Machine Learning List: Volume 17, Number 4
                        Tuesday, October 11, 2005


  New Format for the Machine Learning List
  Calls for Papers & Participation
    Special Issue on Applications Eligible for Data Mining
    Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty
Special Issue on Statistical and Probabilistic Methods for User Modeling
    Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society
    19th International FLAIRS Conference
    Unsupervised Segmentation of Words into Morphemes
    NIPS 2005 Workshops
    International Conference on Development and Learning
    Third International Symposium on Neural Networks
    16th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
    Intelligent Information Systems
    PAKDD'06 Call for Tutorial proposals
  Career Opportunities
    Postdoctoral Position in Cognitive Models of Learning
    Postdoctoral Position in Data Mining of Network Formations
    Research Fellowship in Data Mining/Statistical Process Control
    Postdoctoral Position in Iterative Control Learning
    Senior Research Scientist Position at Toyota Technical Center
    Postdoctoral Positions in Bioinformatics and Neuroimaging
    Research Faculty Position in AI and Machine Learning
  Journal Announcements
    Bayesian Analysis
  Software Releases
    VFML library for mining massive data streams
    YALE 3.0
    Closed Loop Simulation System


The Machine Learning List is moderated. Contributions should be relevant
to the scientific study of machine learning. Please send submissions
for distribution to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For requests to be added, removed,
or to change your email address, send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To keep mailings to a manageable size, please keep submissions brief.
For meeting announcements, do highlight the meeting Web site and the
goals of the event but omit information such as the program committee
and talk schedules. Also, only first calls for papers/participation
and brief change of deadline announcements will be included. The ML
List moderator reserves the right to omit/edit submissions to meet
these criteria.


From: Pat Langley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New Format for the Machine Learning List
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005

This issue of the Machine Learning List introduces a new format that
contains more condensed versions of announcements. This reflects the
increased availability of details about meetings, publications, and
positions through the World Wide Web, which makes their inclusion
here redundant. The new goal of the ML List is to provide readers
with brief summaries of these announcements and to point interereted
parties to relevant Web pages for more information. We welcome any
suggestions for other changes that would let the ML List serve the
community better.


From: Takashi Washio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Special Issue on Applications Eligible for Data Mining
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 10:38:46 +0900

Advanced Engineering Informatics
Call For Papers of Special Issue on Applications Eligible for Data Mining
Deadline of paper submission: 25th, November, 2005

A special issue on applications eligible for data mining of Advanced
Engineering Informatics will provide clarification of progress and issues
in addition to the promotion of wider data mining applications. This
special issue seeks papers that discuss useful data mining techniques
for various domains, their use of knowledge intensive representations
and methods, and that also emphasize significant techniques for future
study of data mining. The special issue specially seeks discussion of
computer applications that use data mining in support of Engineering.

Review Criteria:
Due to the mission of this issue, the criteria of paper selection are:
(1) significance of applications,
(2) essential necessity of data mining,
(3) technical presentation that emphasizes informatics and knowledge
    intensive methods, and
(4) readability rather than the technical originality.


From: Thanh Ha Dang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 16:50:35 +0200

The Eleventh International Conference on Information Processing and
  Management of Uncertainty (IPMU 2006)
Paper submission due date: December 10th, 2005
Web page:

The IPMU Conference is organized every two years with the focus of
bringing together scientists working on methods for the management of
uncertainty and aggregation of information in intelligent systems.
This conference provides a medium for the exchange of ideas between
theoreticians and practitioners in these and related areas.

Topics in theory, methods and tools:
  Bayesian and Probabilistic Methods, Measure of Information and
  Uncertainty, Evidence Theory, Possibility Theory, Utility Theory,
  Measurement Theory, Belief Networks, Chaos Theory, Fuzzy Methods,
  Rough Sets, Belief Updating, Default Reasoning, Multivalued Logics,
  Temporal Reasoning, Non-standard Logics, Non-monotonic Logics,
  Approximate Reasoning, Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Representation,
  Uncertainty in Cognition, Information Incompleteness and Inconsistency,
  Genetic Algorithms, Evolutionary Computation, Machine Learning,
  Inductive Methods, Neural Networks, Aggregation Methods, Data Analysis.

