Machine Learning List: Vol. 14, No. 9
                         Friday, Nov 22, 2002

  Calls for Papers and Meeting Announcements
    Workshop cognitive modeling of agents & multi-agent interactions
    Call for Papers: IDA 2003
    CFP: Graphical Models for Computational Genomics (IJCAI 2003)
    Call For Papers: Special Issue of IDA
    UAI 2003 Call for Papers
    CFP: Doing it with Style
    IDEAL2003 Call-for-paper (Submission Deadline: December 31)
    ICCS-03 Cognitive Science Colloquium (San Sebastian,Spain)
  Career Opportunities
    Two PhD Positions 
    Stipends for MSc Intelligent Systems
  Other Items of Interest
    EEGLAB toolbox released
    NIPS*2002 Preproceedings now online

The Machine Learning List is moderated.  Contributions should be
relevant to the scientific study of machine learning.  Please send
submissions for distribution to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For requests to be
added, removed, or to change your email address, send email to:

In general, submissions should be no more than a few full-screens of
text.  For meeting announcements, highlight the conference or workshop
web page and give a summary description of the goals of the event.
Information such as the list of program committee members, talk
schedules, and registration forms are unnecessary and should not be
included.  Job adds are usually no more than a few full-screens so
they should fit naturally.


Subject: Workshop cognitive modeling of agents & multi-agent interactions
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 09:47:39 -0600

                              Workshop on 
      Cognitive Modeling of Agents and Multi-Agent Interactions

                          During  IJCAI'2003 
                9-11 August, 2003. Acapulco, Mexico

Computational models of cognitive agents that incorporate a wide range
of cognitive functionalities (such as a variety of
memory/representation, various types of learning, and sensory motor
capabilities) have been developed in both AI and cognitive science.
In AI, they appear under the rubric of intelligent agents and
multi-agent systems. In cognitive science, they are often known as
cognitive architectures.  These strands of research provide useful
paradigms for addressing some fundamental questions in AI and
Cognitive Science.

Artificial intelligence started out with the goal of designing
functioning intelligent agents. However, faced with the enormous
difficulty of the task, the focus has largely been on modeling
specific aspects of intelligence, often in highly restricted domains.
Nevertheless, some researchers have focused on putting the pieces
together with the goal of designing autonomous agents. More important,
there is a growing interest in multi-agent interactions that addresses
issues of coordination and cooperation among cognitive agents.

On the other side, traditionally, the main focus of research in
cognitive science has been on specific components of cognition (e.g.,
perception, memory, learning, language). Recent developments in
computational modeling of cognitive architectures provide new avenues
for precisely specifying complex cognitive processes in tangible ways,
thereby addressing foundational questions in cognitive science. Such
developments need to be extended to multi-agent interactions and there
are promising developments in this regard (see e.g. recent papers in
this area in the journal Cognitive Systems Research).

Against this background, this workshop seeks to bring together
cognitive scientists and AI researchers, with a wide range of
background and expertise, to discuss research problems in
understanding cognition at the individual level as well as at the
collective level.

If you are interested in giving a presentation at the workshop, please
submit a full paper, 6-10 pages, in the IJCAI paper format. If you are
only interested in attending, submit a brief abstract (one page or
less) describing your interest.

Use the IJCAI paper format (and templates) for your papers.  
See the IJCAI Web site: for details.

Electronic submission is  required.  Only the Postscript or  PDF format is 
accepted.  Send your paper (in PS or PDF) as an email attachment.

In the body of your email, include (in plain ASCII): names of all authors,
their affiliations, their physical addresses, and their email addresses.
In addition, the same information should also be included in your paper itself.

