Machine Learning List: Vol. 15, No. 13
                         Saturday, August 2, 2003

  Meeting Announcements
    Call for Proposals: ICML2004
    Workshop on Applications, Products and Services of Web-based
      Support Systems 
    Workshop on Knowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence
    ECCBR 04 Call for workshop proposals
    CFP: Fourth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (2004)
    ACM SAC 2004 -- Call for Papers
    JMLR Special Issue on the Fusion of Domain Knowledge with Data

The Machine Learning List is moderated.  Contributions should be
relevant to the scientific study of machine learning.  Please send
submissions for distribution to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For requests to be
added, removed, or to change your email address, send email to:

To keep mailings to a manageable size, please keep submissions brief.
For meeting announcements, do highlight the meeting Web site and the
goals of the event but omit information such as the program committee
and talk schedules.  Also, only first calls for papers and change of
deadline announcements will be included.  The ML List moderator
reserves the right to omit/edit submissions to meet these criteria.


From: "Thomas G. Dietterich" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Call for Proposals: ICML2004
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2003 15:19:45 -0700

                           CALL FOR PROPOSALS
In the summer of 2004, the International Conference on Machine Learning
will be held.  The purpose of this call is to invite groups interested
in hosting the conference to submit proposals. The group selected to
host the conference will work with a Program Chair and/or Conference
Chair chosen by the Board of the International Machine Learning Society

Proposals should address the following issues:

1. Proposed Dates.  The conference should be scheduled for four days
   (one day reserved for workshops and tutorials; three days for paper
   sessions, poster sessions, and invited talks).  The conference
   prefers dates in the range from June 15 to July 15, but other dates
   will be considered, particularly if they permit co-location with
   other conferences.

2. Locale Parameters.  

   - Accessibility.  Is it easy and inexpensive for people (especially
     graduate students) to travel to the conference site?  (Compute
     mean airfares from Europe, North America, and Asia.  Include ground
     transportation from relevant airports to the site.)

   - Meeting Rooms, AV Equiment, etc.  What are the physical facilities
     like?  Consider rooms for plenary sessions, parallel sessions,
     workshops, tutorials, and poster sessions.  What are the charges,
     if any, for using them?

   - Meals and Lodging.  Is there low-cost, quality housing available
     for attendees (especially graduate students)?  How far from the
     meeting rooms?  Where will attendees eat?  Please estimate costs
     for meals and lodging.

   - Demo facilities.  Will there be computing equipment and space
     available to support demos?

   - Internet access.  Is wired or wireless internet access available?
     At what cost?

   - Other features.  You may mention any other aspects of the site or
     the region that are relevant.

3. Local Machine Learning Community.  Is there a local ML
   group/community that can help with organization and funding?

4. Opportunities to co-locate with other conferences.  

5. Organizational and Institutional Support.  Is there a conference
   office that can help with local arrangements?

Proposals (postscript or PDF) should be sent before August 4 to

Tom Dietterich, President IMLS

Proposals will be ranked according to cost and accessibility,
proposed dates, opportunities for co-location, attractiveness of the
location, and experience of the host group.  


From: Undisclosed Sendor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Workshop on Applications, Products and Services of Web-based Support Systems
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 18:02:44 +0800 (CST)

                           Call for Papers

                            Workshop on 
 Applications, Products and Services of Web-based Support Systems
                      October 13, 2003, Halifax, Canada

                         In conjunction with 
     2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence

The Web provides a new medium for storing, presenting, gathering,
sharing, processing and using information. The impacts of the Web can
be felt in almost all aspects of life.  Web Intelligence is a
sub-field of computer science that tries to meet the challenges and
take advantages of the opportunities offered by the Web. The workshop
aims to a particular field of Web Intelligence by providing a forum
for the discussion and exchange of ideas and information by
researchers, students, and professionals on the issues and challenges
brought on by the Web technology for various support systems. One of
our goals is to find out how applications and adaptations of existing
methodologies on the Web platform benefit our decision-makings and
various activities.


