Hi Ticker,

I think those are the two that I didn't post before.


Von: mkgmap-dev <mkgmap-dev-boun...@lists.mkgmap.org.uk> im Auftrag von Ticker 
Berkin <rwb-mkg...@jagit.co.uk>
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2021 12:32
An: Development list for mkgmap
Betreff: Re: [mkgmap-dev]       [mkgmap-svn]    Commit  r572:   MDR16   is      
some    kind    of      codebook.

Hi Gerd

Can you send me the Mdr16 display of some of the other maps you've been
looking at. I'd like to try and find some meaning for bytes 0..2 and
the prefix before the level 5 data.


On Wed, 2021-12-22 at 08:43 +0000, Gerd Petermann wrote:
> Hi Ticker,
> I also thought that some bytes may tells us the uncompressed size or
> frequencies. I don't see any clear pattern so far...
> Some number for the Adria Topo Map: (Mdr 16 length 212)
> Uncompressed size: 1.582.655 (0x18263e) , compressed: 1029077
> (0x0fb3d5)
> Frequencies of the tree nodes:
> '' 0x3 freq: 1 (0x1)
> '%' 0x25 freq: 1 (0x1)
> ':' 0x3a freq: 1 (0x1)

mkgmap-dev mailing list
--------- MDR 16 (decompression codebook Huffman tree) -------------------------
0000030e | 000000 | 8e                      | ???
0000030f | 000001 | 02                      | ???
00000310 | 000002 | 15                      | ???
00000311 | 000003 | 10                      | 1st level with struct: 16
00000312 | 000004 | 0a 08 6d 00 00          | ???
00000317 | 000009 | 10                      | struct level: 16
00000318 | 00000a | 00                      | count byte 0, delta = 0
00000319 | 00000b | 06 00                   | struct for 16
0000031b | 00000d | 0f                      | struct level: 15
0000031c | 00000e | 06                      | count byte 6, delta = 6
0000031d | 00000f | 14 00                   | struct for 15
0000031f | 000011 | 0e                      | struct level: 14
00000320 | 000012 | 0d                      | count byte 13, delta = 7
00000321 | 000013 | 38 00                   | struct for 14
00000323 | 000015 | 0d                      | struct level: 13
00000324 | 000016 | 16                      | count byte 22, delta = 9
00000325 | 000017 | 70 00                   | struct for 13
00000327 | 000019 | 0c                      | struct level: 12
00000328 | 00001a | 1d                      | count byte 29, delta = 7
00000329 | 00001b | a0 00                   | struct for 12
0000032b | 00001d | 0b                      | struct level: 11
0000032c | 00001e | 20                      | count byte 32, delta = 3
0000032d | 00001f | 00 01                   | struct for 11
0000032f | 000021 | 09                      | struct level: 9
00000330 | 000022 | 23                      | count byte 35, delta = 3
00000331 | 000023 | 00 02                   | struct for 9
00000333 | 000025 | 08                      | struct level: 8
00000334 | 000026 | 25                      | count byte 37, delta = 2
00000335 | 000027 | 00 04                   | struct for 8
00000337 | 000029 | 07                      | struct level: 7
00000338 | 00002a | 27                      | count byte 39, delta = 2
00000339 | 00002b | 00 0c                   | struct for 7
0000033b | 00002d | 06                      | struct level: 6
0000033c | 00002e | 2b                      | count byte 43, delta = 4
0000033d | 00002f | 00 08                   | struct for 6
0000033f | 000031 | 10 09 12 09 12 09 12 09 | ???
00000347 | 000039 | 12 09 12 09             | 
0000034b | 00003d | 0b                      | prefix b
0000034c | 00003e | 59                      | value in tree 'Y' (0x59)
0000034d | 00003f | 0b                      | prefix b
0000034e | 000040 | 47                      | value in tree 'G' (0x47)
0000034f | 000041 | 0b                      | prefix b
00000350 | 000042 | 49                      | value in tree 'I' (0x49)
00000351 | 000043 | 0b                      | prefix b
