         Machine Learning List: Volume 19, Number 2
                  Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Call For Papers
 AI Magazine Special Issue on What Went Wrong and Why
 International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
 Interface of Statistics and Computing Science
 Towards User Modelling and Adaptive Systems for All
 Machine Learning and Multimodal Interaction
 Bayesian Modelling Applications Workshop
 International Conference on Development and Learning
 International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications
 International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks
 European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks
 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference and Workshops
 EEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence
 International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming
 International Conference on Data Mining
 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics
 Innovative Applications of Data Mining in the Real World
 International Conference on Discovery Science
 International Conference on User Modeling
 Workshop on Meta-Learning
Career Opportunities
 Research Position, Budapest
 Visiting Professorships, University of Cyprus
 Sr. Data Mining Applications Engineer, Sunnyvale, CA
Graduate Programs
 PhD Studentship in Machine Learning at University of Bristol
Internship Opportunities
 Computer-Aided Diagnosis Group, Siemens Medical Solutions, USA
Call for Nominations
 Nominations of PAKDD distinguished contribution award
The Machine Learning List is moderated. Contributions should be relevant
to the scientific study of machine learning. Please send submissions for
distribution to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For requests to be added, removed, or to
change your email address, send email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] To keep
mailings to a manageable size, please keep submissions brief. For meeting
announcements, we will publicize only the name, location, URL, and key
dates. The ML List moderator reserves the right to omit/edit submissions
to meet these criteria.

Date: Jan 25, 2007
From: Daniel Shapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AI Magazine Special Issue on What Went Wrong and Why

Call for Anecdotes
AI Magazine Special Issue on What Went Wrong and Why:
 Lessons from AI Research and Application

AI Magazine will soon publish a special issue on the topic of learning
from mistakes, dedicated to the proposition that insight often begins
with unexpected results, and arrives in the response to apparent
problems. We believe every person working in the field of Artificial
Intelligence has experienced this effect, so we are collecting
anecdotes for publication.

Authors should submit 400 word descriptions of personal experiences
that link problems to insights/lessons learned.  Problems can include,
but are not limited to: unusual observations, odd algorithm behavior,
technology/application mismatch, risk to people, products, projects,
or corporations, and physical systems failure.  The lessons learned
may be technical, methodological, commercial, or organizational in
nature, and more.  The ideal contribution will be crisp (possibly in
the form of an "A-ha!" moment), of general interest, and related to
some aspect of AI. Humor is a plus. Selected anecdotes will be
published as sidebars in the special issue, alongside articles by
Hewitt, Knoblock, Lenat, Tambe, and Veloso, among others.

Please send contributions to Dan Shapiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or
Mehmet Goker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
by March 1, 2007 in text, postscript, pdf, or MSWord format.

Date: Jan 28, 2007
From: Adi Botea <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling

Call for Papers
The International Conference on Automated Planning
 and Scheduling (ICAPS 2007)
Providence, Rhode Island, USA, September 22-26, 2007

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 13, 2007
Full Paper Deadline: April 18, 2007
Camera-ready Deadline: June 25, 2007

Call for Workshop Proposals
Proposal Submission Deadline: March 2, 2007
Paper Submissions Deadline: June 15, 2007

Call for Tutorial Proposals
Proposal Submission Deadline: March 30, 2007
Final Presentation Materials Deadline: July 13, 2007

Date: Jan 29, 2007
From: Tim Hesterberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Interface of Statistics and Computing Science

Call for Papers
39th Conference on Interface of Statistics and Computing Science
 (Interface 2007)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, May 23-26, 2007

Paper Deadlines: To Be Announced

Date: Jan 31, 2007
From: Jesus Boticario <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Towards User Modelling and Adaptive Systems for All

Call for Papers
Towards User Modelling and Adaptive Systems for All (TUMAS-A 2007)

In conjunction with
 11th International Conference on User Modelling (UM2007)
Corfu, Greece, June 25-29, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: February 7, 2007
Camera-ready Deadline: May 1, 2007
Early Registration: March 19, 2007

Date: Feb 1, 2007
From: Andrei Popescu-Belis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Machine Learning and Multimodal Interaction

Call for Papers
4th Joint Workshop on Machine Learning
 and Multimodal Interaction (MLMI'07)
Brno, Czech Republic, 28-30 June 2007

Submission Deadline for Full Papers: February 23, 2007
Submission Deadline for Extended Abstracts:  March 23, 2007
Submission Deadline for Demonstration Proposals:  March 23, 2007

Date: Feb 2, 2007
From: Kathryn Blackmond Laskey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bayesian Modelling Applications Workshop

Call for Contributions
5th Bayesian Modelling Applications Workshop at the
 23rd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence
Vancouver, BC Canada, July 19-22, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: April 6, 2007
Deadline for contributions to the Proceedings: June 8, 2007

