         Machine Learning List: Volume 21, Number 3
                  Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Call for Site Proposal

Call for Participation
 Benelearn 09

Call for Papers
 Indian International Conference on AI
 Discovery Science 2009
 Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory
 ML for Adaptivity in Spoken Dialogue Systems
 Mining and Learning with Graphs and Relations
 Regression in Robotics
 Numerical Mathematics in Machine Learning
 Neural Information Processing Systems
 Automated Planning and Scheduling
 Manifold Learning and its Applications
 Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robot Systems
 Metaheuristics for Large Scale Data Mining
 Parallel and Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms
 ICAPS Workshop Papers
 NIPS Workshop Proposals
Career Opportunities
 Complex Adaptive Systems Research Supervisor, Johns Hopkins, MD
 Nature Source Genetics, Inc, Ithaca, NY
Post-Doctoral Research
 Machine Learning and Statistics Genetics, CMU, PA
 Machine Learning  at Yahoo! Research Barcelona
 Machine Learning/Bioinformatics, USC, CA
Ph.D. Studentship
 NLP and Visualization. Stuggart, Germany

Summer School
 NN in Classification, Regression and Data Mining
The Machine Learning List is moderated. Contributions should be relevant
to the scientific study of machine learning. Please send submissions for
distribution to: m...@isle.org. For requests to be added, removed, or to
change your email address, send email to: ml-requ...@isle.org. To keep
mailings to a manageable size, please keep submissions brief. For meeting
announcements, we will publicize only the name, location, URL, and key
dates. The ML List moderator reserves the right to omit/edit submissions
to meet these criteria.

Date:  Apr 19, 2009
From: Raymond Mooney <moo...@cs.utexas.edu>
Subject:  ICML-2011

Call for Site Proposal
International Conference on Machine Learning 2011

The purpose of this call is to invite groups interested in
hosting the conference to submit proposals.  Since ICML
2010 will be in Haifa, Israel, proposals are requested for venues in
N. America for 2011.

Proposals should address the following issues:

1. Proposed Dates.  The conference should be scheduled for four days
  (one day reserved for workshops and tutorials; three days for paper
  sessions, poster sessions, and invited talks).  The conference
  prefers dates in the range from June 15 to July 15, but other dates
  will be considered, particularly if they permit co-location with
  other conferences.

2. Locale Parameters.
  - Accessibility.  Is it easy and inexpensive for people (especially
    graduate students) to travel to the conference site?  (Compute
    mean airfares from Europe, North America, and Asia.  Include ground
    transportation from relevant airports to the site.)
  - Meeting Rooms, AV Equipment, etc.  What are the physical
    facilities like?  Consider rooms for plenary sessions, parallel
    sessions, workshops, tutorials, and poster sessions.  Is there
    highly visible space for sponsors and publishers who want to set
    up displays?  What are the charges, if any, for using the various
  - Meals and Lodging.  Is there low-cost, quality housing available
    for attendees (especially graduate students)?  How far from the
    meeting rooms?  Where will attendees eat?  Please estimate costs
    for meals and lodging.
  - Demo facilities.  Will there be computing equipment and space
    available to support demos?
  - Internet access.  Is wired or wireless internet access available?
    At what cost?
  - Other features.  You may mention any other aspects of the site or
    the region that are relevant.

3. Local Machine Learning Community.  Is there a local ML
  group/community that can help with organization and funding?

4. Opportunities to co-locate with other conferences.  In the past, we
  have co-located with COLT, UAI, and KDD.  There is strong interest
  in co-locating with these conferences and also with other
  conferences including ISMB (Intelligent Systems in Molecular
  Biology), EMNLP (Empirical Methods in Natural Language
  Processing), CoNLL (Conference on Natural Language Learning), IUI
  (Intelligent User Interfaces), and CVPR (Computer Vision and
  Pattern Recognition).

5. Organizational and Institutional Support.  Is there a conference
  office that can help with local arrangements?

6. Budgetary Issues.  Is any financial support available from the
  hosting institution and/or local industry?  What is a rough estimate
  of the expected conference registration fees (including a student

Proposal Deadline: May 25, 2009

Send Proposal to:
Raymond J. Mooney, President IMLS

Proposals will be ranked according to cost and accessibility, proposed
dates, opportunities for co-location, attractiveness of the location,
and experience of the host group.

