Machine Learning List: Vol. 15, No. 17
                        Saturday, October 4, 2003

  Meeting Announcements
    MLJ: Special Issue on Learning in Speech and Language Technologies
    Int'l Conf. Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control, ...
    IEEE ITCC Track: IT in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Computing
  Career Opportunities
    ML Research position opportunities at University of New Mexico
    Research position in planning, learning & optimisation
  Miscellaneous Announcements
    New issues of Cognitive Systems Research
    Change in NSF deadlines

The Machine Learning List is moderated.  Contributions should be
relevant to the scientific study of machine learning.  Please send
submissions for distribution to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For requests to be
added, removed, or to change your email address, send email to:

To keep mailings to a manageable size, please keep submissions brief.
For meeting announcements, do highlight the meeting Web site and the
goals of the event but omit information such as the program committee
and talk schedules.  Also, only first calls for papers and change of
deadline announcements will be included.  The ML List moderator
reserves the right to omit/edit submissions to meet these criteria.


From: Pascale Fung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MLJ: Special Issue on Learning in Speech and Language Technologies
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 17:41:00 +0800 (HKT)


Machine Learning Journal
Special Issue on Learning in Speech and Language Technologies
Call for Papers

Machine learning techniques have long been the foundations of speech
processing. Bayesian classification, decision trees, unsupervised
clustering, the EM algorithm, maximum entropy, etc. are all part of
existing speech recognition systems. Meanwhile, the success of
statistical speech recognition has led to the rise of statistical and
empirical methods in natural language processing.

Many of the machine learning techniques in language processing, from
statistical part-of-speech tagging to the noisy channel model for
machine translation have roots in work conducted in the speech
field. In turn, advances in Learning Theory and algorithmic Machine
Learning approaches have also made a mark on natural language and
speech processing. Approaches such as memory based learning, a range
of linear classifiers such as Boosting, SVMs and SNoW and others have
been successfully applied to a broad range of natural language
problems, and these now inspire new research in speech retrieval and
recognition. We have seen an increasingly close collaboration between
voice and language processing researchers in some of the shared tasks
such as spontaneous speech recognition and understanding, voice data
information extraction, and machine translation.

The purpose of this special issue is to invite speech and language
researchers to communicate with each other, and with the machine
learning community on the latest machine learning advances in their
work. We hope to promote both the development of new theoretical
frameworks and of further application of machine learning techniques
in new ways to both speech and language areas, fueling the synergy
between the two.

Papers are invited on learning applied to all speech and natural
language tasks including, but not limited to:

Acoustics & Phonetics, Syntax, Semantics, Discourse and Dialog,
Language Modeling, Spoken Language Understanding and Generation,
Multilingual Processing, Machine Translation, Spoken Language
Information Extraction and Retrieval, Natural Language and Spoken
Language based Interactive Systems.

We welcome work within any machine learning and statistical frameworks
and/or the development of a new framework for any of the above areas.

Original theoretical or experimental papers showing significant
contribution in the above areas are invited. Papers showing the
synergy between speech and language processing using learning are
especially encouraged. Papers will be evaluated by experts in the
relevant area of natural language learning, but should be written to
be reasonably accessible to a general machine learning audience.

Pascale Fung ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (University of Science &
Technology, HKUST)
Dan Roth ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (University of Illinois at Urbana/Champaign)

October 8, 2003: Deadline for submissions.
December 15, 2003: Deadline for getting decisions back to authors.
March 15, 2004: Deadline for authors to submit final versions.
Fall 2004: Publication

Submission Guidelines:
(1) Format:
Manuscripts should not exceed 8000 words and should conform to the
formatting instructions in:

(2) Electronic submission:
Submission instructions are available here.
However, in addition to everything stated there, for papers submitted to
special issues:
1. send an email with title page to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with paper title and
author information. The first author will be the primary contact unless
otherwise stated.
2. state clearly in the body of the email submission that it is for THIS
special issue
3. copy all submissions to Kluwer to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
4. please make sure you submit one copy to Kluwer


