           Machine Learning List: Volume 18, Number 7
                     Tuesday, Novemeber 28, 2006

Call for Site Proposals
 International Conference on Machine Learning 2008
Call For Papers
 Multimedia Content Analysis and Mining
 Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
 Neural Networks
 Spatio-Temporal Data Mining
 User Modeling
 Intelligent User Interfaces Workshops
 Medical Applications of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
 New Directions and Challenges of Near-Duplicate Detection
 Causality and Feature Selection
 Towards a New Reinforcement Learning
 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis
 Unsupervised Morpheme Analysis
Career Opportunities
 Machine learning position at AUEB, Greece
 Computational Music Research, Linz, Austria
 Faculty Openings in AI/Robotics/ML, University of S. California
 Two Tenure-Track Faculty Positions, UC Irvine
 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Machine Learning, Greece
 Postdoctoral Positions at the University of Ottawa, Canada
 Programmer Position Available at Arizona State University
Graduate Program
 Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit

The Machine Learning List is moderated. Contributions should be relevant
to the scientific study of machine learning. Please send submissions for
distribution to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For requests to be added, removed, or to
change your email address, send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To keep
mailings to a manageable size, please keep submissions brief. For meeting
announcements, we will publicize only the name, location, URL, and key
dates. The ML List moderator reserves the right to omit/edit submissions
to meet these criteria.

Date: Oct 11, 2006
From: Thomas Dietterich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Call for Site Proposals for ICML 2008


In the summer of 2008, the International Conference on Machine
Learning will be held.  The purpose of this call is to invite groups
interested in hosting the conference to submit proposals. The group
selected to host the conference will work with a Program Chair and
Conference Chair chosen by the Board of the International Machine
Learning Society (IMLS).

Proposals should address the following issues:
1. Proposed Dates
  The conference should be scheduled for four days
  (one day reserved for workshops and tutorials; three days
  for paper sessions, poster sessions, and invited talks).
  The conference prefers dates in the range from June 15 to
  July 15, but other dates will be considered, particularly
  if they permit co-location with other conferences.
2. Locale Parameters.
 - Accessibility - Is it easy and inexpensive for people
   (especially graduate students) to travel to the conference
   site?  (Compute mean airfares from Europe, North America,
   and Asia. Include ground transportation from relevant airports
   to the site.)
 - Meeting Rooms, AV Equipment, etc. - What are the physical
   facilities like?  Consider rooms for plenary sessions,
   parallel sessions, workshops, tutorials, and poster sessions.
   What are the charges, if any, for using them?
 - Meals and Lodging - Is there low-cost, quality housing
   available for attendees (especially graduate students)?
   How far from the meeting rooms?  Where will attendees eat?
   Please estimate costs for meals and lodging.
 - Demo facilities - Will there be computing equipment and space
   available to support demos?
 - Internet access - Is wired or wireless internet access available?
   At what cost?
 - Other features - You may mention any other aspects of the site
   or the region that are relevant.
3. Local Machine Learning Community - Is there a local ML
  group/community that can help with organization and funding?
4. Opportunities to co-locate with other conferences -  In the
  past, we have co-located with COLT, UAI, and KDD.  There is
  strong interest in co-locating with these conferences and also
  with other conferences including ISMB (Intelligent Systems in
  Molecular Biology), EMNLP (Empirical Methods in Natural Language
  Processing), CoNLL (Conference on Natural Language Learning),
  IUI (Intelligent User Interfaces), and CVPR (Computer Vision and
  Pattern Recognition).
5. Organizational and Institutional Support - Is there a conference
  office that can help with local arrangements?
Proposals (postscript or PDF) should be sent before December 1, 2006 to

Tom Dietterich, President IMLS

Proposals will be ranked according to cost and accessibility,
proposed dates, opportunities for co-location, attractiveness
of the location, and experience of the host group.  Preference
will be given to locations outside of North America.  However,
proposals from other regions will be considered, especially if
they offer good opportunities for co-location with other relevant

Date: Sep 9, 2006
From: Nicu Sebe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Multimedia Content Analysis and Mining

Call for Papers
International Workshop on Multimedia Content
 Analysis and Mining (MCAM'07)
WeiHai, China, June 30 - July 1, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: March 19, 2007
Camera-ready Deadline: April 23, 2007

Date: Sep 13, 2006
Subject: FLAIRS-20

Call for Papers
 in cooperation with The American Association for
 Artificial Intelligence
Key West, Florida, May 7-9, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: November 20, 2006
Camera-ready Deadline: February 11, 2007

Date: Sep 20, 2006
From: Riccardo Bellazzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

Call for papers
11th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 07)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 7-11, 2007

Abstract Submission Deadline: January 23, 2007
Paper Submission Deadline: January 31, 2007
Camera-ready Deadline: April 17, 2007