Date: Feb 10, 2007
From: Jochen Triesch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: International Conference on Development and Learning

Call for Papers
IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning 2007
London, UK, July 11-13, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: April 2, 2007 (Extended)
Camera-ready Deadline: June 11, 2007

Date: Feb 10, 2007
From: Osmar Zaiane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: International Conference on Advanced Data Mining and Applications

Call for Papers
3rd International Conference on
 Advanced Data Mining and Applications
Harbin, China, August 6-8, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: March 5, 2007 (Extended)
Camera-Ready Deadline: May 27, 2007

Date: Feb 10, 2007
From: Alexandra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks

Second Call for Papers
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN'07)
Porto, Portugal, September 9-13, 2007

Special Session/Workshop Proposals Deadline: February 16,2007
Full Paper Submission Deadline: March 23, 2007

Date: Feb 14, 2007
Subject: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks

Call for Participation
15th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESSAN 07)
 Advances in Computational Intelligence and Learning
Bruges, Belgium, April 25-27, 2007

Date: Feb 14, 2007
From: Sevan Ficici <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference and Workshops

Call for Papers
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2007)
London, England, July 7-11, 2007


Evolutionary Computation and Multi-Agent Systems
 and Simulation Workshop (ECoMASS-2007)
Paper Submission Deadline: MARCH 23, 2007
Workshop Date: July 8, 2007

10th International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems
Paper Submission Deadline: March 16, 2007
Workshop Date: July 8, 2007

Date: Feb 16, 2007
Subject: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence

Call for Papers
2007 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on
 Web Intelligence (WI'07)
collocated with IAT'07, BIBM'07 and GrC'07
Silicon Valley, California, USA, November 2-5, 2007

Workshop Proposal Deadline: March 20, 2007
Paper Submission Deadline: June 1,2007
Tutorial Proposal Deadline: June 15, 2007
Camera-ready Deadline: August 17, 2007

Date: Feb 20, 2007
From: Hendrik Blockeel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming

Call for Papers
17th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming (ILP)
Corvallis, Oregon, June 19-21, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: April 12, 2007
Camera-ready Deadline: August 15, 2007

Date: Feb 20, 2007
From: Prithviraj Dasgupta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: International Conference on Data Mining

Call for Papers
The 7th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 07)
 Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
Omaha, Nebraska, USA, October 28 - 31, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: June 1, 2007
Camera-ready Deadline: August 13, 2007
Workshop Proposal Deadline: February 12, 2007
Tutorial Proposal Deadline: July 13, 2007

Date: Feb 26, 2007
From: Stephanie Chow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics

Call for Papers
6th International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics
 New Conference Theme on "Service Intelligence and Service Science"
Hong Kong, China, August 19-22, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: March 1, 2007
Camera-ready Deadline: June 1, 2007

Date: Feb 27, 2007
From: Deborah Ribeiro Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Innovative Applications of Data Mining in the Real World

Call for papers
7th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design
 and Applications (ISDA-07)
Workshop on Innovative Applications of Data Mining in the Real World
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 22-24, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: April 15, 2007
Final Paper Submission Deadline: June 15, 2007

Date: Mar 1, 2007
From: Einoshin Suzuki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: International Conference on Discovery Science

Call for Papers
10th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS'07)
 collocated with the 18th International Conference on
 Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT'07)
Sendai, Japan, October 1-4, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: May 18, 2007
Camera-ready Deadline: July 20, 2007

Date: Mar 2, 2007
From: George Paliouras <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: International Conference on User Modeling

Call for Participation
11th International Conference on User Modeling
Corfu, Greece, June 25-29, 2007

Early Registration Deadline: March 19, 2007

Date: Mar 8, 2007
From: Christophe Giraud-Carrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Workshop on Meta-Learning

Call for Papers
20th International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
 Workshop on Meta-Learning
Orlando, Florida, USA, August 12-17, 2007

Paper Submission Deadline: May 25, 2007
Camera-ready Deadline: July 20, 2007
Workshop: August 18, 2007

Date: Jan 24, 2007
From: Csaba Szepesvari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Research Position, Budapest

The Hungarian Branch Office of GusGus AB is seeking a Research
Scientist with a PhD both at the senior and junior level. The
candidate is expected to carry out work on the research and
development of the company's proprietary Automated Stock Trading
System. The company is located in Budapest.

This is an exciting opportunity to join the team at the right time!
The team has already built a fully functional trading system, which is
now trading on-line. The job of the candidate will be to advance the
existing algorithms and create new ones. The work environment is
extremely friendly, loaded with terabytes of data and the company's
own high performance cluster.