Topics in application fields:

  Intelligent Systems, Fuzzy Control, Diagnosis Systems, Expert
  Systems, Hybrid Systems, Clustering, Databases, Classification,
  Image Processing, Intelligent Agents, Pattern Recognition, Medical
  Applications, Bioinformatics, Financial Engineering, Multi-Media
  Management, Decision Support Systems, Dedicated Architectures and
  Software, Software engineering, Multicriteria and Group Decision
  Making, Information systems, Information Retrieval, Information
  Fusion, Semantic Web, Data Mining, Cyber Security.


From: Ingrid Zukerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Special Issue on Statistical and Probabilistic Methods
         for User Modeling
Date: Sun, 21 Aug 2005 22:47:39 +1000

User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
Special Issue on Statistical and Probabilistic Methods for User Modeling
Submission Deadline is Oct. 31, 2005

This Special Issue of User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
will explore recent developments in different aspects of statistical
and probabilistic techniques for user modeling. Contributions are
particularly welcome in, but not limited to, the following areas:

- user modeling applications of machine learning and statistical
  techniques, such as Bayesian networks, decision trees and graphs,
  clustering techniques, decision-theoretic approaches, and neural

- theoretical developments in statistical modeling and machine learning
   relevant to user modeling issues.

- methods for the statistical evaluation of user models.

- adaptations of user models over time (including cold start and
  concept drift).

- combination of content-based and collaborative user models.

- learning statistical user models from data sets with different
  characteristics, e.g., imbalanced data sets, very large data sets,
  and synthetic data sets.


Subject: Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 09:49:21 -0400

CogSci 2006
The Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society
Paper Submissions due: February 1, 2006

We invite submissions to the Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the
Cognitive Science Society, the premier conference in cognitive science.

Each year, in addition to submitted papers, we invite speakers who help
to highlight some aspects of cognitive science. This year, we highlight
Learning: Tackling Both Implicit and Explicit Processes.

Plenary speakers will include:
1. Robert Siegler (CMU)
2. Daniel Schacter (Harvard)
3. Roger Shepard (Stanford)

Invited symposia will provide more explorations of the topics:
1. The Synergy between Implicit and Explicit Learning Processes
2. The Emerging Learning Sciences


Subject: 19th International FLAIRS Conference
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 22:57:56 -0500 (EST)

FLAIRS 2006                                      Melbourne Beach, USA                 11th-13th May 2006

Submission of papers                             21st Nov 2005

The 19th International FLAIRS Conference will be held 11th-13th May
2006, at the Crowne Plaza - Melbourne Oceanfront, Melbourne Beach,
Florida, USA.  Melbourne Beach is on the ocean front in the City of
Melbourne, on Florida's "Space Coast" centered around NASA's Kennedy
Space Center, and with easy access to Orlando and the Disney World
attractions.  The conference will feature technical papers, special
tracks, and invited speakers.  We are planning a conference reception
at the Florida Institute of Technology, and a conference excursion to
the Kennedy Space Center.

The following special tracks have been accepted at FLAIRS 2006.

   + Artificial Intelligence Education
   + Artificial Intelligence in Music and Art
   + Case-Based Reasoning
   + Evaluation and Refinement of Intelligent Systems
   + Evolutionary Optimization
   + Intelligent Distributed Sensor Networks
   + Intelligent Tutoring Systems
   + Machine Learning
   + Modeling the Real World through Contexts
   + Natural Language and Knowledge Representation
   + Neural Networks
   + Secure Multiparty Computations and Distributed Constraint Reasoning
   + Spatio-Temporal Reasoning
   + Automatic Annotation by Categories for Text Information Extraction
   + Trends in Basic and Applied Natural Language Processing
   + Uncertain Reasoning

Links to the respective special track pages can be found at:

Please contact the respective track organizers for further details.


