Hi Randolph

Some comments, embedded, on your changes.

On Mon, 2020-07-27 at 18:28 -0500, Randolph J. Herber wrote:
> In case that I grabbed points and polygons files that I had already 
> modified, I included both before and after versions as well as a
> patch 
> file for each.

Sometimes your supplied file doesn't match the diffs, which don't seem
to be against the most recent default style.

> I never really liked the cities, towns, villages, suburbs, and
> hamlets 
> handling. Now, they are by size only. In the USA, the difference has 
> more to do with legal privileges than anything else. There are such 
> entities with populations over 20 million: Shanghai, Beijing and
> Lagos 
> and there are extant entities with names and no recorded population. 
> They are often called ghost towns. In some states, they even have
> legal 
> protection.

I haven't found the existing city/town/village/suburb/hamlet rules a
particular problem and it is all a bit arbitrary especially as "Find" >
"Cities" doesn't differentiate between the codes. However your solution
relies on the population tag being set and it frequently isn't.

I don't like the way you've moved pizza forward a long way in the file,
before many of the 'continue' rules and away from the food section.
pizza already uses a different type (0x2a0b) from italian (0x2a08);
your changes to the rules say, in a slightly convoluted way, that the
fast_food tag is ignored for pizza. Also, if there are different
capitalization of pizza in  ~".*pizza.*", there is a method of doing a
case-insensitive match.

> I wanted to break out places of worship by religion for at least some
> of 
> the major religions. I can supply icons for them.  Making icons is
> easy 
> for me.
> amenity=place_of_worship & religion=christian     [0x2c0e resolution
> 24]
> amenity=place_of_worship & religion=muslim    [0x2c0d resolution 24]
> amenity=place_of_worship & religion=jewish     [0x2c10 resolution 24]
> amenity=place_of_worship & religion=buddhist    [0x2c0f resolution
> 24]
> amenity=place_of_worship & religion=hindu    [0x2c1f resolution 24]
> amenity=place_of_worship & religion=bahai    [0x2c1e resolution 24]
> amenity=place_of_worship             [0x2c0b resolution 24]
> Therefore, I changed the code in this line to move that item out of
> the 
> block of codes that I am using.

Newer devices do support 0x2c0d .. 0x2c0f in the way you've specified,
but I've not see use of 0x2c1e or 0x2c1f and they may not be found
under "Community" > "Place of Worship". If these haven't been
sanctioned by Garmin it is possible they will use these codes for some
other purpose in the future.

> tourism=* & tourism!=no & tmp:stopMopUp!=yes [0x2f00 resolution 24]

You've changed the code for unspecified tourism from 0x2c0d (which is
now a mistake because Garmin had now used this code - see above - and I
don't know why I didn't spot this and change it) to 0x2f00
(Find>Other). 0x2c00 (Find>Attraction) might be a better choice.

Some of your food changes are wrong:
0x2a04 is Chinese and you've used it for Chicken.
I think that tagging an establishment with cuisine=fast_food should
generally make it findable with "Food and Drink" > "Fast Food"

> I used Wolfram Mathematica (mostly, just because it was convenient)
> to 
> process the style files and some lists from the Maps Tool Kit to see 
> what codes are available and which mkgmap style files were using. I 
> attached that file as well in case it may be of use to you.
> I separated prisons and military areas in both points and polygons.

You've used 0x14 for prison; The default name/colour for this is
Park/Green and some systems expand on this to be "National Park". I'd
recommend 0x27 which, without a TYP file, is an Area/Pale.


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