cityxx!=yes          {set cityxx=yes} [0x0b00 resolution 24 continue with_actions]
+place=island                     & tmp:city!=yes          {set tmp:city=yes} [0x650c resolution 20 continue with_actions]
+place=islet                      & tmp:city!=yes          {set tmp:city=yes} [0x650c resolution 22 continue with_actions]
+place=village                    & tmp:city!=yes          {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0900 resolution 22 continue with_actions]
+place=suburb                     & tmp:city!=yes          {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0a00 resolution 22 continue with_actions]
+place=hamlet                     & tmp:city!=yes          {set tmp:city=yes} [0x0b00 resolution 24 continue with_actions]
 #aeroway=airport [0x5900 resolution 22]
 aeroway=airport [0x2f04 resolution 22]
@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@
 amenity=car_sharing [0x2f02 resolution 24]
 amenity=car_wash [0x2f0e resolution 24]
 amenity=casino [0x2d04 resolution 24]
+amenity=charging_station [0x2f01 resolution 24 default_name 'Car charging']
 amenity=cinema [0x2d03 resolution 24]
 amenity=college [0x2c05 resolution 24]
 amenity=concert_hall [0x2c09 resolution 24]
@@ -117,18 +119,22 @@
 amenity=community_center [0x3005 resolution 24]
 amenity=courthouse [0x3004 resolution 24]
 amenity=drinking_water [0x5000 resolution 24 default_name 'Water']
-amenity=embassy & country=* {set name='${country} ${name|def:}'} [0x3003 resolution 24]
+amenity=embassy & country=* {set name='${country} ${name|def:Embassy}'} [0x3003 resolution 24]
 amenity=embassy & country!=* [0x3003 resolution 24 default_name 'Embassy']
 amenity=emergency_phone [0x2f12 resolution 24 default_name 'Emergency Phone']
 amenity=ferry_terminal [0x2f08 resolution 22]
 amenity=fast_food & cuisine=grill [0x2a03 resolution 24]
-amenity=fast_food & cuisine ~ '.*pizza.*' [0x2a0a resolution 24]
+amenity=fast_food & cuisine~'.*pizza.*' [0x2a0a resolution 24]
+amenity=fast_food & cuisine=* {add name='${cuisine|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x2a07 resolution 24]
 amenity=fast_food [0x2a07 resolution 24]
 amenity=fire_station [0x3008 resolution 24]
 amenity=food_court [0x2a13 resolution 24]
 amenity=fuel & fuel:HGV_diesel=yes [0x2f16 resolution 23]
 amenity=fuel & shop=convenience [0x2e06 resolution 24]
 amenity=fuel [0x2f01 resolution 24]
+amenity=grave_yard | amenity=crematorium [0x6403 resolution 24]
 amenity=kindergarten [0x2c05 resolution 24]
 amenity=library [0x2c03 resolution 24]
 amenity=nightclub [0x2d02 resolution 24]
@@ -137,22 +143,26 @@
 amenity=pharmacy [0x2e05 resolution 24]
 amenity=place_of_worship [0x2c0b resolution 24]
 amenity=police [0x3001 resolution 24]
+amenity=post_box [0x2f15 resolution 24 default_name 'Post box']
 amenity=post_office [0x2f05 resolution 24]
-amenity=prison [0x3007 resolution 24]
+amenity=prison [0x3007 resolution 24 default_name 'Prison']
 amenity=pub [0x2d02 resolution 24]
 amenity=public_building [0x3007 resolution 24]
-amenity=recycling [0x2f15 resolution 24]
+amenity=recycling [0x2f15 resolution 24 default_name 'Recycling']
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=american [0x2a01 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=asian [0x2a02 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=bagel [0x2a0d resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=barbecue [0x2a03 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=british [0x2a11 resolution 24]
-amenity=restaurant & cuisine='cafe/diner' [0x2a0e resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=chinese [0x2a04 resolution 24]
+amenity=restaurant & cuisine=curry [0x2a02 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=deli [0x2a05 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=french [0x2a0f resolution 24]