From: Mikko Kurimo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Unsupervised Segmentation of Words into Morphemes
Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 13:58:12 +0300

Unsupervised segmentation of words into morphemes -- Challenge 2005
Deadline for submission of segmentations:   15 January 2006

Part of the EU Network of Excellence PASCAL Challenge
Program. Participation is open to all.

The objective of the Challenge is to design a statistical machine
learning algorithm that segments words into the smallest meaning-
bearing units of language, morphemes. Ideally, these are basic
vocabulary units suitable for different tasks, such as text
understanding, machine translation, information retrieval, and
statistical language modeling. The scientific goals are:

 * To learn of the phenomena underlying word construction in
   natural languages
 * To discover approaches suitable for a wide range of languages
 * To advance machine learning methodology

The results will be presented in a workshop arranged in connection
with other PASCAL challenges on machine learning.


From: Samuel Kaski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
      Shivani Agarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
      William Noble <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
      Daniel Silver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: NIPS 2005 Workshops

Workshop on Machine Learning for Implicit Feedback and User Modeling
  Deadline for papers:   October 21

Inferring Relevance from Eye Movements Challenge 2005
  Deadline for papers:   October 21

Workshop on Learning to Rank
  Deadline for papers:   October 21

Workshop on Learning from Heterogeneous Data
  Extended abstract due by November 1, 2005.
  Neural Information Processing Systems

Workshop on Inductive Transfer: Ten Years Later
  Deadline for papers:   October 21


From: Mike Gasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: International Conference on Development and Learning
Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2005 10:53:46 -0500

ICDL 2006: International Conference on Development and Learning
Paper Submission Deadline: Feb. 6, 2006

The theme of this years conference centers on development as a process
of dynamic change that occurs within a complex and embodied system.
The dynamics of development extend across multiple levels, from neural
circuits, to changes in body morphology, sensors, movement, behavior,
and inter-personal and social patterns. The goal of the conference
is to present state-of-the-art research on autonomous development
in humans, animals and robots, and to continue to identify new
interdisciplinary research directions for the future of the field.

Paper submissions (for details regarding format and submission/review
process see our website at are invited on:

 General Principles of Development and Learning in Humans and Robots
 Neural, Behavioral and Computational Plasticity
 Embodied Cognition: Foundations and Applications
 Social Development in Humans and Robots
 Language Development of Learning
 Dynamic Systems Approaches
 Emergence of Structures through Development
 Development of Perceptual and Motor Systems
 Models of Developmental Disorders


Subject: Third International Symposium on Neural Networks
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 14:33:48 +0800

Third International Symposium on Neural Networks
hSpecial session proposal (ISNN2006): November 1, 2005
Paper submission (ISNN2006):         November 15, 2005

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers (6 pages
normally and 10 pages maximum) by the submission deadline. Potential
organizers are also invited to enlist five or more papers with cohesive
topics to form special sessions. The submission of a paper implies that
the paper is original and has not been submitted under review or copyright
protected elsewhere and will be presented by an author if accepted. All
submitted papers will be refereed by experts in the field based on the
criteria of originality, significance, quality, and clarity.

ISNN2006 has teamed up with the International Journal of Neural Systems,
one of the distinguished journals on neural networks, for publishing
a Special Issue on Advances in Neural Networks. All submitted papers
will have opportunities for consideration for this Special Issue. The
selection will be carried out during the review process as well as at
the conference presentation stage. The Editor-in-Chief of IJNS and the
guest editors of the Special Issues will make decisions on submitted
papers based referees' comments and recommendations, as well as quality
and presentation of the papers, and select around twenty five papers.


From: Hector Munoz-Avilla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2005 00:50:54 -0400

The 16th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
Abstract Submission Deadline: November 11, 2005
Paper Submission Deadline:    November 14, 2005

The International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
is the premier forum for researchers and practitioners in intelligent
planning and scheduling and related fields. Topics of relevance to
the conference include planning and scheduling theory and practice,
as well as applications of planning and scheduling technology to
challenging problem domains. The organizing committee solicits paper
submissions on all aspects of planning and scheduling, including
but not limited to the topics listed at the conference web site.
Submissions that link planning and scheduling to the related fields
of constraint reasoning, operations research, search, uncertainty
reasoning, and verification and validation are strongly encouraged.