From: cimca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Int'l Conf. Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control, and Automation
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 12:42:04 +1000

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling,
                   Control and Automation
                        12-14 July 2004
                        Gold Coast, Australia

                          Jointly with
International Conference on Intelligent Agents, Web Technologies
                       and Internet Commerce
                         12-14 July 2004
                        Gold Coast, Australia

The international conference on computational intelligence for
modelling, control and automation will be held in Gold Coast,
Australia on 12-14 July 2004. The conference provides a medium for the
exchange of ideas between=20 theoreticians and practitioners to
address the important issues in computational=20 intelligence,
modelling, control and automation.

The conference will consist of both plenary sessions and contributory
sessions, focusing on theory, implementation and applications of
computational intelligence techniques to modelling, control and
automation. For contributory sessions, papers (4 pages or more) are
being solicited. Several well-known keynote speakers will address the
conference. Topics of the conference include, but are not limited to,
the following areas:

Modern and Advanced Control Strategies:
Neural Networks Control,
Fuzzy Logic Control,
Genetic Algorithms & Evolutionary Control,
Model-Predictive Control,
Adaptive and Optimal Control,
Intelligent Control Systems,
Robotics and Automation,
Fault Diagnosis,
Intelligent agents,
Industrial Automations

Hybrid Systems:
Fuzzy Evolutionary Systems,
Fuzzy Expert Systems,
Fuzzy Neural Systems,
Neural Genetic Systems,
Neural-Fuzzy-Genetic Systems,
Hybrid Systems for Optimisation

Data Analysis, Prediction and Model Identification:
Signal Processing,
Prediction & Time Series Analysis,
System Identification,
Data Fusion and Mining,
Knowledge Discovery,
Intelligent Information Systems,
Image Processing,
Image Understanding,
Parallel Computing applications in Identification & Control,
Pattern Recognition,

Decision Making and Information Retrieval:
Case-Based Reasoning,
Decision Analysis,
Intelligent Databases & Information Retrieval,
Dynamic Systems Modelling,
Decision Support Systems,
Multi-criteria Decision Making,
Qualitative and Approximate-Reasoning

Papers will be selected based on their originality, significance,
correctness, and clarity of presentation. Papers (4 pages or more)
should be submitted to the following e-mail or the following address:

CIMCA'2004 Secretariat
School of Computing
University of Canberra
Canberra, 2601, ACT, Australia

E-mail submission is preferred. Papers should present
original work, which has not been published or being reviewed for other

Important Dates
* 14 March 2004 Submission of papers
* 30 April 2004 Notification of acceptance
* 21 May 2004 Deadline for camera-ready copies of accepted papers
* 12-14 July 2004 Conference sessions

Special sessions and tutorials will be organised at the conference.
The conference is calling for special sessions and tutorial proposals.
All proposals should be sent to the conference chair on or before 27th
February 2004. CIMCA'04 will also include a special poster session
devoted to recent work and work-in-progress. Abstracts are solicited
for this session. Abstracts (3 pages limit) may be submitted up to 30
days before the conference date.

Keynote speakers from academia and industry will be addressing the
main issues of the conference.

Sightseeing visits will be arranged for the delegates and guests. A
separate program will be arranged for companions during the

For further information either contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
or see the conference homepage at:


From: "Y. Alp Aslandogan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IEEE ITCC Track: IT in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Computing
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 11:16:06 -0500

Call for Papers 
International Conference on Information Technology: Coding and

Special Track on 
Information Technology in Bioinformatics and Biomedical Computing 

The Orleans, Las Vegas, NV,  April 5 -7, 2004
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society 

