Hi all

I've been testing the effect of the DIR flag (0x40) in various ways:

GPSMapEdit: shows a direction arrow on all standard line types. It
appears not to read this flag for extended line types, but, if set
manually, show an arrow on these as well.

eTrex HCx: For all line types, including extended, when hovering over
the line, appends " (DIR)" to the name, where DIR is N, NE, E etc. It
does this regardless of any TYP representation of the line. eg
"Newburgh Street (W)".

eTrex 30x: Like above, but I don't think it shows (DIR) for extended

Basecamp & Mapsource: Having the flag set makes no visible difference.
There seems to be no way of interrogating road/line properties.

I've not found any ill-effects of setting the DIR flag for extended

I'm currently messing with TYP files and code to see if there is some
combination where Garmin device/program will pick up a different
[_line] definition if the dir flag is set.


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