All submissions should be sent to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Deadline for full papers or abstracts: March 1, 2003.
Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 30, 2003.
Deadline for the receipt of camera-ready papers: May 1, 2003


From: "Andreas Nuernberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Call for Papers: IDA 2003
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2002 13:31:08 -0800

                          - Call for Papers -

  5th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis - IDA 2003
                            Berlin, Germany
                           August 28-30, 2003

   IDA 2003  will  take  place  in Berlin August  28-30,  2003,  and  is
organized  by  the  Free University of Berlin and the  Otto-von-Guericke
University  of  Magdeburg. It will consist of a stimulating  program  of
invited  talks  by  leading international experts  in  intelligent  data
analysis,  tutorials,  contributed  papers,  poster  sessions,  and   an
exciting social program.
   Our  aim  for the biannual IDA symposia is to bring together  a  wide
variety  of researchers - academic, industrial, and otherwise - who  are
concerned  with  extracting knowledge from data, including  people  from
statistics, machine learning, neural networks, computer science, pattern
recognition, database management, and other areas.  IDA 2003 is intended
to  stimulate  interaction between these different areas, so  that  more
powerful  tools emerge for extracting knowledge from data and  a  better
understanding is developed of the process of intelligent data analysis.

March 31, 2003       Deadline for submitting papers
May 12, 2003         Notification of acceptance
June 6, 2003         Deadline for submission of final papers

   A list of topics of interest, guidelines for submissions,  and infor-
mation about the conference-site is available at


From: "Mark Strauerman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: Graphical Models for Computational Genomics (IJCAI 2003)
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 08:55:24 +0100

   First CFP: IJCAI-2003 Workshop -- Learning Graphical Models for
                        Computational Genomics
                       Saturday, 9 August 2003
                           Acapulco, Mexico

Recent advances in experimental tools for computational genomics have
led to sharp growth in data resources for bioinformatics problems such
as modeling of gene expression and gene-protein interaction.  This
provides an interesting application domain for intelligent systems
that learn graphical models from data for causal modeling, time series
simulation and prediction, and classification and regression problems
in computational life sciences.

In response, we propose a workshop to bring together researchers in
intelligent systems who are interested in:
* probabilistic reasoning and learning with the primary focus of:
  learning the structure of graphical models from data,
  new graphical models such as types of dynamic Bayesian networks,
  stochastic and other approximation algorithms for inference,
  structure learning;
* constraint-based knowledge representation;
* parameter estimation on graphical models and dynamical systems.

The one day workshop will include one or more invited talks and
specialized tutorials on state-of-the-art research problems and
methodologies, presentations by selected participants, and a panel and
open discussion on key topics.

Participants are encouraged to submit papers (up to 8 pages in length)
on recent and continuing research, formatted according to IJCAI
guidelines. Experimental results are also encouraged, especially on
fielded applications, even if they are only preliminary. Papers should
be submitted electronically in Postscipt, PDF, MS Word format via

To encourage participation but focus discussions on key topics, we
also invite 2-page research synopses and position papers from
attendants who do not submit full papers.

Each submission shall be accompanied by a short statement, up to 500
words or one page in length from each participants. This should
describe your interest in and perspectives on this workshop topic.

DUAL SUBMISSION POLICY: Submission of short (2-page OR 6-8 page)
synopses of articles currently in preparation, under review, or
accepted for publication as journals or book chapters is permitted.
Submission of full-length papers currently under review for other
conferences and workshops is also permitted. However, these papers
shall be published in the working notes for this workshop if and
only if they are compliant with the dual-submission guidelines of
the other conference or workshop.

Please consult the workshop web page for formatting instructions.

All submissions should be sent to:
(Please replace "(AT)" with the appropriate symbol.)

Mar 01, 2003 Submission deadline
Mar 21, 2003 Acceptance notification
May 16, 2003 Camera-ready version of papers


Subject: Call For Papers: Special Issue of IDA
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 14:31:50 +0000

                           CALL FOR PAPERS

                Intelligent Data Analysis  - IOS Press
                           SPECIAL ISSUE on

Special issue Editors:
Miroslav Kubat, University of Miami, USA
Joćo Gama, University of Porto, Portugal
Paul Utgoff, University of Massachusetts, USA

Suppose the existence of a concept description that has been induced
from a set, T, of training examples.  Suppose that later another set,
T', of examples become available.  What is the most effective way to
modify the concept so as to reflect the examples from T'?  In many
real-world learning problems the data flows continuously and learning
algorithms should be able to respond to this circumstance.  The first
requirement of such algorithms is thus incrementality, the ability to
incorporate new information.  If the process is not strictly
stationary, the target concept could gradually change over time, a
fact that should be reflected also by the current version of the
induced concept description.