Submission deadline: November 17th, 2003


Biology and Biomedicine have become increasingly data-driven
sciences. The researchers in this area are producing vast quantities
of data daily from sources such as clinical trials, statistics,
population genetics, imaging, gene sequencing, gene expression
analysis, and protein identification projects. These data enable the
creation of enormous digital libraries. This data is unique in the
sense that it combines enormity with fine granularity. The rate of
accumulation of this data has far exceeded our capacity to analyze it
and discover novel and significant knowledge embedded in it using
non-automated means. This has led to the evolution of a new-fangled
area of multi-disciplinary research, termed Bioinformatics, defined as
the science of storing, extracting, organizing, analyzing,
interpreting and utilizing information from biological sequences and
molecules. Biomedical Informatics deals with algorithms and routines
that have general applicability and that form the basis for the
evolving information technology research in biomedical sciences and
related disciplines.  This track focuses on the techniques and
methodologies which give rise to design and development of information
technology routines for applications in Bioinformatics and/or
Biomedical Informatics.

The topics include, but are not limited to the following: 

- Algorithms for Microarray Analysis 
- Computational Protein Structure prediction and Analysis 
- Data Mining for Bioinformatics applications 
- Functional Genomics 
- High Performance Computing 
- Machine learning 
- Pathways, Networks, Systems Biology 
- Pattern Recognition and Sequence Alignment 
- Regulatory Networks 
- String and graph algorithms for Bioinformatics 

Biomedical Computing:
- Mining biomedical databases 
- Heterogeneous Data Integration 
- Storage and access structures for biomedical data 
- Biological and biomedical data modeling 
- Information Retrieval from Biomedical data Sources 
- Scientific Visualization 
- Automated text categorization and authority determination 
- Mining techniques for emerging imaging types 


All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical
quality, relevance, significance and clarity. Authors should submit
original, unpublished papers containing contributions of theoretical
or experimental nature. Papers will be published in ITCC 2004
Conference Proceedings. Selected papers will be considered for Journal

Submit your papers (up to 8 pages, in the IEEE Proceedings 
format) electronically through

The accepted electronic formats are PS, PDF and MS WORD.
Information on the final manuscript submission will be provided 

Further help on submission is available at

Track co-chairs: 
Bioinformatics: Dr. Sumeet Dua ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
Biomedical Computing: Dr. Y. Alp Aslandogan ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Important Deadlines:
October 17, 2003   Paper submission 
November 14, 2003  Notification of Acceptance
December 19, 2003  Camera-ready Copies Due


From: Terran Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ML Research position opportunities at University of New Mexico
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 16:25:58 -0600

The machine learning research group at the University of New Mexico
Computer Science department is seeking to hire outstanding
postdoctoral and graduate researchers to participate in the following
research projects:

        Computational modeling of the RNA interference process (1
        postdoctoral and 1 PhD graduate researcher): As part of the
        UNM Center for Evolutionary and Theoretical Immunology, our
        group will be building quantitative, predictive models of the
        RNA interference (a.k.a., RNA silencing or Posttranscriptional 
        gene silencing) process.  Researchers involved with this
        project will develop Bayesian and relational models of the
        RNAi process and validate them in collaboration with empirical
        immunologists in the department of Biology at UNM.  Other
        potential research problems involve information extraction,
        unsupervised learning, incorporation of domain knowledge, and
        investigation of ties to related non-biological ML problems.
        Researchers will coordinate closely with immunologists in the
        biology department and will report their findings in both ML
        and immunology conferences.  Strong background in machine
        learning, computational data analysis, and/or statistics is a
        must; background in biology, genetics, or immunology is a
        strong plus.

        Machine learning of cognitive models (1 MS or PhD graduate
        researcher): In collaboration with the Intelligent Systems
        Principles group at Sandia National Laboratories, our group
        will be developing machine learning methods for automated
        acquisition of psychological parameters and relationships for
        user modeling software.  Potential applications include
        automated help/tutoring systems, expertise modeling, user
        assistive software, and user task/performance modeling.
        Machine learning research will include preference elicitation,
        user modeling, structure search, and temporal and relational
        modeling.  Researchers will present their findings in ML, user
        modeling, and cognitive science conferences.  Strong
        background in machine learning, computational data analysis,
        statistics, or artificial intelligence is desired; background
        in psychology or user modeling is a plus, but not essential.
        Student must be a U.S. Citizen!