Subject: Intelligent Information Systems
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 13:48:17 +0200

New Trends in Intelligent Information Processing and Web Mining
Submission Deadline: November 7, 2005
Conference Web page:

Papers on these and related subjects are particularly encouraged:
    * Artificial Immune Systems,
    * Search Engines,
    * Computational Linguistics,
    * Knowledge Discovery.

The Conference's focus will also be on the following topics:
    * new computing paradigms
    * advanced data analysis,
    * new machine learning paradigms,
    * reasoning technologies,
    * natural language processing,
    * novelty detection,
    * new optimization technologies,
    * applied data mining using statistical and non-standard approaches,
    * technologies for very large text bases,
    * uncertainty management.


From: Osmar Zaiane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PAKDD'06 Call for Tutorial proposals
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 01:28:11 -0600

10th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
Submission Deadline: October 31, 2005

The PAKDD series of conferences is an established and prestigious
forum for the exchange of the latest research results in data mining.
Held annually at attractive Australasian cities, the conference provides
unique opportunities for data mining researchers, practitioners,
developers, and users to explore new ideas, techniques, and tools, and
to exchange experiences. The previous events were held in Singapore,
Melbourne, Beijing, Kyoto, Hong Kong, Taipei, Seoul, Sydney, and
Hanoi. PAKDD 2006 will be once again held in Singapore.

An integral part of PAKDD 2006 is the tutorial program. Presenters are
invited to submit proposals for tutorials in all areas of data mining.
Tutorials will typically be either full-day (6 hrs) or half-day (3 hrs).


Subject: Postdoctoral Position in Cognitive Models of Learning
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 14:11:54 -0400

I am looking for a postdoctoral researcher, to join in a basic
research project investigating cognitive modeling, cognitive
architectures, and human skill learning.

The starting date is September 1, 2005 (although a slight delay,
say by a couple of months, is also possible). This will be a full-time
research position, with the expectation that you devote all your
time to project-related research work (not your own research topics).

Prospective applicants should have a finished Ph.D degree before
starting, by September 1, 2005 (or shortly thereafter). They should
have strong backgrounds in computer science (the equivalent of a
BS in computer science), with strong Java programming skills, and
have prior exposure to psychology and cognitive science (with
background in human and machine learning, motivation, and
meta-cognition preferred), and other related areas.

Prospective applicants with interests in cognitive science should
apply by emailing: (1) a complete vitae, and (2) samples of best prior
writings (especially published papers), and also FAX (3) GRE/TOEFL
scores if available, and other pertinent information. Make sure to
also FAX (4) copies of all transcripts of all BS, MS, Ph.D programs
previously attended. Also FAX (5) reference letters if available.

To find out more about my own research, please see the Web page at:

Apply as soon as possible. Completed applications will be considered
as they come in, until the position is filled.

Professor Ron Sun
Cognitive Science Department
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


From: Hussein Abbass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Postdoctoral Position in Data Mining of Network Formations
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2005 11:42:56 +1000

University of New South Wales,
School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering,
Canberra, Australia.

The School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering,
the University of New South Wales (UNSW) at the Australian Defence
Force Academy, Canberra, Australia, is pleased to advertise for a
Post-Doctoral Fellow Position in the area of Data Mining of Network
Formations. UNSW is one of the top research universities in Australia.
The appointment will be a fixed-term of 1 year. The successful
candidate will work on developing data mining algorithms for the
identification of social network structures from a stream of data.

The successful applicant will join an active research group of PhD
students and post-docs and will work jointly with the Artificial Life
and Adaptive Robotics Laboratory (
and the Virtual Environment and Simulation Laboratory

The successful candidate should have, or have submitted, a PhD in
computer science, applied mathematics or a closely related field.
The candidate is expected to be knowledgeable in one or more of:
social networks, network sampling, graph theory, machine learning,
and statistical inference. Knowledge and understanding of equity and
diversity principles and OHS practices is essential. Knowledge of
JAVA or C++ is desirable for this appointment.