Call for Workshops and tutorials
Proposal Deadline: November 15, 2006
Camera-ready Deadline: May 15, 2007

Call for Doctoral Consortium Submissions
Paper submission Deadline: March 27, 2007
Camera-ready Deadline: May 15, 2007

Date: Sep 22, 2006
Subject: Neural Networks

Call For Papers
2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
Orlando, Florida, August 12-17, 2007

Special Session and Panel Discussion Proposals: November 31, 2006
Paper Submission Deadline: January 31, 2007
Camera-ready Deadline: April 30, 2007

Date: Oct 2, 2006
From: Bart Moelans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Spatio-Temporal Data Mining

Call for Papers
Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Data Mining (STDM'07)
Istanbul, Turkey, April 20, 2007
 In conjunction with
IEEE 23rd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE'07)
Istandbul, Turkey, April 16-20, 2007

Abstract Submission Deadline: November 15, 2006
Paper Submission Deadline: November 22, 2006
Camera-ready Deadline: January 10, 2007

Date: Oct 2, 2006
From: George Paliouras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: User Modeling

Call for Papers
11th International Conference on User Modeling
Corfu, Greece, June 25-29, 2007

Poster/Paper Submission Deadline: November 13, 2006 (Extended)
Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: November 6, 2006
Tutorial Proposal Submission Deadline: November 6, 2006
Doctoral Consortium Paper Submission Deadline:  December 28, 2006

Date: Oct 2, 2006
From: Gentile Claudio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: COLT-2007

Call for Papers
20th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT)
San Diego, California, June 12-15, 2007

Electronic Submission of Papers: January 16, 2007 (5:59pm PST)
Electronic submission of Two-page Open Problems: February 15,
Paper Submission Deadline: March 23, 2007

Date: Oct 11, 2006
From: Fang Chen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Intelligent User Interfaces Workshops

Call for Participation
Multi-User and Ubiquitous User Interfaces (MU3I)
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, January 28-31, 2007
Paper Submission Deadline: November 13, 2006

Tangible Play: Research and Design for Tangible and Tabletop Games
Paper Submission Deadline: November 20, 2006

Common Sense and Intelligent User Interfaces
Paper Submission Deadline: November 13, 2006

Date: Oct 11, 2006
From: Stefano Cagnoni <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Medical Applications of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation

Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines
Special Issue on Medical Applications

Paper Submission Deadline: November 15, 2006 (Extended)
Final Manuscript Deadline: April 30, 2007

Guest editors:
 Stephen L Smith (The University of York, UK)
 Stefano Cagnoni (Universita' degli Studi di Parma, Italy)

Date: Oct 18, 2006
From: Alek Kolcz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New Directions and Challenges of Near-Duplicate Detection

Call For Papers
Center for Information-Development Management (CIDM 07)
 with IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 1-5, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: November 15, 2006
Camera-ready Deadline: January 15, 2007

Date: Oct 19, 2006
From: Alexander Statnikov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Causality and Feature Selection

Call for Abstracts
Neural Information Processing Systems Workshop
Whistler, BC, Canada, December 8, 2006

Paper Submission Deadline: November 11, 2006

Date: Oct 30, 2006
From: Jan Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Towards a New Reinforcement Learning?

Call for Posters and Participation
Neural Information Processing Systems Workshop (NIPS'06)
 Towards a New Reinforcement Learning?
Whistler, BC, Canada, December 8, 2006

Abstract Submission Deadline: November 13, 2006

Date: Oct 31, 2006
From: Allan Tucker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis

Call for Papers
The 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis
Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 6-8, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: April 6, 2007
Final Paper Deadline: June  15, 2007

Date: Nov 1, 2006
From: Mikko Kurimo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Unsupervised Morpheme Analysis

Call for Participation
Unsupervised Morpheme Analysis - Morpho Challenge 2007
 Challenge workshop in conjunction with
 Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF 2007)
Budapest, Hungary, September 19-21, 2007

Challenge Starts - Data Sets Available: October 2006
Competitions End/Analyses Submission Deadline: April 27, 2007

Date: Oct 5, 2006
From: Gerhard Widmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Computational Music Research, Linz, Austria

Pre- and Post-Doctoral Research Positions in
Machine Learning/Pattern Recognition and Music
 at the
Department of Computational Perception,
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

We are pleased to announce several open pre- and post-doctoral
research positions at the Department of Computational Perception
of the Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. We are looking
for scientists to work in a three-year research project entitled

"Computational Performance Style Analysis from Audio Recordings"

A short description of the project can be found at

For this strongly interdisciplinary project, we are looking for
creative and motivated pre- or post-doctoral researchers with a
strong background (and a completed degree) in

-machine learning/pattern recognition/general AI
-(audio) signal processing and pattern analysis
-systematic or cognitive musicology or a related field

Preference will be given to candidates who combine expertise
in both music and computing and who already have a record of
interdisciplinary research involving one or more of the above
fields. Equally important (though not easily measurable) are
creativity and the ability and motivation to contribute
innovative ideas to an exciting research project; the researchers
will be given a lot of freedom in defining and pursuing their
research and thus shaping the project.

