Hi Gerd

Here are the bits I used to investigate case strangeness

The 2 tiles can be extracted from Hampshire, England, Great-Britain
etc with the attached split-list. I can upload them if you want

The style is "default" with additions at end of points & lines to
rename "Upton" to "wherWell" and a slight mod to inc/address
 - diff attached.

Command is:
$ java -ea -jar ../mkgmap-r4810/mkgmap.jar --add-pois-to-areas \
  --bounds=../bounds.zip --code-page=1252 --gmapi --gmapsupp --index \
  --location-autofill=is_in,nearest --lower-case \
  --preserve-element-order --route --style-file=tstStyle 
  -c template.args 

--route was needed for Find > Address to show in MapSource and to work
in BaseCamp.

Resultant behaviour from Find > Address:

BaseCamp 4.7.4. 
City field allows "Wherwell" or "wherwell" (NB not "wherWell"), Streets
in either city can be found regardless of which version is entered, but
if the street is in the top tile the city is shown as "Wherwell" (even
if in "wherwell"=="Upton"). City for Streets in the lower tile show as

MapSource 6.16.3
The Street must be chosen first. Only "wherwell" is accepted in the
City field. The results show "Wherwell"/"wherwell" according to the
tile, as above.

eTrex HCx
The City field can be set to "Wherwell" or "wherWell". If "Wherwell"
then can find streets in the top tile, if "wherWell" then the bottom

Sample Streets:
Name            In              HCx find>city necessary
Alma Lane       Upton           wherWell
Baybridge Lane  Upton           Wherwell
Beech Grove     Wherwell        Wherwell 
Belmore         Upton           Wherwell
Chant Close     Wherwell        Wherwell
Bigpath Lane    Upton           Either as crosses tile 
Church Street   Both            Either, finds expected one


On Tue, 2021-11-23 at 11:03 +0000, Ticker Berkin wrote:
> Hi Gerd
> I'm not ignoring this, but trying to put the essence of my renames
> into
> the default style and testing with a r4810 and --lower-case I find
> MapSource isn't giving me a Find > Address option and BaseCamp
> doesn't
> find any streets and once said "Doesn't support Address Search"
> So I'll try and pin down what makes it fail totally.
> Ticker
> On Mon, 2021-11-22 at 15:27 +0000, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> > Hi Ticker,
> > 
> > the results probably depend on the way how you "renamed a city".
> > You
> > may only rename a single POI or also the data in the bounds.zip or
> > maybe also addr:city=Upton etc.
> > That's why I keep asking for demo data to reproduce your results.
> > Testing this stuff is quite complex and error prone and thus we
> > should try to have common input files to be able to verify our
> > results.
> > 
> > Gerd
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diff -r resources/styles/default/inc/address ../../tstMisc/tstStyle/inc/address
> mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level10=* { set mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:admin_level10|subst:" CP=>"}' } 
> mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level9=* { set mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:admin_level9}' } 
< mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level9=* { set mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:admin_level9}' } 
< mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level10=* { set mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:admin_level10}' } 
> mkgmap:city!=* & mkgmap:admin_level6=* { set mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:admin_level6}' } 
diff -r resources/styles/default/lines ../../tstMisc/tstStyle/lines
> #RWB xxNov21 to test some address/city case significance, move rename/duplicate some details %%%
> mkgmap:city=Wherwell & highway=* & name=*
>    {echotags 'hwRealWw'}
> #   {set mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:city|highway-symbol:"box"}'; echotags 'hwRealWwBox'}
> mkgmap:city=Upham & highway=* & name=*
>    {set mkgmap:city=wherWell; echotags 'hwUp2wW'}
> #   {set mkgmap:city=Wherwell; set mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:city|highway-symbol:"hbox"}'; echotags 'hwUp2WwBox'}
> #mkgmap:city=Ropley
> #   {set mkgmap:region=hampShire}
diff -r resources/styles/default/points ../../tstMisc/tstStyle/points
> #RWB xxNov21 to test some address/city case significance, move rename/duplicate some details %%%
> name=Upham & place=*
>    {set name=wherWell; set mkgmap:city='${name}'; set mkgmap:label:1='${name}'; echotags 'plUp2wW'}
> #   {set mkgmap:city=Wherwell; set mkgmap:city='${mkgmap:city|highway-symbol:"oval"}'; set mkgmap:label:1='${mkgmap:city}'; echotags 'plUp2wWbox'}
> #mkgmap:city=Ropley
> #   {set mkgmap:region=hampShire}
# make a single map from bit N of Winchester to Newport IOW
#74210001: 2362592,-71808 to 2389984,-47168
#74210001 (50.69572448730469,-1.54083251953125) to 
#74210001: 2362592,-73088 to 2389984,-50304
# maybe, to do better testing, split into 2 maps 
74210001: 2362592,-73088 to 2376288,-50304
74210002: 2376288,-73088 to 2389984,-50304
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