Some suggested topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
 - Web-based Decision Support Systems 
 - Web-based Information Retrieval Support Systems 
 - Web-based Multimedia Systems 
 - Web-based Groupware System 
 - Web-based Knowledge Management System 
 - Web-based Educational System 
 - Web-based Research Support Systems 
 - Web-based Business Support Systems 
 - Web-based Financial and Economic Systems 
 - Web-based Internet Banking System 
 - Web-based Applications 
 - Web-based Negotiation Support Systems 
 - XML and Semi-structured Data Management on the Web 
 - Web Information Management 
 - Web Information Retrieval 
 - Web Mining and Farming 
 - CASE tools and software for developing web-based applications 
 - User-interface design issues for web-based applications 
 - Visualizations of web-based systems 
 - Systems Analysis and Design methods for web-based applications 
 - Security issues related to web-based applications 
 - Web-based Systems Development 
Important Dates:

August 22, 2003     Deadline for submission of papers
September 6, 2003   Notification of acceptance 
                    (1 week prior to Early Registration deadline)
September 26, 2003  Final copy due
October 13, 2003    Conference


Submitted papers should be formatted in the style of IEEE-Computer
Society Format:

The page limit for the final version is 12 pages.  We only accept
electronic submissions. Please send your manuscripts in PDF format to
the program chairs:

Dr. JingTao Yao             Dr. Pawan Lingras
University of Regina        Saint Mary's University
Canada                      Canada

The onsite proceedings of the workshop will be published by WI 2003.
We may have a post-workshop special issue on a journal or an edited
book for selected papers with revision and extension.


From: Undisclosed Sendor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Workshop on Knowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 18:40:22 +0800 (CST)

Workshop on "Knowledge Grid and Grid Intelligence"

October 13, 2003, Halifax, Canada

In conjunction with 2003 IEEE/WIC International Conference on 
Web Intelligence / Intelligent Agent Technology

The Grid Computing has evolved from the earlier days of merely sharing
distributed resources for solving big computational tasks to the
latest trend of developing the Grid as a service-oriented architecture
to support transparent and reliable distributed systems
integration. Thanks to its recent marriage with Web Services and the
Semantic Web. While the Semantic Web + Web Services emphasizes on the
interoperability of different on-line systems, the Grid complements it
by providing the infrastructure to handle large-scale distributed
enterprises information systems.

We envision that the success of using the Grid for distributed system
integration will reply on how to have the resources of the Grid, with
its increasing scale and complexity, well managed.  ``Grid
intelligence'' refers to a newly emerging research field focusing on
how the data and information available on different levels of Grid
services (e.g., HTML/XML/RDF/... documents, hyperlinks, Web usage,
service response time, service quality, ...)  can be carefully
acquired, preprocessed, represented, interchanged, integrated and
eventually converted into unique intelligences (knowledge) -- to
enhance the overall Grid performance. Related research issues include
intelligent mechanisms for resource specification, discovery,
brokering/matchmaking, scheduling, negotiation, etc.  Agent-based
technologies address the autonomy, socialablity, adaptability and
goal-driven properties of software systems and thus provide the most
suitable computing paradigm for the dynamically changing Grid

As higher-level knowledge is going to play a more important role in
the future Grid applications (e.g., e-science, e-business), issues
related to knowledge representation, discovery, integration,
interchange of different types of media in a distributed environment
have to be carefully addressed. Related Web intelligence techniques
including data mining and knowledge discovery, text and multimedia
content analysis, semantic information extraction and integration,
ontology engineering, etc. can be applied. We believe that eventually
the Data Grid and Computational Grid can integrated with the
"Knowledge Grid", making a lot of used-to-be complicated and
computationally expensive tasks truly just-in-time and on-demand.