The salary will be in the area of EUR 41.000,- per year (before
taxes) for PostDocs and EUR 24.000,- for pre-doctoral researchers.
Pre-Docs will have the opportunity to enroll in a PhD program in
computer science at the University of Linz.  The positions are open
for a period of three years.

Please send your application (with CV, publications list, one or
two substantial and pertinent publications, and any other material
you consider interesting (e.g., photographs, link to home page,
etc.) via e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This announcement can also be found on the Web

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the
project leader:

Prof. Gerhard Widmer
Department of Computational Perception
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Strasse 69
A-4040 Linz
Phone: +43 - 732 - 24681510
WWW: www.cp.jku.at/people/widmer

Date: Oct 26, 2006
From: Sven Koenig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Faculty Openings in AI/Robotics/ML, University of S. California

The Computer Science Department of the USC Viterbi School
of Engineering seeks outstanding faculty candidates at all
levels, with priority in the areas of

-Networks and Network Security, and
-Artificial Intelligence/Robotics/Machine Learning.

We will also consider candidates in other areas of
computer science, with a particular emphasis on:

-Interactive Game Technologies

Applications must include a letter indicating the area of
specialization, a detailed curriculum vitae, a one-page
statement on current and future research directions, and
names of at least three professional references.

We expect candidates to have a strong commitment both to
research and to teaching.  All applicants must have earned
a doctorate in computer science or a closely related field
by the date of appointment.  The department is primarily
seeking individuals at the Assistant Professor rank.  These
applicants should submit their applications online at:


However, we are also interested in exceptional senior
candidates.  These should contact Nancy Levien, Executive
Assistant to the Chair, at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Evaluation of
all dossiers will start in November 2006 but later
applications will also be considered.

USC's Computer Science Department is one of the leading
departments in the country, with innovative curricula,
outstanding student quality, high research productivity,
and worldwide recognition.  USC's Viterbi School of
Engineering consistently ranks in the top 10 in the
US News & World Report.  The School is home to the
Information Sciences Institute (ISI), the Integrated
Media Systems Center, and the Institute for Creative
Technologies (ICT).  The Computer Science Department
has strong ties to these centers.

USC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer
and encourages applications from women and members of
underrepresented groups.

Date: Nov 1, 2006
From: Padhraic Smyth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Two Tenure-Track Faculty Positions, UC Irvine


The Department of Computer Science at the University of
California, Irvine is currently inviting applications for
two open tenure-track faculty positions. Areas of particular
emphasis include machine learning, text analysis, and
computer vision. The Department has a very active graduate
program in machine learning and AI with faculty such as
Max Welling, Padhraic Smyth, Don Patterson, Eric Mjolsness,
Ramesh Jain, Rick Lathrop, Rina Dechter, and Pierre Baldi.
The Department also has four additional open faculty positions
in the area of bioinformatics (in addition to the two positions
mentioned above). There are strong collaborations with faculty
in departments such as Cognitive Science (e.g., Mark Steyvers)
and Statistics (e.g., David van Dyk, Gang Liang, and Hal Stern),
as well as multiple interdisciplinary opportunities on campus
with other departments, in particular through campus-wide research
centers. These include the Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics,
the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information
Technology (Calit2), the Institute for Mathematical Behavioral
Sciences, and the newly-formed Center for Machine Learning and
Data Mining.

In early 2007 the Department will be moving to the
newly-constructed Bren Hall, housing the Computer Science,
Informatics, and Statistics departments. The UC Irvine campus
is one of the youngest UC campuses and has been targeted for
significant growth by the University of California. UC Irvine
has received three Nobel prizes in the past 10 years. The campus
is located three miles from the ocean in sunny Southern California
with an excellent year-round Mediterranean climate. The area
surrounding campus offers numerous outdoor and cultural
opportunities and the public school system in Irvine is one of
the highest-ranked in the nation.

Full application details can be found at:

Date: Nov 10, 2006
From: Michail Lagoudakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Machine Learning, Greece

Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Machine Learning
Technical University of Crete, Greece

A full-time postdoctoral fellow position in Machine Learning
is available within the Intelligence Lab of the Department of
Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of
Crete, Chania, Greece. This appointment is scheduled to begin
in January 2007 and involves an initial one-year commitment
with the possibility of renewal for one additional year.

