Hi Andrew

When you say you can't find cities, do you get a good list of nearby
cities from the Find>Cities menu entry, and if you change this to
search-by-name, can you find all that you'd expect (ie non-basemap

When using Find>Address, do you get a sensible Country or Region list
in the initial selection field, and have selected something, do you get
 a list of Cities in the City selection field, similarly for Street. On
my device I need to clear the house number field to get from this point
to the list of addresses that I can then select (because most of my
addresses don't have housenumbers)

I see references to postal_code in your bounds processing. I don't
think you are going to get anything sensible to happen by default
relating to Canadian postcodes; I think Garmin ZipCode handling only
deals with numerics.

Unrelated suggestions are:

 Get the splitter to generate useful tile names with the 
 --geonames-file=... option.

 Use these by having -c template.args rather than *.osm.pbf

 Have the global --description at the end, after the above.

 Beware of --split-name-index.

 --link-pois-to-ways is a good option.

 --code-page=1252 if you need French names with accents.

See {mkgmap-rel}/examples/sample.cfg


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