Some related areas are listed as but not limited to:

- Web intelligence solutions for knowledge grids
- Data/Information/Knowledge Grids integration, mediation and middleware
- Knowledge representation and ontology learning
- Data mining and knowledge discovery in distributed datasets
- Text and multimedia content analysis and indexing
- Semantic Web mining and metadata generation
- Semantically interoperable Web services
- Knowledge management in Grid environment
- Agent-based Workflow systems
- Applications in e.g., e-science (computation, visualization),
  e-business (distributed system integration)
- Agent architectures on and for the Grid
- Agent decision making model
- Self-organizing systems and emergent organization
- Distributed problem solving on the grids
- Distributed coordination
- Collective, self-organized intelligence
- Modeling and characterization of agent dynamics
- Coalition formation
- Conflicts, conflict resolution and negotiation
- Grid service and policy semantics and ontologies
- Grid service creation, advertisement, registration, 
  contract creation, delivery
- Robust/automonic/self-organized mechanisms for Grid service 
  discovery, matchmaking, scheduling and resource management
- Computational economy
- Online negotiation of access to Grid services
- Grid service usage policy management and enforcement
- Dynamic formation and management of virtual organizations in Grid
- Security, privacy and agents

Important Dates:

September 1, 2003       Deadline for submission of papers
September 14, 2003      Notification of acceptance
September 26, 2003      Final copy due
October 13, 2003        Workshop


Submitted papers should be formatted in the style of IEEE-Computer
Society Format: 
The page limit for the final version is 12 pages.  We only accept
electronic submissions. Please send your manuscripts in PDF format to
the program chairs:

For more information, see:


Subject: ECCBR 04 Call for workshop proposals
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 12:12:09 +0200

        Seventh European Conference on Case-Based Reasoning

                 30th August - 2nd September, 2004
                           Madrid, Spain


The organizing committee of the Seventh European Conference on
Case-Based Reasoning (ECCBR-04) invites proposal for the Workshop
Program. The workshops will be held on 31 August 2004.  These
workshops will provide a platform for presenting and exchanging novel
ideas. The participants will have the opportunity to explore emerging
topics in case-based reasoning (CBR) research and applications in an
informal setting. In particular, workshop proposals that focus on
specific CBR research and application topics are encouraged.

Each workshop will run for up to 3 hours.  At the end of the workshop
day, each workshop organizer(s) will be given 10 minutes to summarize
the presentations and discussions of their respective workshops.  The
workshop organizers will determine the content and the format of their
workshops, although, mini-conference proposals are discouraged.
Organizers are encouraged to allot ample time for discussion.  ECCBR
04 organizing committee will provide meeting facilities for the
workshops and organize the printing and distribution of the workshop
proceedings.  Each workshop organizing committee shall:
- Produce a call for participation for their workshop. The call should
specify the appropriate review and selection procedure for papers and
presentations, the submission procedure, format, and include important
dates as suggested below.
- Review and select presentations and papers.
- Edit their workshop’s selections and send them to the Workshop
Chairs (See contact information) according to the dates indicated


12 Dec 2003   Workshop proposals submission deadline.
5 Jan 2004    Proposal acceptance notification
26 Jan 2004   Call for papers deadline
7 May 2004    Suggested deadline for workshop paper submissions
7 June 2004   Deadline for notification of workshop paper acceptance
9 July 2004   Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted workshop
16 July 2004  Deadline for submission of camera-ready copies to the
              workshop chairs


The proposals should be 2-4 pages long and contain the following
- Proposed workshop title.
- A brief technical description of the workshop including the goals
and technical issues that will be the focus of the workshop.
- A brief description of why and to whom the workshop would be of
- A draft call for papers.
- A preliminary workshop agenda and a schedule for the workshop. This
should include how the organizers intend to conduct the workshops
(e.g., discussions, panel discussions, presentations, and invited
- If available a list of interested participants and groups.
- Intended means of advertising the workshop.
- The names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses of
the proposed workshop organizing committee. This committee should
consist of three or four people knowledgeable on the issues to be
discussed in the workshop.

Please submit an electronic copy (PDF, PS, or MS Word) of workshop
proposals by email no later than 12 December, 2003 to either of the
workshop chairs: Pablo Gervás ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or Kalyan Moy Gupta
([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Proposals will be reviewed by the organizing
committee and prospective organizers will notified of their decision
by 5 Jan, 2004.