00000352 | 000044 | c1                      | value in tree 'Á' (0xc1)
00000353 | 000045 | 0b                      | prefix b
00000354 | 000046 | 5a                      | value in tree 'Z' (0x5a)
00000355 | 000047 | 0b                      | prefix b
00000356 | 000048 | 4b                      | value in tree 'K' (0x4b)
00000357 | 000049 | 0b                      | prefix b
00000358 | 00004a | 44                      | value in tree 'D' (0x44)
00000359 | 00004b | 0b                      | prefix b
0000035a | 00004c | 4f                      | value in tree 'O' (0x4f)
0000035b | 00004d | 0b                      | prefix b
0000035c | 00004e | 4e                      | value in tree 'N' (0x4e)
0000035d | 00004f | 09                      | prefix 9
0000035e | 000050 | 54                      | value in tree 'T' (0x54)
0000035f | 000051 | 09                      | prefix 9
00000360 | 000052 | 54                      | value in tree 'T' (0x54)
00000361 | 000053 | 09                      | prefix 9
00000362 | 000054 | 41                      | value in tree 'A' (0x41)
00000363 | 000055 | 09                      | prefix 9
00000364 | 000056 | 41                      | value in tree 'A' (0x41)
00000365 | 000057 | 09                      | prefix 9
00000366 | 000058 | 53                      | value in tree 'S' (0x53)
00000367 | 000059 | 09                      | prefix 9
00000368 | 00005a | 53                      | value in tree 'S' (0x53)
00000369 | 00005b | 09                      | prefix 9
0000036a | 00005c | 45                      | value in tree 'E' (0x45)
0000036b | 00005d | 09                      | prefix 9
0000036c | 00005e | 45                      | value in tree 'E' (0x45)
0000036d | 00005f | 09                      | prefix 9
0000036e | 000060 | 4c                      | value in tree 'L' (0x4c)
0000036f | 000061 | 09                      | prefix 9
00000370 | 000062 | 4c                      | value in tree 'L' (0x4c)
00000371 | 000063 | 09                      | prefix 9
00000372 | 000064 | 52                      | value in tree 'R' (0x52)
00000373 | 000065 | 09                      | prefix 9
00000374 | 000066 | 52                      | value in tree 'R' (0x52)
00000375 | 000067 | 07                      | prefix 7
00000376 | 000068 | 00                      | value in tree '
--------- MDR 16 (decompression codebook Huffman tree) -------------------------
000002a6 | 000000 | 16                      | ???
000002a7 | 000001 | 03                      | ???
000002a8 | 000002 | 15                      | ???
000002a9 | 000003 | 15                      | 1st level with struct: 21
000002aa | 000004 | 0f 08 6b 00 00 00       | ???
000002b0 | 00000a | 15                      | struct level: 21
000002b1 | 00000b | 00                      | count byte 0, delta = 0
000002b2 | 00000c | 02 00 00                | struct for 21
000002b5 | 00000f | 14                      | struct level: 20
000002b6 | 000010 | 02                      | count byte 2, delta = 2
000002b7 | 000011 | 08 00 00                | struct for 20
000002ba | 000014 | 12                      | struct level: 18
000002bb | 000015 | 05                      | count byte 5, delta = 3
000002bc | 000016 | 20 00 00                | struct for 18
000002bf | 000019 | 11                      | struct level: 17
000002c0 | 00001a | 08                      | count byte 8, delta = 3
000002c1 | 00001b | 40 00 00                | struct for 17
000002c4 | 00001e | 10                      | struct level: 16
000002c5 | 00001f | 0a                      | count byte 10, delta = 2
000002c6 | 000020 | 00 01 00                | struct for 16
000002c9 | 000023 | 0f                      | struct level: 15
000002ca | 000024 | 10                      | count byte 16, delta = 6
000002cb | 000025 | 00 02 00                | struct for 15
