I create a separate line for national and regional walking and cycling
routes, thus the name of the route doesn't need to go in the road name. I do
have quite complex rules to handle this as I have national routes in one
colour, cycling in another and alternating where there are both, and these
are shown outside the roads, so I have different width ones for different
road classes and for different resolutions. My lowest level of resolution
just shows national walking routes and motorways.

A snippet from the lines file...

# national and regional hiking and cycling routes
nationalhikingroute=yes {name '${nwrn}'} [0x11803 resolution 14-15 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes {name '${nrn}'} [0x11800
resolution 16-18 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & nationalhikingroute=yes {name '${nrn}'} [0x11801
resolution 16-18 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & nationalhikingroute=yes {name '${nrn}'} [0x11802
resolution 16-18 continue]
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & nationalhikingroute=yes {name '${nrn}'} [0x11803
resolution 16-18 continue]

nationalbicycleroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes &
regionalhikingroute!=yes {name '${rn}'} [0x11800 resolution 19-20 continue]
regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
nationalhikingroute!=yes & regionalhikingroute!=yes {name '${rn}'} [0x11805
resolution 19-20 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & (nationalhikingroute=yes |
regionalhikingroute=yes) {name '${rn}'} [0x11801 resolution 19-20 continue]
regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
(nationalhikingroute=yes | regionalhikingroute=yes) {name '${rn}'} [0x11806
resolution 19-20 continue]
nationalhikingroute=yes & (nationalbicycleroute=yes |
regionalbicycleroute=yes) {name '${rn}'} [0x11802 resolution 19-20 continue]
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes &
(nationalbicycleroute=yes | regionalbicycleroute=yes) {name '${rn}'}
[0x11807 resolution 19-20 continue]
nationalhikingroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
regionalbicycleroute!=yes {name '${rn}'} [0x11803 resolution 19-20 continue]
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes &
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & regionalbicycleroute!=yes {name '${rn}'}
[0x11808 resolution 19-20 continue]

nationalbicycleroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes &
regionalhikingroute!=yes & tunnel!=* & bridge!=* & (highway!=* |
highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps | highway=cycleway |
highway=bridleway | highway=track) { name '${rn}' } [0x10010 resolution 21
nationalbicycleroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes &
regionalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & (highway=path
| highway=footway | highway=steps | highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway |
highway=track) { name '${rn}' } [0x10010 resolution 21-21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes &
regionalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & (highway=path
| highway=footway | highway=steps | highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway |
highway=track) { name '${rn}' } [0x10011 resolution 22 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes &
regionalhikingroute!=yes & tunnel!=* & bridge!=* & highway=* & highway!=path
& highway!=footway & highway!=steps & highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway
& highway!=track { name '${rn}' } [0x10012 resolution 21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes &
regionalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & highway!=path
& highway!=footway & highway!=steps & highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway
& highway!=track { name '${rn}' } [0x10012 resolution 21-21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes &
regionalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & highway!=path
& highway!=footway & highway!=steps & highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway
& highway!=track { name '${rn}' } [0x10013 resolution 22 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & (nationalhikingroute=yes |
regionalhikingroute=yes) & tunnel!=* & bridge!=* & (highway!=* |
highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps | highway=cycleway |
highway=bridleway | highway=track) [0x10014 resolution 21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & (nationalhikingroute=yes |
regionalhikingroute=yes) & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & (highway=path
| highway=footway | highway=steps | highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway |
highway=track) [0x10014 resolution 21-21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & (nationalhikingroute=yes |
regionalhikingroute=yes) & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & (highway=path
| highway=footway | highway=steps | highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway |
highway=track) [0x10015 resolution 22 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & (nationalhikingroute=yes |
regionalhikingroute=yes) & tunnel!=* & bridge!=* & highway=* & highway!=path
& highway!=footway & highway!=steps & highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway
& highway!=track [0x10016 resolution 21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & (nationalhikingroute=yes |
regionalhikingroute=yes) & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & highway!=path
& highway!=footway & highway!=steps & highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway
& highway!=track [0x10016 resolution 21-21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute=yes & (nationalhikingroute=yes |
regionalhikingroute=yes) & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & highway!=path
& highway!=footway & highway!=steps & highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway
& highway!=track [0x10017 resolution 22 continue]
(nationalbicycleroute=yes | regionalbicycleroute=yes) &
nationalhikingroute=yes & tunnel!=* & bridge!=* & (highway!=* | highway=path
| highway=footway | highway=steps | highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway |
highway=track) { name '${rn}' } [0x10018 resolution 21 continue]
(nationalbicycleroute=yes | regionalbicycleroute=yes) &
nationalhikingroute=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & (highway=path
| highway=footway | highway=steps | highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway |
highway=track) { name '${rn}' } [0x10018 resolution 21-21 continue]
(nationalbicycleroute=yes | regionalbicycleroute=yes) &
nationalhikingroute=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & (highway=path
| highway=footway | highway=steps | highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway |
highway=track) { name '${rn}' } [0x10019 resolution 22 continue]
(nationalbicycleroute=yes | regionalbicycleroute=yes) &
nationalhikingroute=yes & tunnel!=* & bridge!=* & highway=* & highway!=path
& highway!=footway & highway!=steps & highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway
& highway!=track { name '${rn}' } [0x1001a resolution 21 continue]
(nationalbicycleroute=yes | regionalbicycleroute=yes) &
nationalhikingroute=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & highway!=path
& highway!=footway & highway!=steps & highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway
& highway!=track { name '${rn}' } [0x1001a resolution 21-21 continue]
(nationalbicycleroute=yes | regionalbicycleroute=yes) &
nationalhikingroute=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & highway!=path
& highway!=footway & highway!=steps & highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway
& highway!=track { name '${rn}' } [0x1001b resolution 22 continue]
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & regionalbicycleroute!=yes &
nationalhikingroute=yes & tunnel!=* & bridge!=* & (highway!=* | highway=path
| highway=footway | highway=steps | highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway |
highway=track) { name '${rn}' } [0x1001c resolution 21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & regionalbicycleroute!=yes &
nationalhikingroute=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & (highway=path
| highway=footway | highway=steps | highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway |
highway=track) { name '${rn}' } [0x1001c resolution 21-21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & regionalbicycleroute!=yes &
nationalhikingroute=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & (highway=path
| highway=footway | highway=steps | highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway |
highway=track) { name '${rn}' } [0x1001d resolution 22 continue]
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & regionalbicycleroute!=yes &
nationalhikingroute=yes & tunnel!=* & bridge!=* & highway=* & highway!=path
& highway!=footway & highway!=steps & highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway
& highway!=track { name '${rn}' } [0x1001e resolution 21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & regionalbicycleroute!=yes &
nationalhikingroute=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & highway!=path
& highway!=footway & highway!=steps & highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway
& highway!=track { name '${rn}' } [0x1001e resolution 21-21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & regionalbicycleroute!=yes &
nationalhikingroute=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) & highway=* & highway!=path
& highway!=footway & highway!=steps & highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway
& highway!=track { name '${rn}' } [0x1001f resolution 22 continue]

regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
nationalhikingroute!=yes & regionalhikingroute!=yes & tunnel!=* & bridge!=*
& (highway!=* | highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps |
highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway | highway=track) { name '${rn}' }
[0x10110 resolution 21 continue]
regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
nationalhikingroute!=yes & regionalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*)
& highway=* & (highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps |
highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway | highway=track) { name '${rn}' }
[0x10110 resolution 21-21 continue]
regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
nationalhikingroute!=yes & regionalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*)
& highway=* & (highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps |
highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway | highway=track) { name '${rn}' }
[0x10111 resolution 22 continue]
regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
nationalhikingroute!=yes & regionalhikingroute!=yes & tunnel!=* & bridge!=*
& highway=* & highway!=path & highway!=footway & highway!=steps &
highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway & highway!=track { name '${rn}' }
[0x10112 resolution 21 continue]
regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
nationalhikingroute!=yes & regionalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*)
& highway=* & highway!=path & highway!=footway & highway!=steps &
highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway & highway!=track { name '${rn}' }
[0x10112 resolution 21-21 continue]
regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
nationalhikingroute!=yes & regionalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*)
& highway=* & highway!=path & highway!=footway & highway!=steps &
highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway & highway!=track { name '${rn}' }
[0x10113 resolution 22 continue]
regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
(nationalhikingroute=yes | regionalhikingroute=yes) & tunnel!=* & bridge!=*
& (highway!=* | highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps |
highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway | highway=track) [0x10114 resolution 21
regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
(nationalhikingroute=yes | regionalhikingroute=yes) & (tunnel=* | bridge=*)
& highway=* & (highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps |
highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway | highway=track) [0x10114 resolution
21-21 continue]
regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
(nationalhikingroute=yes | regionalhikingroute=yes) & (tunnel=* | bridge=*)
& highway=* & (highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps |
highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway | highway=track) [0x10115 resolution 22
regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
(nationalhikingroute=yes | regionalhikingroute=yes) & tunnel!=* & bridge!=*
& highway=* & highway!=path & highway!=footway & highway!=steps &
highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway & highway!=track [0x10116 resolution
21 continue]
regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
(nationalhikingroute=yes | regionalhikingroute=yes) & (tunnel=* | bridge=*)
& highway=* & highway!=path & highway!=footway & highway!=steps &
highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway & highway!=track [0x10116 resolution
21-21 continue]
regionalbicycleroute=yes & nationalbicycleroute!=yes &
(nationalhikingroute=yes | regionalhikingroute=yes) & (tunnel=* | bridge=*)
& highway=* & highway!=path & highway!=footway & highway!=steps &
highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway & highway!=track [0x10117 resolution
22 continue]
(nationalbicycleroute=yes | regionalbicycleroute=yes) &
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes & tunnel!=* & bridge!=* &
(highway!=* | highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps |
highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway | highway=track) { name '${rn}' }
[0x10118 resolution 21 continue]
(nationalbicycleroute=yes | regionalbicycleroute=yes) &
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) &
highway=* & (highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps |
highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway | highway=track) { name '${rn}' }
[0x10118 resolution 21-21 continue]
(nationalbicycleroute=yes | regionalbicycleroute=yes) &
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) &
highway=* & (highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps |
highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway | highway=track) { name '${rn}' }
[0x10119 resolution 22 continue]
(nationalbicycleroute=yes | regionalbicycleroute=yes) &
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes & tunnel!=* & bridge!=* &
highway=* & highway!=path & highway!=footway & highway!=steps &
highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway & highway!=track { name '${rn}' }
[0x1011a resolution 21 continue]
(nationalbicycleroute=yes | regionalbicycleroute=yes) &
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) &
highway=* & highway!=path & highway!=footway & highway!=steps &
highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway & highway!=track { name '${rn}' }
[0x1011a resolution 21-21 continue]
(nationalbicycleroute=yes | regionalbicycleroute=yes) &
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) &
highway=* & highway!=path & highway!=footway & highway!=steps &
highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway & highway!=track { name '${rn}' }
[0x1011b resolution 22 continue]
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & regionalbicycleroute!=yes &
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes & tunnel!=* & bridge!=* &
(highway!=* | highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps |
highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway | highway=track) { name '${rn}' }
[0x1011c resolution 21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & regionalbicycleroute!=yes &
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) &
highway=* & (highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps |
highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway | highway=track) { name '${rn}' }
[0x1011c resolution 21-21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & regionalbicycleroute!=yes &
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) &
highway=* & (highway=path | highway=footway | highway=steps |
highway=cycleway | highway=bridleway | highway=track) { name '${rn}' }
[0x1011d resolution 22 continue]
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & regionalbicycleroute!=yes &
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes & tunnel!=* & bridge!=* &
highway=* & highway!=path & highway!=footway & highway!=steps &
highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway & highway!=track { name '${rn}' }
[0x1011e resolution 21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & regionalbicycleroute!=yes &
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) &
highway=* & highway!=path & highway!=footway & highway!=steps &
highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway & highway!=track { name '${rn}' }
[0x1011e resolution 21-21 continue]
nationalbicycleroute!=yes & regionalbicycleroute!=yes &
regionalhikingroute=yes & nationalhikingroute!=yes & (tunnel=* | bridge=*) &
highway=* & highway!=path & highway!=footway & highway!=steps &
highway!=cycleway & highway!=bridleway & highway!=track { name '${rn}' }
[0x1011f resolution 22 continue]

