
Some more answers embedded

On Thu, 2020-10-15 at 22:01 +0200, 7770 wrote:
> Hi!
> Thanks for answers.
> --add-pois-to-areas helped to achieve a map to display an icon on
> some types 
> of areas, such as parking lots. Thanks for hints.
> About the mapnik TYP file which is included in mkgmap.
> in the [_drawOrder] section types seems to be 
> prefixed with an extra zero, say 0x03d, but later the same type is
> given as 
> 0x3d.
> Is there a reason for that, or can i just as well change the numbers
> and 
> remove the extra zero?

Some of the dedicated TYP editors reformat the file and one puts in
these leading zeros. They do no harm but make file file more difficult
to search. I'd recommend not making global changes at the same time as
significant changes so that the diff/patch is small and clearly shows
what you intend

> In the TYP file, i am considering adding swedish names, which i hope
> to post 
> later when done if you think it is of help.
> Swedish has a string code 0x07 (iirc), but may i choose StringN where
> N is a 
> number freely from one not yet taken?

Yes - add swedish (is 0x07), you can use any StringN - mkgmap doesn't
> I tried mapping aerialways to railroad, that was the best i could
> think of. 
> They do work in similar way, there is a fixed infrastructure, often
> with fixed 
> entry and exit points, cars can usually not route, but pedestrians
> may.
> On land i guess that typically one cannot cross the rail at any
> point, but it 
> is often possible under the aerialway.
> This seems to work and is a possible addition in lines file, just
> after railway 
> (after line 236):
> # Add ski lifts and alike
> aerialway=* {add name='Aerialway ${name} (${aerialway})' | 'Aerialway
> ($
> {aerialway})' } [0x14 resolution 22]

I consider aerielways closer to footways or pedestrian ferries because
they are point-to-point and can be used in a route.

I have this in my style:
aerialway=cable_car | aerialway=gondola | railway=funicular {
    add aerialway=funicular;  # for following
    add name='${aerialway|subst:"_=> "}';
    add vehicle=no;
    set mkgmap:toll='${toll}' | '${fee}' | yes;
    set mkgmap:ferry=yes;
    set mkgmap:numbers=false;
    } [0x2f road_class=0 road_speed=1 resolution 22]

I set ferry as I hopes it stops "closest way" to start/end of route.  
0x2f is considered by BaseCamp to be "Cable Car"; other Garmin software
might have a different interpretation.

> An off topic question, i noted that on GPSMAP 66st the fuel stations 
> (amenity=fuel) never show up earlier than if zooming in to 80 m or
> closer 
> which is rather inconvenient when driving and looking at the map to
> locate a 
> fuel station.
> It does not help to set the device to show more or most details, nor
> to change 
> the resolution while compiling the maps. Is there some way to force
> some types 
> to show earlier?

Not that I know of. You could try putting out another POI that shows at
a lower resolution, but you'd have to experiment with your particular
device. Assuming you need fuel to be findable, consider something like:

amenity=fuel [0x2f01 resolution 23] [0x230f resolution 20-22]

I've not tried this, but 0x230f shows as a fuel pump on one of my
devices at this resolution 

> As a note, on a etrex vista hcx the fuel stations show earlier if i
> changed 
> the resolution.
> Regards
> Karl

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