
I'm trying to improve routing for my bicycle and the oneway allowed for 
bicycles by using the --make-opposite-cycleway option
But I was wondering what the criteria are for creating such extra cycleways.
I have read some earlier posts an 'll found Gerd's  comments on 

But the manual does not state what is actually implemented. Is there some more 
documentation somewhere?

As far as I understand now

  *   Only if a highway has oneway=yes AND (some variants of oneway:bicycle = 
no) then
  *   Mkgmap will create an extra highway line with (mkgmap:synthesised = yes)
  *   Within my style file I'll pick up the mkgmap:synthesised=yes and assign 
an "invisible overlay routeable highway" line and then
     *   Remove the oneway-tag (which applies to cars)
     *   set mkgmap:bicycle/foot=yes
     *   set mkgmap:car/hgv/bus/delivery=no

Is that correct?
Thx for helping me out

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Joris Bo

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