There are further rules for other highway types...

Perhaps Felix could do something similar?

-----Original Message-----
From: Gerd Petermann [mailto:gpetermann_muenc...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: 13 December 2021 12:11
To: Development list for mkgmap <mkgmap-dev@lists.mkgmap.org.uk>
Subject: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Building display.jar fails

Hi Felix,

I still don't see a use case for the route names in road labels. I've never
felt the need to find a route relation.

I am pretty sure that it can produce all kinds of confusion when you search
for an address and the result
contains lots of unrelated stuff because there is a route relation that has
a word in its name which starts
with the same word.


Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-boun...@lists.mkgmap.org.uk> im Auftrag von
Felix Hartmann <extremecar...@gmail.com>
Gesendet: Montag, 13. Dezember 2021 12:56
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Building display.jar fails

okay - well I should try to find a way to put more content into the label
2-4 instead of 1 then. The cutoff is still good. Some routes have very long

On Mon, 13 Dec 2021 at 12:43, Gerd Petermann
Hi Felix,

the labels which are shown in MapSource / Basecamp search are those which
are stored in MDR 15.
We change them already with the --mdr7-del option but that doesn't help for
the names of route relations.
mkgmap reads the full labels from the LBL file in each map tile and
calculates the string for MDR15.
Still, MDR15 is not used with the device, so this only effects the PC
Roads have 4 labels, other objects have only 1. With roads, the
first label is rendered, other labels are shown when you click on the road.
All labels are indexed, and the --housenumber code sometimes adds labels so
that addresses can be found.


Von: mkgmap-dev
ap.org.uk>> im Auftrag von Felix Hartmann
Gesendet: Montag, 13. Dezember 2021 12:29
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Building display.jar fails

I tried a couple of places that are cut down to 170 characters - and some I
can find in Mapsource or Basecamp, Others I cannot. So 170 is definitely too
much for the search index. Is there a way to have separate label for search
vs the label on tooltip/printed out on the label? For search it clearly
should be less (both Mapsurce and Basecamp).
In general it would be good to have a separation between name for search and
name for the label. I know we have 4 labels, but I haven*t really understood
which label is for what and where which label shows up.

On Mon, 13 Dec 2021 at 11:46, Gerd Petermann
> wrote:
Hi Felix,

okay, I've committed the changes with r4836.
It would be good to know if these long strings cause trouble in MapSource.
I wouldn't be surprised to find that they cause buffer overflows if Garmin
doesn't expect more than N bytes, and that again can cause all kinds of
Will try to reproduce the problem with a modified default style ...


Von: mkgmap-dev
oun...@lists.mkgmap.org.uk>>> im Auftrag von Felix Hartmann
Gesendet: Montag, 13. Dezember 2021 11:32
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev] Building display.jar fails

it's working fine for me too. But I haven't got around to testing if the
length should even be shorter related to search.function. Clearly anything
over 170 is not useful. Maybe it should be even shorter, but apart from the
value it works well

On Mon, 13 Dec 2021 at 10:28, Ticker Berkin
git.co.uk>>>> wrote:
Hi Gerd

I don't have any problem with it


On Mon, 2021-12-13 at 09:02 +0000, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi all,
> I got no feedback on the patch label_len170.patch. Any comments?
> Gerd

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Felix Hartman - Openmtbmap.org & VeloMap.org

mkgmap-dev mailing list

Reply via email to