The ability to react to concept drift can thus be viewed as a natural
extension of incremental learning systems.  These techniques can be
useful for scaling-up learning algorithms to very large datasets.
Other types of problems were these techniques could be potentially
useful include: user-modelling, control in dynamic environments,
web-mining, times series, etc.

Most of evaluation methods for machine learning
(e.g. cross-validation) assume that examples are independent and
identically distributed. This assumption is clear unrealistic in the
presence of concept drift.  How can we estimate the performance of
learning systems under these constrains?

The objective of the special issue is to present the current status of
algorithms, applications, and evaluation methods for these problems.

Relevant techniques include the following (but are not limited to):
1.      Incremental, online, real-time, and any-time learning algorithms
2.      Algorithms that learn in the presence of concept drift
3.      Evaluation Methods for dynamic instance distributions
4.      Real world applications that involve online learning
5.      Theory on learning under concept drift.

We are expecting full papers to describe original, previously
unpublished research, be written in English, and not be simultaneously
submitted for publication elsewhere (previous publication of partial
results at workshops with informal proceedings is allowed).  We could
also consider the publication of high-quality surveys on these topics.

Please submit a PostScript or PDF file of your paper to:

Submission Deadline:  1 of February 2003
Author Notification:  1 of July 2003
Final Paper Deadline: 1 of September 2003


Subject: UAI 2003 Call for Papers
Date: 17 Nov 2002 12:09:47 -0000

      19th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
                        First Call for Papers

                          August 7-10, 2003

Since 1985, the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
(UAI) has been the primary international forum for presenting new
results on the use of principled methods for reasoning under
uncertainty within intelligent systems. The scope of UAI is wide,
including, but not limited to, representation, automated reasoning,
learning, decision making and knowledge acquisition under
uncertainty. We encourage submissions that report on advances in these
core areas as well as submissions describing interesting and novel
systems that utilize techniques from these core areas.

The 19th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence will be
held August 7-10, 2003 at the Hyatt Hotel, Acapulco, Mexico. The main
technical session will be on August 8-10, and will be preceded with a
tutorial program on August 7. The UAI-2003 is collocated with and
immediately precedes the International Joint Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (IJCAI) which will be held August 9-15.

Thursday March 13, 2003, 23:59 PST: Abstract submission.
Thursday March 20, 2003, 23:59 PST: Full paper submission. 
Thursday March 20, 2003, 23:59 PST: Student paper certification. 
Wednesday April 30, 2003:  Author notification of accepted papers. 
Thursday May 29, 2003: Camera ready copy of accepted papers.

These deadlines will be strictly enforced.


From: "Shlomo Argamon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: Doing it with Style
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2002 01:24:04 -0600

                           Call For Papers

                         IJCAI 2003 Workshop
                         DOING IT WITH STYLE:
       Computational Approaches to Style Analysis and Synthesis
                    August 10/11, Acapulco, Mexico


Style is an intuitive concept which may be roughly defined as the
'manner' in which something is done, as opposed to the 'content' of
what actually is being accomplished.  In recent years a growing number
of researchers working in a variety of different areas have focused on
explicitly addressing recognition and generation of style in their
various disciplines, work that contrast with more traditional emphasis
on 'performance' or 'content' or 'meaning'.  Indeed, in some media
such as music, visual art and to a lesser extent, film and even
expressive speech, 'meaning' itself comprises mainly factors such as
excitation and calmness or other emotional expressions that can be
considered aspects of style instead of what is usually thought of as