+amenity=restaurant & cuisine=fish_and_chips [0x2a11 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & (cuisine=german | cuisine=bavarian) [0x2a10 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=grill [0x2a03 resolution 24]
+amenity=restaurant & cuisine=indian [0x2a02 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=international [0x2a06 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=italian [0x2a08 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=japanese [0x2a02 resolution 24]
@@ -160,12 +170,15 @@
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=mexican [0x2a09 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine~'.*pizza.*' [0x2a0a resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=sea_food [0x2a0b resolution 24]
+# often "seafood" is used instead of official tag "sea_food"
+amenity=restaurant & cuisine=seafood [0x2a0b resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=spanish [0x2a09 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=speciality [0x2a12 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=steak [0x2a0c resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant & cuisine=thai [0x2a02 resolution 24]
-amenity=restaurant & cuisine=* [0x2a13 resolution 24]
+amenity=restaurant & cuisine=* {add name='${cuisine|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x2a13 resolution 24]
 amenity=restaurant [0x2a00 resolution 24]
 amenity=school [0x2c05 resolution 24]
 # amenity=shelter is ambiguous; when possible, consider using other tags:
 #  tourism=lean_to or tourism=picnic_site
@@ -205,10 +218,11 @@
 leisure=nature_reserve & name=* [0x6612 resolution 24]
 leisure=park [0x2c06 resolution 24]
 leisure=pitch {name '${name} (${sport})' | '${name}'} [0x2c08 resolution 24]
-leisure=playground [0x2c06 resolution 24]
-leisure=recreation_ground [0x2c08 resolution 24]
+leisure=playground [0x2c06 resolution 24 default_name 'Playground']
+leisure=recreation_ground [0x2c08 resolution 24 default_name 'Rec.']
 leisure=sports_center | leisure=sports_centre {name '${name} (${sport})' | '${name}'} [0x2d0a resolution 24]
 leisure=stadium {name '${name} (${sport})' | '${name}'} [0x2c08 resolution 24]
+leisure=swimming_pool [0x2d09 resolution 24]
 leisure=track {name '${name} (${sport})' | '${name}'} [0x2c08 resolution 24]
 leisure=water_park [0x2d09 resolution 24]
@@ -257,7 +271,7 @@
 shop=supermarket [0x2e02 resolution 24]
 shop=tires [0x2f07 resolution 24]
 shop=tyres [0x2f07 resolution 24]
-shop=* & shop!=no & shop!=none [0x2e0c resolution 24]
+shop=* & shop!=no & shop!=none {add name='${shop|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x2e0c resolution 24]
 sport=9pin [0x2d07 resolution 24]
 sport=10pin | leisure=bowling_alley [0x2d07 resolution 24]
@@ -272,6 +286,7 @@
 tourism=attraction [0x2c04 resolution 24]
 tourism=artwork [0x2c04 resolution 24]
 tourism=aquarium [0x2c07 resolution 24]
+tourism=bed_and_breakfast [0x2b02 resolution 24]
 tourism=camp_site [0x2b05 resolution 24]
 tourism=caravan_site [0x2b05 resolution 24]
 tourism=chalet [0x2b02 resolution 24]
@@ -288,11 +303,13 @@
 tourism=viewpoint {name '${name} - ${description}' | '${name}'} [0x2c04 resolution 24]
 tourism=wine_cellar [0x2c0a resolution 24]
 tourism=zoo [0x2c07 resolution 24]
+tourism=* & tourism!=yes & tourism!=no {add name='${tourism|subst:"_=> "}'}
+tourism=* & tourism!=no [0x2c0d resolution 24]
 barrier=bollard | barrier=bus_trap | barrier=gate [0x660f resolution 24]
 barrier=block | barrier=cycle_barrier | barrier=stile | barrier=kissing_gate [0x660f resolution 24]
-landuse=basin|landuse=reservoir [0x650f resolution 24]
+landuse=basin | landuse=reservoir [0x650f resolution 24]
 natural=beach [0x6604 resolution 24]
 natural=glacier [0x650a resolution 24]
Index: resources/styles/default/polygons
--- resources/styles/default/polygons	(revision 4255)
+++ resources/styles/default/polygons	(working copy)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 aeroway=airport [0x07 resolution 20]