The successful candidate will conduct research on the use of
supervised learning methods for approximating and representing
policies in large reinforcement learning problems. The focus of
the project will be on scalability, efficiency, and applicability
to real-world problems. Proposed methods will be applied and tested
on various single- and multi- robot learning tasks using the robotic
equipment of the lab (four AIBOs, a hexapod, two small humanoids, a
modular robot).

The successful candidate will work closely with assistant professor
Michail Lagoudakis and his group of graduate students. There will
also be opportunities for interaction and collaboration with members
of the RoboCup team of the lab, as well as possibilities for lectures,
seminars, and graduate classes.

Suitable applicants must hold a PhD degree in computer science,
machine learning, or a related discipline and have a strong
background in reinforcement and supervised learning. Candidates
familiar with programming (mainly C and MatLab) and robot
programming in particular will be given priority. Excellent
command of the English language is required.

Interested candidates should submit their electronic CV's
including at least three contacts for references to:

Michail G. Lagoudakis
contact email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

by December 15, 2006

as URL pointers on the web (no attachments or hard copies, please).
The search will continue until the position is filled.

Intelligence Lab: http://www.intelligence.tuc.gr/
ECE Department: http://www.ece.tuc.gr/index_en.htm
TUC: http://www.tuc.gr/english/index.html

Contact Information:

Michail G. Lagoudakis
Assistant Professor
Intelligent Systems Laboratory
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering
Technical University of Crete
Kounoupidiana, 73100 Chania
Hellas (Greece)

Office : E5.001
Phone  : +30-28210-37244
Fax    : +30-28210-37542
WWW    : www.intelligence.tuc.gr/~lagoudakis

Date: Nov 15, 2006
From: Stan Matwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Postdoctoral Positions at the University of Ottawa, Canada

Two Postdoctoral positions in Machine Learning at the
University of Ottawa, Canada, starting immediately.
We are looking for researchers interested in practical
applications of ML, with excellent programming skills,
for an industrially-motivated project in the area of
Digital Games-based Learning. Project team is led by
Stan Matwin. For project description, required skills,
working conditions, and contact information, check

Date: Nov 28, 2006
From: David Stracuzzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Programmer Position Available at Arizona State University

Pat Langley and David Stracuzzi are new professors in the
School of Computing and Informatics at ASU. We are seeking
a full-time programmer to manage, maintain and expand code
for the ICARUS cognitive architecture for intelligent agents.
Specific duties will include design, implementation, debugging,
documentation and maintenance of the architecture. Relevant
tasks include integration of code contributed by other
institutions participating in projects based on the architecture,
construction of agents within the ICARUS framework, and consultation
with other contributors on code related issues.

For more information about ICARUS, please read recent papers
available at


The ideal candidate will be a skilled programmer who enjoys
building systems that demonstrate novel capabilities. Applicants
with a MS degree are preferred, but BS will also be considered.
Experience with the lisp programming language is desirable, but
not required.  To apply for this position, please send a resume
detailing your interests and experience to:
David Stracuzzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Oct 13, 2006
From: Peter Dayan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit

Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
4 year PhD Programme

The Gatsby Unit is a world-class centre for theoretical neuroscience
and machine learning, focusing on unsupervised, semi-supervised and
reinforcement learning, neural dynamics, population coding, Bayesian
and nonparametric statistics and applications of these to the analysis
of perceptual processing, neural data, natural language processing,
machine vision and bioinformatics. It provides a unique opportunity
for a critical mass of theoreticians to interact closely with each
other, and with other world-class research groups in related
departments at University College London, including Anatomy, Computer
Science, Functional Imaging Laboratory, Physics, Physiology,
Psychology, Neurology, Ophthalmology and Statistics, with the nascent
cross-faculty Centre for Computational Statistics and Machine
Learning, and also with other Universities, notably Cambridge.

The Unit always has openings for exceptional PhD candidates.
Applicants should have a strong analytical background, a keen
interest in neuroscience and/or machine learning and a relevant
first degree, for example in Computer Science, Engineering,
Mathematics, Neuroscience, Physics, Psychology or Statistics.

The PhD programme lasts four years, including a first year of
intensive instruction in techniques and research in theoretical
neuroscience and machine learning.  It is described at

A number of competitive fully-funded studentships are available
each year (to students of any nationality) and the Unit also welcomes
students with pre-secured funding or with other scholarship/studentship
applications in progress.

In the first instance, applicants are encouraged to apply informally
by sending, in pdf, plain text or Word format, a CV, a statement of
research interests, and full contact details (including e-mail
addresses) for three academic referees to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
General enquiries should also be directed to this e-mail address. For
further details of research interests please see:

Applications for 2007 entry (commencing late September 2007) should
be received no later than 14 January 2007.
End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 18, No. 7

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