Recent achievements in style research include systems for authorship
attribution, organizing and retrieving documents based on their
writing style, composing new music in a given composer's style,
rendering animation in different motion styles, and more.  Work in all
media shares the problem of formalizing a notion of style, and
developing a modeling language that supports the representation of
differing styles.  The precise methodology used may depend upon the
use of stylistic variation in a domain. Often, style is used to place
a work into a genre, i.e. a context of other works.  In other cases,
style can be used to connect affect to content, as in the generation
of animation sequences. Such different uses of style in some medium
can be analyzed and such analysis used to categorize or identify
particular works as well as to enable automatic generation of works
with particular styles.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers working
on a variety of style-related problems in order to explore the points
common to different approaches to our differing problems, and to work
towards finding common principles underlying computational issues of
style analysis and synthesis.  The primary question that we would like
to address is: "What is style and how may it be usefully

We seek submissions that address all aspects of style analysis and
synthesis from a computational perspective, in all media.  

For paper presentations, submissions of 10-12 pages in length should
be submitted by emailing a URL pointing to a Postscript, PDF, or HTML
format version of the paper to the workshop chair at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Accepted papers will be considered for inclusion in a special issue of 
the JASIST journal.

Those wishing to present an exhibit should email a short (about 1
page) description of the proposed exhibit to the workshop chair.
Those wishing to attend without making a presentation should email a
short (less than one page) statement of interests.

Submission deadline:                            February 15, 2003
Accept/reject notices sent:                     March 21, 2003
Receipt of camera-ready copy:                   May 23, 2003
Workshop                                        August 10 or 11, 2003 (TBA)

More information is available at


From: Stefano Cagnoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: EvoIASP2003: FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS (deadline EXTENDED!)
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 16:03:30 +0100


A submission deadline extension until  November 30 will be provided to
those  who EXPLICITLY  request  it,  by sending  an  email to  Stefano
Cagnoni ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) BEFORE November 25


Fifth European Workshop  on  Evolutionary Computation in Image Analysis
                       and Signal Processing 

                   Essex, United Kingdom, April 14, 2003

For full details about submissions and updated news about the workshop
please visit the workshop web pages:


Subject: IDEAL2003 Call-for-paper (Submission Deadline: December 31)
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 16:20:16 +0800

   Call For Papers (The submission due date: December 31, 2002 !!)

   Fourth International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering
                  and Automated Learning (IDEAL'03)

                     March 21-23, 2003, Hong Kong
              Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

The IDEAL'03 conference will be co-jointly held with International
Conference on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering
(CIFEr2003) and sponsored by Hong Kong Baptist University.

As a biennial conference, IDEAL was firstly launched from Hong Kong in
1998, which is dedicated to emerging and challenging topics in
intelligent data analysis and engineering and their associated
learning paradigms. Following from the past highly successful
IDEAL'98, IDEAL'00 and IDEAL'02, IDEAL will become an annual
conference starting from Year 2003. The fourth conference will aim to
provide a forum for researchers and engineers from academia and
industry to meet and to exchange ideas on the latest developments in
data engineering and learning, and to share their successes. IDEAL is
an ideal forum for revealing and developing the latest theoretical
advances and practical applications in intelligent data engineering
and automated learning.

Submission Due Date:  December 31, 2002
Notification of Acceptance: January 31, 2003

Please visit the conference web site at for instructions on the
manuscript format and submission details.


Subject: ICCS-03 Cognitive Science Colloquium (San Sebastian,Spain)
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 13:41:17 +0100 (MET)

         Eighth International Colloquium on Cognitive Science
               Donostia - San Sebastian, May 7-10, 2003
ILCLI. Villa Asuncion. Apdo. 220. 20080 Donostia - San Sebastian. Spain.
Tf.: +34-943-017451.   Fax: +34-943-29 36 77. E-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

ICCS-03 is organized by the Institute for Logic, Cognition, Language
and Information (ILCLI) and the Dept. of Logic and Philosophy of
Science of the University of the Basque Country. It will take place in
the Faculty of Philosophy of the Univ. of the Basque Country at
Donostia - San Sebastian.

