Machine Learning List: Vol. 15, No. 10
                         Saturday, June 21, 2003

  Meeting Announcements
    CFP: FLAIRS 2004 special track on neural network applications
    CFP: Fourth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (2004)
    SIGKDD Explorations Special Issue on Microarray Data Mining

The Machine Learning List is moderated.  Contributions should be
relevant to the scientific study of machine learning.  Please send
submissions for distribution to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For requests to be
added, removed, or to change your email address, send email to:

In general, submissions should be no more than a few full screens of
text.  For meeting announcements, highlight the conference or workshop
web page and give a summary description of the goals of the event.
Information such as the list of program committee members, talk
schedules, and registration forms are unnecessary and should not be
included.  Job ads are usually no more than a few full-screens so they
should fit naturally.


From: "Ingrid Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: FLAIRS 2004 special track on neural network applications
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2003 17:21:52 -0400

Call for Papers
FLAIRS Special Track on Neural Network Applications

A special track held as part of
The 17th International FLAIRS Conference
The Palms South Beach Hotel
Miami Beach, FL
May 17-19, 2004

Papers are being solicited for a special track on Neural Network
Applications at the 17th International FLAIRS Conference
(FLAIRS-2004). The special track will be devoted to the applications
of Neural Networks with the aim of presenting new and important
contributions in this area. These application areas include, but are
not limited to, the following:

  a. Vision
  b. Pattern Recognition
  c. Control and Process Monitoring
  d. Biomedical Applications
  e. Robotics
  f. Speech Recognition
  g. Diagnostic Problems
  h. Telecommunications
  i. Power Systems
  j. Signal Processing
  k. Image Processing

Submission Guidelines

Interested authors must submit completed manuscripts by October 24,
2003.  Submissions should be no more than 5 pages (3400 words) in
length, including figures, and contain no identifying reference to
self or organization.  Papers should be formatted according to AAAI
Guidelines.  Submission instructions can be found at FLAIRS-04 website

Notification of acceptance will be mailed around January 7,
2004. Authors of accepted papers will be expected to submit the final
camera-ready copies of their full papers by February 6, 2004 for
publication in the conference proceedings which will be published by
AAAI Press. Authors may be invited to submit a revised copy of their
paper to a special issue of the International Journal on Artificial
Intelligence Tools (IJAIT).

Important Dates

  a. Paper submissions due: October 24, 2003
  b. Notification letters sent: January 7, 2004
  c. Camera ready copy due: February 6, 2004

Further Information

Questions regarding the special track should be addressed to:
  Tony Pipe
  Voice: +44-117-344-2818
  Fax: +44-117-344-3800


From: Aleksandar Lazarevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: Fourth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (2004)
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 11:08:33 -0500 (CDT)

                CALL FOR PAPERS

         Hyatt Orlando Near Walt Disney Resort, 
        Orlando, Florida, USA, April 22-24, 2004
         URL: http//

The field of Data Mining has seen a tremendous increase of interest in
recent months. Applications of Data Mining are mentioned often in the
daily press, especially in the fields of security and forensics. Thus,
these are exciting times for researchers and practitioners in the
area. We hope that the research captured by these proceedings helps in
advancing this important field.

The next SIAM conference will be held in Orlando, FL, April 22-24,
2004.  This conference will provide a forum for the presentation of
recent results in data mining, including applications, algorithms,
software, and systems. There will be peer reviewed, contributed papers
as well as invited talks and tutorials. Best paper awards will be
given in different categories. Proceedings of the conference will be
available both online at the SIAM Web site and in hard copy form. In
addition, several workshops on topics of current interest will be held
on the final day of the conference.

Hope to see you in Orlando next year.