000002ce | 000028 | 0e                      | struct level: 14
000002cf | 000029 | 14                      | count byte 20, delta = 4
000002d0 | 00002a | 00 04 00                | struct for 14
000002d3 | 00002d | 0d                      | struct level: 13
000002d4 | 00002e | 18                      | count byte 24, delta = 4
000002d5 | 00002f | 00 0a 00                | struct for 13
000002d8 | 000032 | 0c                      | struct level: 12
000002d9 | 000033 | 1e                      | count byte 30, delta = 6
000002da | 000034 | 00 10 00                | struct for 12
000002dd | 000037 | 0b                      | struct level: 11
000002de | 000038 | 21                      | count byte 33, delta = 3
000002df | 000039 | 00 18 00                | struct for 11
000002e2 | 00003c | 0a                      | struct level: 10
000002e3 | 00003d | 23                      | count byte 35, delta = 2
000002e4 | 00003e | 00 20 00                | struct for 10
000002e7 | 000041 | 09                      | struct level: 9
000002e8 | 000042 | 24                      | count byte 36, delta = 1
000002e9 | 000043 | 00 40 00                | struct for 9
000002ec | 000046 | 08                      | struct level: 8
000002ed | 000047 | 26                      | count byte 38, delta = 2
000002ee | 000048 | 00 c0 00                | struct for 8
000002f1 | 00004b | 07                      | struct level: 7
000002f2 | 00004c | 2a                      | count byte 42, delta = 4
000002f3 | 00004d | 00 00 02                | struct for 7
000002f6 | 000050 | 06                      | struct level: 6
000002f7 | 000051 | 2f                      | count byte 47, delta = 5
000002f8 | 000052 | 00 0d 1a                | struct for 6
000002fb | 000055 | 0d 1c 0e 1c 0e 1c 0e    | ???
00000302 | 00005c | 0b                      | prefix b
00000303 | 00005d | 55                      | value in tree 'U' (0x55)
00000304 | 00005e | 0b                      | prefix b
00000305 | 00005f | 54                      | value in tree 'T' (0x54)
00000306 | 000060 | 0b                      | prefix b
00000307 | 000061 | 4e                      | value in tree 'N' (0x4e)
00000308 | 000062 | 0b                      | prefix b
00000309 | 000063 | 43                      | value in tree 'C' (0x43)
0000030a | 000064 | 0b                      | prefix b
0000030b | 000065 | 44                      | value in tree 'D' (0x44)
0000030c | 000066 | 09                      | prefix 9
0000030d | 000067 | 4f                      | value in tree 'O' (0x4f)
0000030e | 000068 | 09                      | prefix 9
0000030f | 000069 | 4f                      | value in tree 'O' (0x4f)
00000310 | 00006a | 09                      | prefix 9
00000311 | 00006b | 4c                      | value in tree 'L' (0x4c)
00000312 | 00006c | 09                      | prefix 9
00000313 | 00006d | 4c                      | value in tree 'L' (0x4c)
00000314 | 00006e | 09                      | prefix 9
00000315 | 00006f | 53                      | value in tree 'S' (0x53)
00000316 | 000070 | 09                      | prefix 9
00000317 | 000071 | 53                      | value in tree 'S' (0x53)
00000318 | 000072 | 09                      | prefix 9
00000319 | 000073 | 41                      | value in tree 'A' (0x41)
0000031a | 000074 | 09                      | prefix 9
0000031b | 000075 | 41                      | value in tree 'A' (0x41)
0000031c | 000076 | 09                      | prefix 9
0000031d | 000077 | 49                      | value in tree 'I' (0x49)
0000031e | 000078 | 09                      | prefix 9
0000031f | 000079 | 49                      | value in tree 'I' (0x49)
00000320 | 00007a | 09                      | prefix 9
00000321 | 00007b | 00                      | value in tree '
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