(1) Learning, Reasoning, and Decision-Making.
(2) Argumentation and Cognition.
(3) Rationality, Determinism and Freedom.
(4) Art, Emotion, and Meaning.

Contributed papers (25-30 minutes) are invited from all areas of Cognitive
Science. Authors wishing to submit a paper should send four (4) hardcopies
of an extended abstract of 5-6 pages written in English to Dr. J. M.
LARRAZABAL (address above) by January 31, 2003. Submissions by e-mail are
encouraged (only in Microsoft Word Format). A cover page should be added
to the abstract including title, all authors names and affiliations,
corresponding author=D5s address, fax number and e-mail address. To
facilitate blind review by two or more referees all indications of
authorship should appear on this detachable cover page only. Papers will
be evaluated by the Program Committee on the basis of originality,
clarity, correctness and significance of results. Authors of accepted
papers are expected to present them at the Colloquium. Notification of
acceptance/rejection: April 1, 2003.

A prize will be awarded by Iberdrola to the author(s) of the best
contributed paper as judged by a committee drawn from the Program
Committee. Submissions of complete papers (25 pages maximum, 4 hardcopies)
of previously accepted abstracts, with indication of salient keywords,
should be sent to the Organizing Committee by April 15, 2003.


From: "Tim Pearce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Two PhD Positions 
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 11:16:14 -0000

          PhD Studentship in Biologically Inspired Robotics

A postgraduate researcher is required for an EC-funded project
available immediately. The project concerns the development of
neuronal models to control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) robot to
perform stereotypical moth-like chemotaxis (chemical search)
behaviour. The project will develop biologically-inspired sensor,
information processing and control systems for a c(hemosensing)
UAV. The cUAV will identify and track volatile compounds of different
chemical composition in outdooor environments. Its olfactory and
sensory-motor systems are to be inspired by the moth, which will be
supported by computational neuroscience model development. This
development continues our research in artificial and biological
olfaction, sensory processing and analysis, neuronal models of
learning, real-time behavioural control, and robotics. Further details
on the project and the research teams can be found at

The project includes significant funding and opportunities for travel
within Europe to visit the laboratories of the participating consortia
(in Switzerland, France, and Sweden) and outside Europe to attend
international scientific meetings. Applicants should have a strong
analytical background, a keen interest in neuroscience, and a good
honours degree (at the 2(i) level or higher) in engineering, mathematics
or physics. The student will be responsible for development of the
experimental set-up for assessing chemical search strategies applied to
robots within unsteady laminar/turbulent flow - which will involve
programming, simulation, numerical and electronics development.
Applicants should have a demonstrated interest in one or more of the
following, neuroscience, robotics, and/or artificial intelligence. Some
experience of fluid dynamics would be an advantage. Good team skills are

The studentship includes a stipend for 3 years and includes full
provision for academic fees. Both EU and non-EU nationals may apply.

    PhD Studentship in Neuroengineering/Computational Neuroscience

A postgraduate research position is available on an EC-funded project
immediately. The position is to support the EU Network of Excellence
in Neuroinformatics - nEUro-IT (details of the network are under
construction at

The project includes funding and opportunities for travel within Europe
to visit educational establishments conducting research related to the
interests of the network. Applicants should have a strong analytical
background, an interest in neuroscience, and a good honours degree (at
the 2(i) level or higher) in engineering, mathematics or physics. As
part of their commitment to the Network of Excellence the student will
be responsible for development of a database of educational material
related to neuroinformatics and neuroengineering within Europe . In
addition the student is expected to carry out research in any topic of
their choice related to the research of the laboratory (see  for details) that will be
expected to lead to the award of a PhD. Good team skills are essential.=20

The studentship includes a stipend of =A312,000 per year for 3 years and
includes full provision for academic fees. Only EU nationals may apply.
Further details on the research activities carried in this laboratory
can be found at

The Engineering Department was rated 5A in the Research Assessment
Exercise, 2001.  Initial enquiries and requests for details of the
application process should be addressed to the EU Project Assistant,
Mr. John Harrison, Department of Engineering, University of Leicester,
Leicester LE1 7RH, United Kingdom, +44 116 252 5384, [EMAIL PROTECTED]=20

Both positions are available immediately - please indicate which
position you are interested in when applying . Deadline for
applications is 8th December, 2002 with an expected start date early
in 2003.