Workshop papers must be limited to 10 pages in length and conform to
the Springer LNCS format.  Instructions for authors along with LaTeX
and Word macro files are available on the web at

For more information, please see:   (click on workshop the hyperlink)


From: Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 09:35:55 +0100


10th International Conference on "Information Processing and
Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems" 
July, 4-9, 2004, Perugia - Italy


The IPMU Conference is organized every two years with the focus of
bringing together scientists working on methods for the management of
uncertainty and aggregation of information in intelligent systems.
This conference provides a medium for the exchange of ideas between
theoreticians and practitioners in these and related areas.


Theory, methods and tools

Bayesian and Probabilistic Methods, Measure of Information and
Uncertainty, Evidence Theory, Possibility Theory, Utility Theory,
Measurement Theory, Belief Networks, Chaos Theory, Fuzzy Methods,
Rough Sets, Belief Updating, Default Reasoning, Multivalued Logics,
Temporal Reasoning, Non-standard Logics, Non-monotonic Logics,
Approximate Reasoning, Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge
Representation, Information Incompleteness and Inconsistency,
Uncertainty in Cognition, Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary
Computation, Machine Learning, Inductive Methods, Neural Networks,
Aggregation Methods, Data Analysis.

Application fields

Intelligent Systems, Fuzzy Control, Diagnosis Systems, Expert Systems,
Hybrid Systems, Clustering, Classification, Databases, Pattern
Recognition, Bioinformatics, Medical Applications, Financial
Engineering, Multi-Media Management, Decision Support Systems, Cyber
Security, Software Engineering, Multicriteria and Group Decision
Making, Information Systems, Information Retrieval, Information
Fusion, Data Mining, User profiling, Intelligent web technologies.


All submitted papers should present research advances.  Contributions
will be selected based upon their quality as evaluated by at least two
reviewers.  A number of special sessions will be included in the
program.  Authors will be invited to contribute to these sessions.
The special sessions will be chaired by recognised experts in the
topics.  Proposals for special sessions are welcome to be considered
by the program committee.  One full registration will cover acceptance
of up to two papers; each additional accepted paper associated with
the same registration will be subject to an additional fee.


Submitted full papers should be between 4 to 8 pages in length.  The
authors should electronically submit their papers, written in English,
following the instructions in the conference web page site, no later than October 12, 2003.
Authors unable to submit papers electronically should send three
copies of the complete paper to the Secretariat at the address given


September 14, 2003: Submission of special sessions
October 12, 2003: Notification of acceptance of special sessions
October 12, 2003: Submission of papers
February 14, 2004: Notification of acceptance
March 31, 2004: Submission of final papers
July, 4-9, 2004: Conference

For more information, see:


From: Aleksandar Lazarevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CFP: Fourth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (2004)
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 18:52:46 -0500 (CDT)

                   CALL FOR PAPERS
          Hyatt Orlando Near Walt Disney Resort, 
        Orlando, Florida, USA, April 22-24, 2004
         URL: http//

The field of Data Mining has seen a tremendous increase of interest in
recent months. Applications of Data Mining are mentioned often in the
daily press, especially in the fields of security and forensics. Thus,
these are exciting times for researchers and practitioners in the
area. We hope that the research captured by these proceedings helps in
advancing this important field.

The next conference will be held in Orlando, FL, April 22-24, 2004.
This conference will provide a forum for the presentation of recent
results in data mining, including applications, algorithms, software,
and systems. There will be peer reviewed, contributed papers as well
as invited talks and tutorials. Best paper awards will be given in
different categories. Proceedings of the conference will be available
both online at the SIAM Web site and in hard copy form. In addition,
several workshops on topics of current interest will be held on the
final day of the conference.


