Hi Gerd,
I will try the --dem-poly Option this evening and will Report ...
From: Gerd Petermann <gpetermann_muenc...@hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2020 9:37:43 AM
To: Karl-Heinz Kühnlein <kalle_kuehnl...@hotmail.com>; 
mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk <mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk>
Subject: AW: [mkgmap-dev] Elevation data just partially accessable by Basecamp

Hi Kalle,

I really don't know. I use a very similar batch file to create my map in gmapi 
format and I don't see these errros with my map.
I can reproduce it with your gmapi.
In my batch file I have
set demOpts=--dem=f:\srtm3_1_zip,f:\srtm3_1_comp,f:\srtm3_zip,f:\srtm3 
--dem-poly=map.poly --dem-dists=4518 --dem-interpolation=bilinear 

Interesting candidates are --overview-dem-dist and --dem-poly. If this doesn't 
help I'll try to reproduce with your options...


Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-boun...@lists.mkgmap.org.uk> im Auftrag von 
Karl-Heinz Kühnlein <kalle_kuehnl...@hotmail.com>
Gesendet: Freitag, 10. Januar 2020 09:09
An: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Elevation data just partially accessable      by      

Good Morning Gerd,

thank you very much for your fast response. The gmapi format was created just 
by replacing the option --gmapsupp by --gmap in the script. All other options 
remain the same.

The point I do not understand is: Why does same data, same generation process 
works fine when generating an image format (--gmapsupp) but not when generating 
a gmapi format (--gmap). Is there a difference in indexing the DEM tiles on 
both formats which could cause this issue? What confuses Basecamp (and me) to 
correctly show Hill Shading and 3D View on gmapi format but no elevation data 
at cursor position and no adding of elevation data to created track points?

DEM tiles were calculated during generation by mkgmap. And yes, their 
boundaries do not match exactly those of the other tiles. But even this works 
fine with image format but not with gmapi format. And even with some missing 
HGT data theses areas just have an elevation of 0 on image format.

Thanks for any advice

Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-boun...@lists.mkgmap.org.uk> im Auftrag von Gerd 
Petermann <gpetermann_muenc...@hotmail.com>
Gesendet: Freitag, 10. Januar 2020 06:07
An: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk <mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk>
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Elevation data just partially accessable by Basecamp

Hi Kalle,

welcome to the list!
Your *.bat doesn't show how you create the gmapi format. If you just add 
--gmapi to the options in 02_run_mkgmap.bat  I see no reason for a problem 
presuming that all *.hgt files are found.
You describe a problem that I've only seen when DEM tiles are calculated 
separately, so that the tile boundaries don't match those of the other map 

Does that help?


Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-boun...@lists.mkgmap.org.uk> im Auftrag von 
Karl-Heinz Kühnlein <kalle_kuehnl...@hotmail.com>
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 9. Januar 2020 23:52
An: mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk
Betreff: [mkgmap-dev] Elevation data just partially accessable by Basecamp

Hi all,

I recently tried to add DEM data to my OSM maps for Garmin. At a first look all 
was fine, hill shading and 3D viewing was amazing in any case. Then I had 
issues that Basecamp (4.7.1) can only access elevation data when the map is on 
an USB stick as an image. Here elevation data is display besides the Lat/Lon 
for the coursor position and created tracks have elevation data.
When I generate these maps in .gmap format or install (large) maps by registry 
(gmaptool 0973) the DEM data seems to be included in the map, because Hill 
Shading as well as 3D Viewing works fine, but in Basecamp created tracks do not 
have elevation information and the coursor position (bottom left corner) shows 
only Lat/Lon but no elevation.

I created a small map (50 km radius) to figure out working with DEM data. This 
map works well on USB stick as image and even when installed by registry. When 
generated  in .gmap format it shows the mentioned issues.

I also created larger maps (whole Germany, whole Alps) which only worked with 
full access to elevation data on USB stick, coursor elevation displayed and 
track elevation data included. But same issue when installed by registry or 
.gmap format.

What's wrong here? Are there size limitations for DEM data? Is there a 
difference between image on USB and the other installation options?

Thank you for any hint to solve this issue and by the way for your great job on 
developing this software!

Kind Regards

Environment: mkgmap 4398, Basecamp 4.7.1
mkgmap options:  fly-for-fun.de/mkgm1267/02_run_mkgmap.bat
style/typ:           fly-for-fun.de/mkgm1267/kk-style.7z
maps:           fly-for-fun.de/mkgm1267/KK_MiFra_DEM.gmap.7z

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