Machine Learning List: Vol. 16, No. 7
                        Saturday, April 17, 2004

  Calls for Papers/Participation
    ICDL 2004 Call For Papers
    MLJ special issue
    ECML/PKDD 2004: Call for demonstrations
  Other Meeting Announcements
    ECML/PKDD 2004: deadline extended to April 26, 2004
    ILP 2004 CFP
    ICML-2004 Registration
    KDD-Cup 2004 (pre-announcement)
  Career Opportunities
    Research Fellow in learning theory

The Machine Learning List is moderated.  Contributions should be
relevant to the scientific study of machine learning.  Please send
submissions for distribution to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For requests to be
added, removed, or to change your email address, send email to:

To keep mailings to a manageable size, please keep submissions brief.
For meeting announcements, do highlight the meeting Web site and the
goals of the event but omit information such as the program committee
and talk schedules.  Also, only first calls for papers/participation
and brief change of deadline announcements will be included.  The ML
List moderator reserves the right to omit/edit submissions to meet
these criteria.


From: Tony Jebara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ICDL 2004 Call For Papers
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 12:53:52 -0400




The Salk Institute
October 20-22, 2004
San Diego, California

The goal of the conference is to bring together leading researchers in
neuroscience, machine learning, robotics, and developmental psychology, 
in order to gain new insights about learning and development in natural 
organisms and robots. The scope of developmental processes to be
considered is broad, including cognitive, social, emotional, and many
other skills exhibited by humans, and other animals. The theme of the
conference this year will be "Developing Social Brains", but other
topics related to development and learning are welcome.


Submission deadline is May 5 2004. Papers for the meeting can be
submitted ONLY through the conference's web site at: 
Papers can be submitted either as a 200 word summary or as a full
paper (max 8 typeset pages).


Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended
version of their paper for publication in a special issue of the
Neurocomputing Journal, published by Elsevier Science B.V.


All submitted papers will be reviewed by the program committee. Papers
will be judged and accepted for the meeting based on the clarity with
which the work is described and the relevance to the goals of the
conference. All accepted papers not selected for oral talks as well as
papers explicitly submitted as poster presentations will be included in
one of three evening poster sessions. Authors will be notified of the
presentation format of their papers by the beginning of July.

For more information please visit


From: Hendrik Blockeel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MLJ special issue
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 10:48:44 +0200 (MEST)

MLJ special issue on Multi-relational Data Mining and Statistical Relational 
Learning - deadlines 6/30 (abstract), 7/31 (paper)
See also

            Machine Learning journal Special Issue on 
                Multi-relational Data Mining and
                Statistical Relational Learning
                       Call for Papers


There has been an increasing interest in relational learning and
relational data mining during the last few years, as witnessed by, for
instance, the IJCAI-2003 Workshop on Learning Statistical Models from
Relational Data and the KDD-2003 Workshop on Multi-Relational Data
Mining. Following the success of these workshops, the Machine Learning
journal invites authors to submit papers for a Special Issue on
Multi-Relational Data Mining and Statistical Relational Learning.

This special issue will follow a special issue on Inductive Logic
Programming.  As a rule, we encourage researchers whose contribution
lies entirely within the field of inductive logic programming to
submit to that issue.

Contributors to SRL-2003 and MRDM-2003 are in particular invited to
submit a paper, but the special issue is open to everyone.  Each
submission will be reviewed according to the standards of the Machine
Learning journal.


         Titles and short abstracts due:  June 30, 2004 
                             Papers due:  July 31, 2004
                    Author notification:  November 30, 2004
  Final versions of accepted papers due:  January 31, 2005
                            Publication:  Mid 2005


Authors of papers that have appeared previously in refereed conferences 
and workshops are encouraged to submit extended versions of their
papers. Such extended papers must be significantly different from the
conference version, as well as accessible to the broad readership of
the journal.  They may expand on the material that was included in 
the original paper, e.g., by providing more details, giving a more
in-depth discussion of the results and related work, expanding upon
the experimental results, or giving a more thorough and scholarly
treatment of the material than was possible in a conference paper.

Submissions must not have appeared in, nor be under consideration by,
other journals. Authors of papers whose previous versions appeared 
in refereed conferences and workshops are requested to provide the
previously published version of their papers, as well as to include 
in their submission a brief letter stating the differences between 
the prior published version and this MLj Special Issue submission.


Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Instructions for
submission can be found at

In the text of your electronic submission, please explicitly state
that the paper is for the special issue on Multi-Relational Data
Mining and Statistical Relational Learning. In addition to submitting
the paper to


please also submit to the guest editors:


All inquiries regarding this special issue should be directed to the
guest editors.


From: ECML/PKDD 2004 Announcement <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ECML/PKDD 2004: Call for demonstrations
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 16:05:53 +0200


Pisa, Italy, September 20-24, 2004

The 15th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML) and the 8th
European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery
in Databases (PKDD) will be co-located in Pisa, Italy, September 20-24, 
2004. The combined event will comprise presentations of contributed
papers and invited speakers, a wide program of workshops, tutorials,
and a discovery challenge, and last but not least a demo session.