From: Stefan Wermter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Stipends for MSc Intelligent Systems
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 17:42:20 +0000

            Stipends Available for MSc Intelligent Systems

We are pleased to announce that for eligible students we have obtained
funding to offer a bursary for our new MSc Intelligent Systems worth
up to 6000 pounds or about 14.000 EURO as fee waiver and stipend for
eligible EU students. Please forward to students who may be interested

The School of Computing and Technology, University of Sunderland is
delighted to announce the launch of its new MSc Intelligent Systems
programme for 24th February. Building on the School's leading edge
research in intelligent systems this masters programme will be funded
via the ESF scheme (see below).

Intelligent Systems is an exciting field of study for science and
industry since the currently existing computing systems have often not
yet reached the various aspects of human performance.  "Intelligent
Systems" is a term to describe software systems and methods, which
simulate aspects of intelligent behaviour. The intention is to learn
from nature and human performance in order to build more powerful
computing systems. The aim is to learn from cognitive science,
neuroscience, biology, engineering, and linguistics for building more
powerful computational system architectures. In this programme a wide
variety of novel and exciting techniques will be taught including
neural networks, intelligent robotics, machine learning, natural
language processing, vision, evolutionary genetic computing, data
mining, information retrieval, Bayesian computing, knowledge-based
systems, fuzzy methods, and hybrid intelligent architectures.

The following lectures/modules are available: Neural Networks,
Intelligent Systems Architectures, Learning Agents, Evolutionary
Computation, Cognitive Neural Science, Knowledge Based Systems and
Data Mining, Bayesian Computation, Vision and Intelligent Robots,
Natural Language Processing, Dynamics of Adaptive Systems, Intelligent
Systems Programming

The Bursary Scheme applies to this Masters programme commencing
February 2003 and we have obtained funding through the European Social
Fund (ESF). ESF support enables the University to waive the normal
tuition fee and provide a bursary of £ 75 per week for 45 weeks for
eligible EU students, together up to 6000 pounds or 14000 Euro.

For further information in the first instance please see:

For information on applications and start dates contact:
        [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel: 0191 515 2758
For academic information about the programme contact:


From: Arnaud Delorme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: EEGLAB toolbox released
Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2002 14:46:10 -0800

EEGLAB - Tools for advanced EEG data analysis under Matlab using ICA
and time/frequency methods - has been released under the GNU public
license for download from:

EEGLAB is an integrated toolbox of 250 Matlab routines for analyzing
and visualizing event-related EEG (or MEG) brain data. EEG, event, and
channel location data can be read in a variety of formats. A graphic
user interface allows users to explore their data interactively, while
global data, event, and channel location structures, plus a command
history mechanism ease the transition to writing custom analysis
scripts. An extensive .html tutorial and help messages allow users to
learn to use all parts of the system. Matlab and binary routines for
performing infomax and extended-infomax ICA are included, as is the
sample EEG data set used throughout the tutorial.

Principal authors: Arnaud Delorme & Scott Makeig
                   Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience
                   Institute for Neural Computation
                   University of California San Diego
                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: NIPS*2002 Preproceedings now online
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 20:05:29 GMT

The Neural Information Processing Systems 2002 Conference
Preproceedings are now online at     (follow the link "online preproceedings")

The NIPS*2002 preproceedings contain preliminary drafts of most
presentations.  The final proceedings will be published after the 
conference, as in previous years. 


End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 14, No. 9

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