The first screening of applicants will occur on the 10th of July 2005.
The position will remain open until filled. Inquiries regarding the
appointment and expression of interest should be directed to Dr
Hussein Abbass at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Sean McLoone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Research Fellowship in Data Mining/Statistical Process Control
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2005 14:53:32 -0500

The Department of Electronic Engineering, National University of Ireland
Maynooth invite applications for a PhD research project in Data Mining/
Statistical Process Control funded by (and in collaboration with)
Intel Ireland Ltd.

This research project will focus on the development of algorithms for
data mining applications focusing on parametric process data sets to
facilitate knowledge discovery on data through a variety of data
refinement processes which makes the information optimally useful for
data visualization, statistical process control and scheduling of
maintenance.  The research will focus on data sets generated by
process tools used by Intel in their 200 and 300mm semiconductor
manufacturing facilitates located at Leixlip, Co. Kildare.

The work will use a variety of techniques in the mathematical and
control systems sciences.  Candidates should be well qualified
(ideally 1st Hons) with a background in mathematics, electronic
engineering or a cognate discipline.  Any experience in data
modeling, data mining or statistical process control would be an
advantage.  The successful candidate will be required to spend a
significant amount of time at Intel's Leixlip site working with
engineers from Intel's process engineering and IT departments, so
any demonstrated ability to work successfully in a large company
environment (e.g. through successful completion of a work placement
program, or previous employment) would be beneficial.

The successful candidate will register for a PhD at NUI Maynooth
Project duration: 3 years
Funding level:    20,000 euro per annum (to include fees and all expenses)
Contact:          Dr. Sean McLoone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or
                  Prof. John Ringwood ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


From: A. Tayebi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Postdoctoral Position in Iterative Control Learning
Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 00:18:04 -0500

A postdoctoral position in nonlinear control theory and iterative
learning control is available in the department of Electrical
Engineering, Lakehead University, Ontario, Canada. Interested
candidates are encouraged to send their CV with a complete list of
publications along with the names and e-mail addresses of three
references to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Debra Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Senior Research Scientist Position at Toyota Technical Center
Date: Sat, 3 Sep 2005 05:37:30 -0500

Toyota Technical Center (TTC) is Toyota's largest engineering and
research organization in North America, located in Ann Arbor, MI.
TTC is seeking an exceptional individual for the full-time position
of Senior Research Scientist in the intersection of Computational
Intelligence and Robotics research activities, to become a member of
the Technical Research Department. TTC prefers a researcher with
experience in sensor fusion for automotive and robotic systems. This
position will offer opportunities for collaboration with leading North
American and global research institutions. The candidate should also
have experience in mentoring junior researchers and have some research
project management experience.  This research is intended to break new
ground and advance the state of the art.

Job Duties and Responsibilities:

Apply special knowledge and talents to develop and execute new,
independent research projects for automotive and robotic applications
Provide guidance to on-site researchers and research assistants
Interact with world renowned and leading researchers in applicable
areas Host visiting Toyota engineers and scientists Provide
deliverables such as written and oral reports, as well as publications
for peer-reviewed journals and conferences.


Experience in Artificial Intelligence, intelligent signal processing
  and sensor-fusion research
Experience in automotive safety systems is preferred
Experience in robotic research and testing
Experience in mentoring junior researchers
Experience in research project management
Familiarity with computational intelligence is preferred (e.g., neural
  networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary algorithms, data mining)
Ph.D. or Sc.D. in a related field of study
Good written and oral communication skills
Ability to work well with others in a team environment
A willingness to travel
Position is located in Ann Arbor, MI.