The Demo Session is reserved to innovative applications or successful
experiences/prototypes in applying the Knowledge Discovery Process to
practical cases. Also, are solicited demonstrations of prototypes/
systems which show the integration of new Data Mining and Machine
Learning technologies, advances using complex data structures and
databases, XML-data, multimedia, expert systems in innovative
application domains, such as bioinformatics, medical domains, WEB,
e-commerce, etc.

Demonstration proposals should give a short description of the
demonstrated system, explain what is going to be demonstrated, and
state the significance of the contribution to the field of Machine
Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases.  Important for 
the participants, in addition to the description of technical
functionalities, will be to provide also performance results and
quality measures (on standard benchmarks in the field and comparative

Short papers describing demos will appear in the Proceedings.
Demonstration proposals must be no more than three (3) pages, in
English and should be formatted according to the Springer-Verlag
Lecture Notes in Computer Science guidelines.  Authors instructions
and style files can be downloaded at

The deadline for submitting proposals is May 15, 2004. 
Notification of acceptance: Monday, June 7, 2004.
Camera Ready due: Monday, June 28, 2004 (Strict deadline).

Please submit your proposal to: 

KD-net office:

Fraunhofer Institute for Autonomous
Intelligent Systems (AIS) 
- Knowledge Discovery Team -
Schloss Birlinghoven
D-53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany
Tel.:    +49 - (0) 22 41 - 14 - 2686
Fax:    +49 - (0) 22 41 - 14 - 2072 

In the exhibit space, exhibitors give demonstrations and present their
prototypes/systems to the audience, answering to their questions. A
selected demo is shown to the interested audience in a slot of two
hours including a coffee break. Each demo is then repeated more times
(till three) during all week. Demos are explicitely mentioned in the
conference program scheduling and in the daily news.

Exhibitors are responsible for bringing all hardware and software
required for their demonstrations. Accepted exhibitors have to
register to the conference like all the other conference participants.


From: ECML/PKDD 2004 Announcement <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ECML/PKDD 2004: deadline extended to April 26, 2004
Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2004 18:01:52 +0200

Due to many requests, the paper submission deadline has been extended

        Monday April 26, 2004

For more information:

Pisa, Italy, September 20-24, 2004


Subject: ILP 2004 CFP
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 10:03:29 +0100 (WEST)

14th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming
                         (ILP 2004)

            Porto, Portugal,  6-8 September 2004

                    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The ILP 2004 Submission site is open

Important Dates

  Conference             September 6th, 7th and 8th, 2004
  Abstract submission    April 26th, 2004
  Paper submission       May 3rd, 2004
  Author notification    June 7th, 2004
  Camera-ready copies    June 21st, 2004
  Short presentation submission       August 1, 2004
  Short presentation notification   August 16th, 2004

Please see for more information.


From: ICML 04 Organizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ICML-2004 Registration
Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2004 13:18:01 -0700 (MST)

The Twenty-First International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2004) 
will be held in Banff, Alberta, Canada on July 4-8, 2004 at the Banff
Park Lodge. ICML will be collocated with UAI and COLT.

The early registration deadline for ICML is 23 April 2004.

Banff is located in Banff National Park, which is one of four adjoining 
mountain parks comprising more than 7,813 square miles of spectacular
Canadian Rocky Mountain landscape.

The closest international airport is in Calgary, which is 80 miles from 
Banff. Delegates are responsible for managing their own travel to and
from Banff, but as a convenience we have arranged a 20% discount on a
shuttle service from the Calgary International Airport to Banff.

Please note that these conferences take place during peak tourist season. 
We strongly advise attendees to book flights, hotels and transportation 
as soon as possible!

For details on ICML-2004, please see

For more information on Banff, hotels and transportation please see

Regards, ICML 04


From: Gabor Melli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: KDD-Cup 2004 (pre-announcement)
Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2004 05:18:04 -0700

KDD-Cup 2004

The KDD-Cup 2004 knowledge discovery and data mining competition will
be held in conjunction with the tenth annual ACM SIGKDD conference.
The challenge tasks are selected to be interesting to participants
from both academia and industry. In particular, we encourage the
participation of students.

This year's competition will focus on data-mining for a variety of
performance criteria such as Accuracy, Squared Error, Cross Entropy,
ROC Area, and Probability Calibration. The specific tasks, and two
datasets from the areas of bioinformatics and quantum physics, will be
made available the week of April 26, 2004. Stay tuned to for more information.


From: Shahar Mendelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Research Fellow in learning theory
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2004 08:42:14 +1000

Institute of Advanced Studies Research School of Information Sciences
and Engineering Computer Sciences Laboratory

Academic level B

Salary Range $56,322 - $66,452pa plus 17% super

Ref: ISE2292

Applications are invited for a position as Research Fellow in Learning
Theory in the Research School of Information Sciences and Engineering.
Current research in Machine Learning in the School covers a variety of
theoretical and experimental areas, including statistical learning
theory, kernel methods and reinforcement learning.

The appointee will work under the direction of Dr. Shahar Mendelson on
an ARC funded project investigating various aspects of Statistical
Learning Theory.  Applicants should have a strong research record in
Learning Theory or in a related area.

The duties include supervision of PhD students, and if desired, there
are opportunities for teaching, especially at the graduate level.

Selection Criteria: or from Reception,
RSISE T: 61 2 61258821, E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Enquiries: Contact Dr Shahar Mendelson via e-mail 
Closing Date: 7 May 2004


End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 16, No. 7

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