The successful candidate should have the following skills:
-Strong background in machine learning, probability and statistics
-Good level of C/C++ knowledge
-Good interpersonal and communication skills
-Creativity and a self-starter attitude

Preference will be given to candidates with skills/knowledge in:
-Experience with trading, stock markets, and financial data
-Reinforcement learning
-Control theory, time-series prediction, signal processing, and
 system identification
-Bayesian techniques

Salary is commensurate with the candidate's experience. The job also
comes with an attractive bonus scheme!

Curriculum vita, sample research publications and cover letter with
motivations and research statement should be sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Feb 1, 2007
From: George Papadopoulos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Visiting Professorships, University of Cyprus

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus has a
number of vacancies for Visiting Professors at the ranks of Lecturer,
Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor.  ALL areas of Computer
Science will be considered.

A visiting appointment is usually for one semester (Spring semester:
Jan-June; Winter semester: Sept-Dec), but it can be renewed for up to
four semesters.

Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in a relevant subject, have post
Ph.D. experience, and BE FLUENT IN GREEK (both are mandatory).

Annual salaries for these positions (including the 13th salary) are:

Professor               (Scale A15)     CYP 34.754
Associate Professor     (Scale A14)     CYP 30.654
Assistant Professor     (Scale A13)     CYP 28.599
Lecturer                (Scale A12)     CYP 24.152

(At present CYP 1 = 1.7 Euro, CYP 1 = 1.2 sterling and CYP 1 = 2.2 U.S.

Presently, the Department is seeking applications for the winter and
spring semesters of the academic year 2007-2008. The processing of
applications has started and will continue until all the available
positions have been filled. Anyone wishing to apply should send a full
CV to the following address: (the deadline for receiving applications
is March 31, 2007):

The Chairperson
Department of Computer Science
University of Cyprus
75 Kallipoleos Street
P.O. Box 20537, CY-1678
Nicosia, CYPRUS

For more details and other information, interested individuals may
contact the Chairperson of the Department of Computer Science:

Professor George A. Papadopoulos
Tel: +357-22-892700
Fax: +357-22-892701

Date: Feb 19, 2007
From: Rene Sedivy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sr. Data Mining Applications Engineer, Sunnyvale, CA

We need a Sr. Data Mining Applications Engineer in Sunnyvale, CA. We
are a Master Vendor at Yahoo, this is a long-term on-going contract
with a possibility of becoming a full-time employee if desired. This
is a contract with Yahoo and all consultants must be on W2. Sorry
no corp to corp 1099 on this contract. We can do a VISA transfer if

Title: 449 Sr. Data Mining Applications Engineer
Job Location: Sunnyvale, CA
Job Type: (W2 Contract only. we can do a Visa Transfer)

Data Mining, Machine Learning, C++, PERL, UNIX,
 Cross-Platform Environment, Automation, XML
Additional Skills:
Data Mining and modeling methodologies, Collaborative Filtering.

Job Description:
Please note that data mining (machine learning) experience required,
specifically in the area of collaborative filtering, associations,
Apriori, sequential patterns, probability theory and such. Data Driven
Applications Group is a part of Strategic Data Solutions and is
chartered to rapidly spread the power of data mining to business
centers to help generate brand and top-line growth by being able to
target users with personalized advertisements and content.

Essential Job Functions:
Architect and design different applications that are standards-based
 and which integrate into the offerings of the various business units.
Determine which data mining technology combinations to use to solve
 specific business problems.
Assume ownership of data mining modeling strategy, delivery and success.
Develop extensible, scalable, reliable software.
Interact with other teams to define interfaces and understand
Write detailed technical documents.
Understand and affect the product direction.

Background in computer science (MS/PhD preferred).
Data Mining, Machine Learning technologies, modeling, tuning, testing
 and interfaces expertise.
Experience working on systems used to provide customer relationship
 management or targeting functions * Familiarity and experience in
 different phases of software development life cycle.
Structured thinker, effective communicator, team player with ability
 to work with dynamic teams.
Good understanding of algorithms, data structures, performance
 optimization techniques, and object-oriented programming.
Good programming skills in C++, PERL in a UNIX environment.
Database access methodologies experience.
Integration Standards (XML-centric) experience.

NOTE: Due to high volume of resumes please include your salary and/or
hourly rate, resident status, current location, and Contact number
along with your resume. Only candidates with proper information will
be considered.