Methods and Algorithms:
        Query/constraint-based data mining
        Probabilistic/statistical methods
        Mining spatial, temporal and heterogeneous data
        Trend and periodicity analysis
        Parallel/distributed/agent techniques
        Scalable algorithms
        Integration: mining, warehousing and OLAP
        Mining of data streams
        Data reduction/pre-processing
        Feature extraction and selection
        Collaborative filtering/personalization
        Cost-based decision making
        Visual data mining

        Intelligence analysis
        Genomics, bioinformatics and biometrics
        Medical and health industry
        Text, video, and multi-media mining
        E-commerce and web data
        Financial data analysis
        Intrusion detection
        Remote sensing and earth sciences
        Non-destructive evaluation
        Case studies / benchmarks
        Novel applications

Human Factors and Social Issues:
        Languages/user interface for data mining
        Security / privacy of information
        Intellectual ownership
        Risk analysis


Paper Due Date:                 September 15, 2003
Author Notification:            December  15, 2003
Camera-ready Version Due Date:  January    9, 2004


Papers submitted to this conference must not have been accepted or be
under review by another conference with a published proceedings or by
a journal. The work may be either theoretical or applied, but should
make a significant contribution to the field. Papers should have a
maximum length of 12 pages (single-spaced, 2 column, 10 point font,
and at least 1 margin on each side). Authors should use US Letter (8.5
x 11) paper size. Papers must have an abstract with a maximum of 250
words and a keyword list with no more than 6 keywords.  Authors are
strongly encouraged to submit their papers electronically in PDF or
PostScript format. For LaTeX users, please use the template available
at For Microsoft Word
users, please convert your document to the PDF format. Papers can be
submitted at the following Web site 4 weeks prior to the paper due

For further details,, see http//


From: Aleksandar Lazarevic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 18:59:57 -0500 (CDT)

The Fourth SIAM International Conference on Data Mining
April 22-24, 2004
Hyatt Orlando, Kissimmee, Florida.


The SDM-2004 organizing committee is seeking high quality workshop
proposals. Selected workshops will focus on new challenges and
initiatives in data mining research and applications. They will foster
the discussion of exciting research directions and works in progress
through paper presentations, discussions, and invited talks. Each
workshop will be either a full-day or a half-day event.

For details about workshop submission, please visit the conference web
site: http//

Workshop proposals should be sent via e-mail to the SDM-2004 Workshops
Chair, Hillol Kargupta ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), before September 3, 2003.


The SIAM Data Mining (SDM04) Organizing Committee invites proposals
for tutorials to be held in conjunction with the conference. Tutorials
are an effective way to educate and/or provide the necessary
background to the intended audience enabling them to understand
technical advances. For SDM04, we are seeking proposals for tutorials
on all topics related to data mining. A tutorial may be a
theme-oriented comprehensive survey, discuss novel data mining
techniques or may center around successful and timely application of
data mining in important application areas (e.g. medicine, national
security, scientific data analysis). For examples of typical SIAM
tutorials, see the set of accepted tutorials at previous SIAM
conferences (SDM01, SDM02 and SDM03).

Tutorials are open to all conference attendees without any extra
fees. The typical tutorial will be 2 hrs long (longer tutorials will
be considered), and held in parallel with two paper presentation
tracks during the main conference program. This format encourages
participation. Previous SDM conference attracted 50 to 100 attendees
per tutorial.

For details about tutorial submission, please visit the conference web
Site: http//

Proposals should be submitted electronically by September 3, 2003 to
Srinivasan Parthasarathy ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) in PDF format (for
other formats please contact the tutorial chair first).


From: Andrea Omicini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ACM SAC 2004 -- Call for Papers
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 11:28:48 +0200

             The 19th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing    
                              SAC 2004                     
                         March 14 - 17, 2004               
                           Nicosia, Cyprus                 

                            CALL FOR PAPERS                  
                 Submission deadline: September 6, 2003      
SAC 2004

For the past eighteen years, the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
has been a primary gathering forum for applied computer scientists,
computer engineers, software engineers, and application developers
from around the world. Last year, SAC attracted 525 papers, resulting
in 200 papers published first in the SAC Proceedings, and then in the
ACM Digital Library. SAC 2004 is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest
Group on Applied Computing, and is hosted by the University of Cyprus
in Nicosia, Cyprus.