 aeroway=aerodrome [0x07 resolution 20]
 aeroway=runway {name '${ref}'} [0x0e resolution 20]
-(aeroway=taxiway | aeroway=taxilane) {name '${ref}'} [0x0e resolution 24]
+aeroway=taxiway | aeroway=taxilane {name '${ref}'} [0x0e resolution 24]
 aeroway=heliport [0x07 resolution 20]
 aeroway=helipad [0x0e resolution 22]
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 place=village [0x03 resolution 19]
-shop=* [0x08 resolution 22]
+shop=* {add name='${shop|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x08 resolution 22]
 # squares and plazas
 highway=pedestrian & (area=yes | mkgmap:mp_created=true) [0x17 resolution 22]
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 historic=archaeological_site | historic=ruins [0x1e resolution 21]
 landuse=basin [0x3f resolution 20]
-(landuse=reservoir | (natural=water & water=reservoir)) [0x3f resolution 20]
+landuse=reservoir | (natural=water & water=reservoir) [0x3f resolution 20]
 natural=bay [0x3d resolution 18]
 natural=glacier [0x4d resolution 18]
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@
 waterway=riverbank [0x46 resolution 20]
 landuse=allotments [0x4e resolution 21]
-landuse=cemetery|landuse=cemetary|amenity=grave_yard [0x1a resolution 21]
+landuse=cemetery | landuse=cemetary | amenity=grave_yard [0x1a resolution 21]
 landuse=commercial [0x0c resolution 19]
 landuse=construction [0x0c resolution 21]
-landuse=farm |landuse=farmland [0x4e resolution 20]
+landuse=farm | landuse=farmland [0x4e resolution 20]
 landuse=farmyard [0x10 resolution 22]
-landuse=forest|landuse=wood [0x50 resolution 20]
+landuse=forest | landuse=wood [0x50 resolution 20]
 landuse=greenfield [0x17 resolution 20]
 landuse=meadow | landuse=grass [0x17 resolution 19]
 landuse=military [0x04 resolution 19]
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
 landuse=quarry [0x0c resolution 19]
 landuse=recreation_ground [0x19 resolution 19]
 # dedicate resolution 24 for building=* instead of related landuse=*
-landuse=industrial [0x0c resolution 23-19]
-landuse=residential [0x10 resolution 23-19]
-landuse=retail [0x08 resolution 23-20]
+landuse=industrial [0x0c resolution 19-23]
+landuse=residential [0x10 resolution 19-23]
+landuse=retail [0x08 resolution 20-23]
 landuse=village_green [0x17 resolution 20]
 landuse=vineyard [0x4e resolution 20]
 landuse=orchard [0x4e resolution 20]
@@ -105,15 +105,17 @@
 natural=wood [0x50 resolution 20]
 # building tag should be last
-(building=* | amenity=*) & area!=no & amenity!=grave_yard [0x13 resolution 24]
-tourism=* & area!=no & waterway!=* [0x1f resolution 24]
+amenity=* & area!=no & amenity!=grave_yard {add name='${amenity|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x13 resolution 24]
+building=* & building!=no [0x13 resolution 24]
+tourism=* & area!=no & waterway!=* {add name='${tourism|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x1f resolution 24]
 # man_made can be used on areas or lines
 man_made=* & area!=no & (
     man_made!=door & man_made!=embankment & man_made!=breakwater & man_made!=cable_line & man_made!=cutline &
     man_made!=cutting & man_made!=levee & man_made!=trench & man_made!=groyne & man_made!=reinforced_slope)
-    [0x13 resolution 24]
+    {add name='${man_made|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x13 resolution 24]
-man_made=* & area=yes [0x13 resolution 24]
+man_made=* & area=yes {add name='${man_made|subst:"_=> "}'} [0x13 resolution 24]
 # render small named islands
 place=island & name=* & area_size() < 1000000 [0x53 resolution 19]
@@ -122,7 +124,7 @@
 # The finalizer section is executed for each element when a rule with an element type matches
-# we need addrees info from buildings for the address search
+# we need address info from buildings for the address search
 include 'inc/address';
 name=* {name '${name}'}
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