Thank you
Vitrix Technologies

Date: Feb 12, 2007
From: Peter Flach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PhD Studentship in Machine Learning at University of Bristol

PhD Studentship in Machine Learning at University of Bristol

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD research studentship in the
Machine Learning and Biological Computation Group at the University
of Bristol. The studentship forms part of an EPSRC-funded project
aimed at learning the rules for morphological analysis of synthetic
(morphologically complex) languages, including Russian, Turkish and
isiZulu. The PhD student will develop a Machine Learning approach in
order to efficiently induce morphological rules (or grammars) both for
regular and context-free languages, with a particular emphasis on
isiZulu, a tonal Bantu language with 10 million speakers in Southern
Africa. During the course of the project, the student will have the
opportunity to conduct part of the research with our project partners
in Pretoria, South Africa. More information about the project is
available at

This position is available from April 2007. The funding will cover
EU tuition fees and an annual stipend, currently GBP 12,300. (The
funding will not cover non-EU tuition fees, so candidates from outside
the EU must find alternative means to fund the difference between
EU and non-EU tuition fees.) The successful candidate has a strong
background in artificial intelligence and machine learning and
excellent analytical skills. Previous experience with computational
linguistics is preferred but not essential. Due to the international
context of the project, excellent communication skills in English are
required, as well as the ability to work in a team.

Applicants should send a full CV, with accompanying letter and name
and email address of two referees, to
Professor Peter Flach ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) or
Dr. Ksenia Shalonova ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
Further details regarding the studentship are available on request.
The closing date for applications is Friday March 9, 2007.

Date: Feb 19, 2007
From: Shipeng Yu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Computer-Aided Diagnosis Group, Siemens Medical Solutions, USA

The Computer-Aided Diagnosis Group at Siemens Medical Solutions USA
is looking for summer interns. We are specifically interested in
motivated Ph.D. students in diverse areas of machine learning, data
mining and natural language processing.

Siemens Medical Solutions is one of the largest global suppliers of
healthcare equipment, renowned for innovative products, services and
solutions including diagnostic imaging systems, therapy equipment,
electro medicine, and IT solutions to optimize workflow and increase
efficiency in the healthcare industry. The CAD group is committed to
building a world-class R&D team in machine learning and data mining.

As an intern, you will join CAD's team of scientists in solving
exciting and challenging research problems in the medical field. Our
research is motivated by decision-support and data processing problems
arising in the medical domain and related health areas; experience or
interest in these areas is a plus. Our team currently conducts
research in Bayesian methods, probabilistic inference, statistical
learning theory, optimization, statistics, natural language
processing, data mining and works closely with a team of image
processing scientists.

You will be expected to spend at least 10-12 weeks; however there is
much flexibility in the starting and finishing dates (non-summer and
longer internships are also considered).  We provide competitive
salaries and also strongly encourage all interns to publish.

In order to apply, please follow these steps:

1. Email your CV to the address below
2. Request one letter of recommendation (preferably from
  your advisor) to be emailed to us
3. Briefly (e.g., in half a page) tell us about what research and
   application areas you would prefer to work on and during what
   dates you wish to join

Email the above to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject "CAD ML
Internships". Please also send emails if you need further information
about the internships.

We are located in Malvern, PA, approximately one hour from Center City
Philadelphia, on the suburban Main Line area.

Date: Jan 30, 2007
From: Hiroshi Motoda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Nominations of PAKDD distinguished contribution award

Call for Nominations
Pacific-Asia Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Conference (PAKDD)
Call for nominations
PAKDD Distinguished Contribution Awards (2007)
Nomination Submittal Deadline: 15 March 2007.

Purpose: To recognize and honor an individual who has made significant
and continued contributions in research and services to the advancement
of the PAKDD conferences.

Eligibility: Any individual whose research work has been published
through the PAKDD conferences and who has made significant and
continued contributions to the PAKDD community through sustained
participation in the organization of the PAKDD conferences.

Award Criteria: Nominations shall be reviewed and evaluated based on:

1.Contributions to the advancement of the research in
 knowledge discovery and data mining at large with
 continuing involvement to the technical programs of
 the PAKDD conferences
2.Contributions to the advancement of the PAKDD
 conferences through persistent services by active
 participation in the organization of the PAKDD conferences.
3.Contributions are significant and have had positive
 impact on the PAKDD conferences and community

Nomination Procedures: A person can be nominated by one (1) and up to
three (3) individuals.

When there is more than one person submitting a nomination, the
Lead Nominator is responsible for assembling supporting documentation
and submitting the nomination by email to the Award Selection
Committee appointed by the Steering Committee.  (Email address:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Subject: PAKDD Distinguished
Contribution Awards).

The Award Selection Committee will review the nominations and make
recommendations to the Steering Committee according to the Award
criteria. The final decision will be made by the Steering Committee.
The Steering Committee reserves the right not to select any recipient
for a particular year if no nominations meet the Award criteria. The
presentation of the Distinguished Contribution Award will be made at
the annual PAKDD conference.

Award Selection Committee (2007):
Hiroshi Motoda, Chair ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Ming-Syan Chen ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 19, No. 2

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