Positions can begin immediately and will last 2-3 years, with the
possibilty of continuation thereafter.  Student positions include
tuition, stipend, and medical insurance; postdoctorate position
includes salary and a full benefits package.

The University of New Mexico is located in Albuquerque, NM, a
mid-sized city rich in art and ethnic and cultural diversity.  The
area offers many outdoor attractions including hiking, camping, rock
climbing, mountaineering, skiing, and rafting.  Albuquerque is
approximately 1 hour from Santa Fe, an internationally renowned center
of art and culture, and about 2 hours from Taos, a world-class ski
area.  For more information on the Albuquerque and New Mexico areas,
check out or

Prospective candidates should apply with a cover letter and CV and ask
for at least two letters of recommendation to be sent to Dr. Terran
Lane at:
        University of New Mexico
        Department of Computer Science
        Farris Engineering Center
        Albuquerque, NM 87131-1386
        email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Subject: Research position in planning, learning & optimisation
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

National ICT Australia (NICTA) is seeking applications from high
performing postdoctoral researchers to work in a project in developing
planning, learning, and optimisation methods for discrete-event
systems. The position is based at the Canberra laboratories of NICTA
located at the Australian National University.
Candidates should have a PhD in computer science or a related field,
and a record of achievements in one or more of the following areas:
 o Planning under uncertainty
 o Decision-theoretic  planning 
 o Planning with time and resources
 o Planning as heuristic search
 o Planning via model-checking
 o Real-world applications of planning
 o Reinforcement learning
 o Supervisory control
Partners in the project are the Australian Defence Science and
Technology Organisation (DSTO), the University of Adelaide
(Australia), and the University of Aarhus (Denmark).  Current
researchers on the project include:
 o Doug Aberdeen (NICTA)
 o Ian Fuss (DSTO)
 o Lars Kristensen (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
 o Sylvie Thiebaux (NICTA)
 o S.V.N. Vishwanathan (NICTA)
 o Lang White (University of Adelaide)
 o Bob Williamson (NICTA)
 o Lin Zhang (DSTO)
Conditions of Appointment
Appointment: This will be a three year appointment, with the
possibility of a two year extension to five years, subject to
confirmation after a probationary period.
Remuneration: will be internationally competitive: salary package
including superannuation within the range of $68,000 to $100,000
(currently under review), and funds will be available also for
research support and infrastructure, and international conference
travel support.  Financial assistance will be provided towards travel
and removal expenses.  Leave provisions are generous, including
maternity and parental leave.
Application Process: see
Closing date: 21 October 2003
Dr Sylvie Thiebaux            
Fellow, RSISE                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Australian National University      Tel: +61 (2) 6125 8678
Canberra ACT 0200, Australia            Fax: +61 (2) 6125 8651

From: Professor Ron Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: new issues of Cognitive Systems Research
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 15:42:28 -0400

New issues are now available for the following journal

Cognitive Systems Research
  Volume 4, Issue 3, Pages 167-242 (September 2003)
  special issue on   Cognitive Agents and Multiagent Interaction
  (guest edited by Jean-Luc Koning and Charles X. Ling)

Cognitive Systems Research
  Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages 243-397 (December 2003)

If you have questions, please locate Help Desk

See the following Web page for submission, subscription, and other
information  concerning  Cognitive Systems Research:


From: "Rissland, Edwina L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Change in NSF deadlines
Date: Wed, 1 Oct 2003 08:20:04 -0400 

VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE: Effective immediately, all IIS Division
Programs are switching from the old "semi-annual" November/March due
dates for proposals to SINGLE ANNUAL DEADLINES in December and
January.  The first new ANNUAL deadline for the program in Artificial
Intelligence and Cognitive

Science (AICS) is December 19, 2003. For further information, check
the IIS webpage:

Please don't miss it, or you'll have to wait an entire year for
another chance to submit!

Edwina L. Rissland
Program Director, Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science (AICS)
Division of Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS)
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington, Virginia 22230


End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 15, No. 17

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