Methods and Algorithms:
        Query/constraint-based data mining
        Probabilistic/statistical methods
        Mining spatial, temporal and heterogeneous data
        Trend and periodicity analysis
        Parallel/distributed/agent techniques
        Scalable algorithms
        Integration: mining, warehousing and OLAP
        Mining of data streams
        Data reduction/pre-processing
        Feature extraction and selection
        Collaborative filtering/personalization
        Cost-based decision making
        Visual data mining

        Intelligence analysis
        Genomics, bioinformatics and biometrics
        Medical and health industry
        Text, video, and multi-media mining
        E-commerce and web data
        Financial data analysis
        Intrusion detection
        Remote sensing and earth sciences
        Non-destructive evaluation
        Case studies / benchmarks
        Novel applications

Human Factors and Social Issues:
        Languages/user interface for data mining
        Security / privacy of information
        Intellectual ownership
        Risk analysis


Chandrika Kamath, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
David Skillicorn, Queens University


Paper Due Date:                 September 15, 2003
Author Notification:            December  15, 2003
Camera-ready Version Due Date:  January    9, 2004


Papers submitted to this conference must not have been accepted or be
under review by another conference with a published proceedings or by
a journal. The work may be either theoretical or applied, but should
make a significant contribution to the field. Papers should have a
maximum length of 12 pages (single-spaced, 2 column, 10 point font,
and at least 1 margin on each side). Authors should use US Letter (8.5
x 11) paper size. Papers must have an abstract with a maximum of 250
words and a keyword list with no more than 6 keywords.  Authors are
strongly encouraged to submit their papers electronically in PDF or
PostScript format. For LaTeX users, please use the template available
at For Microsoft Word
users, please convert your document to the PDF format.


From: Osmar Zaiane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SIGKDD Explorations Special Issue on Microarray Data Mining
Date:   Fri, 20 Jun 2003 14:53:47 -0600 (MDT)


SIGKDD Explorations Special Issue on Microarray Data Mining
Guest editors: 
  Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro (KDnuggets, UMass Lowell), 
  Pablo Tamayo (MIT Whitehead Institute) 

Submission deadline: October 10, 2003.  


SIGKDD Explorations is the official newsletter of ACM SIGKDD (Special
Interest Group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining). This special
issue invites submissions which explore analysis and mining of DNA
Microarray data.

Analyzing gene expression data from microarray devices has many
important applications in medicine and biology, but presents
significant challenges to data mining, including

* analyzing data with very many attributes (genes) and relatively few
  examples (samples)  
* high likelihood of false positives due to chance 
* lack of absolute ground truth 
* assessing classifier certainty 
* abundance of biological knowledge and difficulty of integrating it 
* understanding the influence of many steps of data preprocessing on
  gene expression data  
* complexities of gene interaction 

We invite contributions that deal with data mining aspects of
microarray data analysis, including topics mentioned above, and fall
into one of the following areas:

* disease classification/discrimination and outcome prediction 
* gene clustering 
* analysis of changes over time 
* biological knowledge integration in data analysis 
* biological knowledge discovery from data 
* application descriptions and case studies 
* surveys and descriptions of existing software for microarray data

Submissions should be made to Gregory Piatetsky-Shapiro,
(replace _#_ with @) in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Submissions are
expected to be between 5 and 15 pages in length.

More detailed submission instructions at 

Submissions will be reviewed by the guest editors, external reviewers
and/or associate editors as appropriate.  

Important Dates: 

Submissions                     Oct 10, 2003 
Reviews due back to authors     Nov 10, 2003 
Camera-ready due                Dec 1, 2003 

About the SIGKDD Explorations newsletter

SIGKDD Explorations newsletter is sent to the ACM SIGKDD membership
and to a world-wide network of  libraries. The previous issues are
available online at SIGKDD goal is
to make Explorations a very informative, rapid publication, and an
interesting forum for communicating with SIGKDD community.  

SIGKDD Explorations Editors are 
  Usama Fayyad, Editor-in-Chief 
  Sunita Sarawagi, Associate Editor 
  Paul Bradley, Associate Editor 


End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 15, No. 10

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