Hi Ticker,
the speed used for routing depends also on your device.
For road_speed 7, I detected 112 km/h on an Oregon 600, and 132 km/h on
an Oregon 400.
For more details, see my old post on that topic at

Kind regards,

Am 09.07.2020 um 13:41 schrieb Ticker Berkin:
Hi all

I'm not too fussed about maxspeed:practical; there were no examples in
the British Isles. Comments from other people suggest it is used widely
elsewhere and would be useful.

The motorway rule is for completeness. It might improve travel time
estimation but I've no idea what Garmin uses as the driving speed for
road_speed 7/unlimited; maybe it knows about national speed limits.


On Thu, 2020-07-09 at 10:16 +0000, Gerd Petermann wrote:
Hi all,

reg. maxspeed:practical  I think we should not use disputed tags in
preference to well established tags in the default style.
reg. maxspeed:advisory: I see no problem with that.

What's the purpose of this rule? Is it meant to improve travel time
highway=motorway & maxspeed!=* & mkgmap:road-speed-max!=* &
mkgmap:country!=DEU {set mkgmap:road-speed-max=6}


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