
The idea of the transparent polygon is to give a name to an area
without disrupting the rendering of other features in the same area.
The method of seeing this name is device dependent, but, on some,
clicking on the area gives a list of the names of all polygons the
cursor is within.

Using a low _drawOrder is not a good solution. It doesn't work for
transparent maps and, for non-transparent maps, it needs to be lower
than all other features, not just sea.

The typeCode for Bay could be changed from 0x3d which is considered to
be 'Lake' to something else, but this doesn't make much difference and
just disrupts everyone who uses the default style with their own .typ
or visa-versa.


On Sun, 2019-12-15 at 16:07 +0100, David wrote:
> Hi DD8K,
> Using a transparent polygon just to display a POI is a solution but
> there might be another one. Is it possible to play with a rule in
> polygons and points style files and, perhaps, in combination with
> pois-to-areas-placement ?
> 0x3d seems to be for large lake (77-250 km2) as for Garmin map
> Europe. 
> 0x3b and 0x45 are defined as blue-unknown in cgpsmapper doc. Both are
> the limits of lake types range [0x3c 0x44]. There is also 0x29 blue
> -unknown between ocean and sea types.
> For bay, the POI type is 0x6503. 
> David
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