Please apply online to Toyota using the following URL (preferred way to
or via e-mail to Debra Adams, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Terran Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Postdoctoral Positions in Bioinformatics and Neuroimaging
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2005 09:59:42 -0600

The machine learning research group at the University of New Mexico
has openings for two postdoctoral researchers.  The first position is
in kernel, Bayesian, and/or relational methods with applications to
Bioinformatics.  The second position is in Bayesian, relational,
and/or spectral graph methods for analysis of functional neuroimaging
data.  The first position will last up to a year, with the possibility
of renewal thereafter; the second position can last up to three years.

For more information, including the complete position descriptions and
application information, please go to
and follow the links under Postdoctoral Research Positions.


From: Robert Holte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Research Faculty Position in AI and Machine Learning
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:22:59 -0600 (MDT)

The Department of Computing Science at the University of Alberta is
seeking a qualified individual to fill a position at the level of
assistant or associate professor in the area of artificial intelligence
( This is a soft-funded tenure track position.
The initial appointment will be for three years, and continuation is
subject to availability of funding. The successful candidate will
be working with the Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Machine Learning.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Computing Science or equivalent,
with specialization in artificial intelligence. Preference will be
given to applicants with knowledge and experience in machine
learning, with an emphasis on reinforcement learning. The candidate
is expected to establish their own research program, supervise
graduate students, and teach at both the graduate and undergraduate
level. The Department highly values curiosity-driven research.
Strong communication skills, project management, inter-personal
skills, and team leadership are important qualities.


Subject: Bayesian Analysis
Date: Mon Aug  8 09:44:25 2005

The first issue of the new electronic journal Bayesian Analysis has been
published at The first issue includes the articles:

 S. Fienberg, When Did Bayesian Inference Become `Bayesian'?

 A. Gelfand, J. Silander, S. Wu, A. Latimer, P. Lewis, A. Rebelo,
 and M. Holder, Explaining Species Distribution Patterns Through
 Hierarchical Modeling, with commentary by J. Hoeting and J. VerHoef.

 L. House, M. Clyde and Y. Huang, Bayesian Identification of
 Differential Gene Expression Induced by Metals in Human Bronchial
 Epithelial Cells.

 D. Blei and M. Jordan, Variational inference for Dirichlet process

 C. Holmes and L. Held, Bayesian auxiliary variable models for binary
 and multinomial regression.

 J. Andrade and A. O'Hagan, Bayesian robustness modelling using
 regularly varying distributions.

The journal is sponsored by the International Society for Bayesian


From: Pedro Domingos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: VFML library for mining massive data streams
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 22:55:46 -0700

The VFML (Very Fast Machine Learning) library for mining very large
databases and data streams is now available at

It is written in C, and includes highly scalable implementations of
several widely used machine learning algorithms:

* VFDT: Decision tree induction

* CVFDT: Decision tree induction with concept drift

* VFBN: Bayesian network structure learner

* VFEM: EM algorithm for mixtures of Gaussians

* VFKM: K-means clustering

* Etc.

In addition, VFML includes tools for data preparation, testing, and
rapid development of stream mining systems.


From: Ingo Mierswa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Yale 3.0
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 17:48:43 +0200

Introducing the new version 3.0 of YALE (Yet Another Learning Environment):

The new version includes a huge number of major improvements. Some of
them are listed below, the complete list of changes can be found at:

YALE provides more than 200 operators for data mining and machine
learning and allows the design of complex process chains/trees. The
well known machine learning library Weka is also fully integrated.

YALE is a freely available open source software under the terms of the
GNU General Public License. Since YALE is entirely written in Java, it
runs on any major platform/operating system. You are welcome to use it!


From: Martin Riedmiller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Closed Loop Simulation System
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 14:47:47 +0200

A new release of CLSquare (closed loop simulation system) is ready for
free download at

CLSquare simulates a control loop  for closed loop control. Although
originally designed for training and testing Reinforcement Learning
controllers, it also applies to other learning and non-learning
controller concepts.

Currently available plants:
Acrobot, bicycle, cart pole, cart double pole, pole, mountain car, maze.

Currently available controllers:
linear controller, Reinforcement learning Q table, neural network based
Q controller.

It comes with many useful features, e.g. graphical display and
statistics output, documentation, and many demos for quick starting.

End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 17, No. 4

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