Apologize forthis long email, there are three parts to make it easier to read.
Mkgmap version 4839 is used.

I am trying to replace a portion of a name.
All of this happens for points and after the a line (same as in default style) 
that includes:
include 'inc/name';

First one question, are all the lines in the included file processed at the 
point of include 'inc/name'; or are they processed last?

In my case i have points which have the operator tag and a name tag.
so they are affected by the include, by this code:

operator=* & brand!=* {
 name '${operator}: ${ref} ${name}' |
      '${operator}: ${name}' |
      '${operator}: ${ref}' |
      '${operator}' |

in my case the name is set as '${operator}: ${name}'.

For a few scenarios, where the operator string is too long to make good sense, 
i am trying to later (after the place of the include line) remove the opreator 
part, but i can't get it working wery well.

The rule i try looks like this:
amenity=shelter & shelter_type=basic_hut & (access!=private & access!=no) 
{set name='${name|subst:"${operator} =>"}'} [0x3913 resolution 20]

Say the name is TheWildernessHut
If the ${operator} tag is empty, the result becomes: TheWildernessHut  =>"}   
(which is not good looking).

If there is some value in the ${operator} tag the action block does not seem 
replace anything.

Even more strangely, i tested make a replacement of some fixed value, it will 
not update the name in case the name was altered by the include section, only 
name tags that were not previously altered seem to be updated.

Exmaple (will not update if the name was altered earlier):
amenity=shelter & shelter_type=basic_hut & (access!=private & access!=no)
{set name='${name|subst:"The=>"}'} [0x3913 resolution 20]

I have checked that there isn't any rule earlier that will pick up the 
amenity=shelter & shelter_type=basic_hut & (access!=private & access!=no) , 
and the type 0x3913 is set correctly and shown when apply the TYP file.
I also tried hardcoding a name for these patterns, that also works just well.

Did i miss something else? 

i use --add-pois-to-areas.
Points which are generated from areas, does not seem to be affected by any 
action block for points, but the TYP is set properly.
Is this how it is intended to work?

I have a amenity=shelter & shelter_type=basic_hut, this is drawn as a polygon.
The rules for this particular structure are only applied in the points style.
The TYP is set just well for the point added by --add-pois-to-areas, but it 
seems i can not alter the name with an action block.


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