Authors are invited to submit original papers in all areas of
experimental computing and application development for the technical
program, and panel and workshop proposals that deal with the symposium
themes via the various track hosted by SAC 2004. Submissions fall into
the following categories:

* Original and unpublished research work
* Reports of innovative computing applications in the arts, sciences, 
engineering, and business areas
* Reports of successful technology transfer to new problem domains
* Reports of industrial experience and demos of new innovative systems
* Workshops and Panels

Peer groups with expertise in the track focus area will blindly review
submissions to that track. Accepted papers will be published in the
annual conference proceedings. Submission guidelines are posted on SAC
2004 Website (

Paper submissions should be sent to the appropriate Track Chair. Track
Chairs contact information is available on the SAC 2004 Website shown
above. Papers spanning more than one track should be mailed to the
Program Chairs (addresses below). Submissions that fall under new
topics are also invited and should be directed to the Program Chairs.
For panels and workshops, please contact the Program Chairs for
submission guidelines. For more information please visit SAC 2004


* Artificial Intelligence, Computational Logic and Image Analysis (AI)
* Agents, Interactions, Mobility, and Systems (AIMS)
* Bioinformatics (BIO)
* Computational Sciences (CS)
* Computer Applications in Health Care (CAHC)
* Computer Network (CN)
* Computer Security (SEC)
* Coordination Models, Languages and Applications (CM)
* Database Theory, Technology, and Applications (DTTA)
* Data Mining (DM)
* Data Streams (DS)
* E-Commerce Technologies (ECT)
* Embedded Systems: Applications, Solutions, and Techniques (EMBS)
* Engineering e-Learning Systems (ELS)
* Evolutionary Computing and Optimization (ECO)
* Information Access and Retrieval (IAR)
* Internet Data Management (IDM)
* Mobile Computing and Applications (MCA)
* Multimedia and Visualization (MV)
* Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
* Organizational Engineering (OE)
* Parallel and Distributed Systems (PDS)
* Programming Languages (PL)
* Software Engineering: Applications, Practices, and Tools (SE)
* Ubiquitous Computing (UC)
* Web Technologies and Applications (WTA)


The tutorial program is an integral part of SAC 2004. The organizing
committee solicits tutorials that tend to stress state-of-the-art
technology and directly applied to the practitioners'
field. Presenters are invited to submit proposals for tutorials in all
areas of experimental computing and application development. Tutorials
duration is either full-day or half-day. The tutorial proposal should
include a brief summary and outline, specific goals and objectives,
background of the audience, a biographical sketch of the
presenters. All tutorial proposals should be directed to the Tutorials
Chair. Tutorial submission guidelines are available on the SAC 2004


Sept. 6, 2003:  Paper/Tutorial submissions
Oct. 18, 2003:  Author notification
Nov.  8, 2003:  Camera-Ready Copy

For more information, see


From: "David 'Pablo' Cohn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: JMLR Special Issue on the Fusion of Domain Knowledge with Data
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 20:02:10 -0700

The Journal of Machine Learning Research is pleased to announce
publication of the Special Issue on the Fusion of Domain Knowledge
with Data for Decision Support, available electronically at

Introduction to the Special Issue on the Fusion of Domain Knowledge
with Data for Decision Support
Richard Dybowski, Kathryn B. Laskey, James W. Myers, Simon Parsons;

Combining Knowledge from Different Sources in Causal Probabilistic
Marek J. Druzdzel, Francisco J. Díez; pp.295-316

Preference Elicitation via Theory Refinement
Peter Haddawy, Vu Ha, Angelo Restificar, Benjamin Geisler, John
Miyamoto; pp.317-337

Fusion of Domain Knowledge with Data for Structural Learning in Object 
Oriented Domains
Helge Langseth, Thomas D. Nielsen; pp.339-368

An Empirical Study of the Use of Relevance Information in Inductive
Logic Programming
Ashwin Srinivasan, Ross D. King, Michael E. Bain; pp.369-383

Combining Knowledge from Different Sources in Causal Probabilistic
Marek J. Druzdzel, Francisco J. Díez; 4(Jul):295-316, 2003.

These, and all previous papers are available electronically at in PostScript and PDF formats. Many are also
available in HTML. The papers of Volume 1-3 are also available in
hardcopy from the MIT Press; please see
for details.


End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 15, No. 13

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