Note that IMLS chooses the Program Chair and General Chair as a
decision separate from the choice of the site.  The site proposal
should propose a Local Arrangements Chair and other relevant
supporting positions (e.g., Volunteers Coordinator, Registration

Date: Apr 17, 2009
From: Marieke van Erp <m.g.j.van...@uvt.nl>
Subject: Benelearn 09

Call for Participation
18th Annual Belgian-Dutch Conference
 on Machine Learning (Benelearn 09)
Tilburgh, The Netherlands, May 18-19, 2009009

Early Registration Deadline: May 10, 2009
From: Ed <jeedw...@yahoo.com>
Date: Mar 1, 2009
subject: Indian International Conference on AI

Call for Papers
4th Indian International Conference on
 Artificial Intelligence (IICAI-09)
Tumkur, India, December 16-18 2009

Paper Submission Deadline: April 17, 2009
Camera-ready Deadline: July 6, 2009

From: Pedro Pereira Rodrigues <pprodrig...@liaad.up.pt>
Date: Mar 2, 2009
Subject: Discovery Science 2009

Call for Papers
Discovery Science 2009
Porto, Portugal, October 3-5, 2009

Abstract Submission Deadline: May 3, 2009
Paper Submission Deadline: May 10, 2009
Camera-ready Deadline: July 10, 2009

From: Sandra Zilles <zil...@cs.ualberta.ca>
Date: Mar 5, 2009
Subject: Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory

Call for Papers
20th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2009)
Porto, Portugal, October 3-5, 2009

Paper Submission Deadline: May 10, 2009
Camera-ready Deadline: July 10, 2009

From: Olivier Pietquin <olivier.pietq...@supelec.fr>
Date: Mar 9, 2009
Subject: ML for Adaptivity in Spoken Dialogue Systems

Call for papers
Special Session "Machine Learning for Adaptivity in
 Spoken Dialogue Systems" at Interspeech 2009
Brighton, United Kingdom, September 6-10, 2009

Paper Submission Deadline: April 17, 2009

From: S V N Vishwanathan <vi...@stat.purdue.edu>
Date: Mar 16, 2009
Subject: Mining and Learning with Graphs and Relations

Call for Papers
Machine Learning Journal special issue on
Mining and Learning with Graphs and Relations

Guest Editors:
S V N Vishwanathan - Purdue University
Samuel Kaski - Helsinki University of Technology
Jennifer Neville - Purdue University
Stefan Wrobel - Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent
  Analysis and Information Systems / University of Bonn

Paper Submission Deadline: June 1, 2009
Revised manuscripts: October 2, 2009

From: Jo-Anne Ting <jt...@ed.ac.uk>
Date: Mar 19, 2009
Subject: Regression in Robotics

Call for Contributions
Workshop on Regression in Robotics-Approaches and Applications
Co-located with Robotics: Science & Systems
Seattle, WA, USA, June 28, 2009

Paper Submission Deadline: April 24, 2009

From: Matthias Seeger <msee...@gmail.com>
Date: Mar 31, 2009
Subject: Numerical Mathematics in Machine Learning

Call for Contributions
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)
Workshop on Numerical Mathematics in Machine Learning
Montreal, Canada, June 18, 2009

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 27, 2009

From: Chris Hiestand <chiest...@salk.edu>
Date: Mar 31, 2009
Subject: Neural Information Processing Systems

Preliminary Call for Papers
23rd Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, December 7-12, 2009

Paper Submission Deadline: June 5, 2009 4:59pm PDT

From: Fernando Fernandez Rebollo <ffern...@inf.uc3m.es>
Date: Apr 1, 2009
Subject: Automated Planning and Scheduling

Final Call for Papers
19th International Conference on Automated Planning
 and Scheduling (ICAPS-2009)
Thessaloniki, Greece, September 19-23, 2009

Abstract Submission Deadline: April 17, 2009
Paper Submission Deadline: April 22, 2009

From: Jerry Zhu <jerry...@cs.wisc.edu>
Date: Apr 1, 2009
Subject: Manifold Learning and its Applications

Call for Papers
AAAI 2009 Fall Symposium on Manifold Learning
 and its Applications
Arlington, VA, USA, September 5-7, 2009

Paper Submission Deadline: May 15, 2009

From: Nils T Siebel <n...@erlars.org>
Date: Apr 4, 2009
Subject: Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Robot Systems

Call for Papers
2nd International Workshop on Evolutionary
 and Reinforcement  Learning for Autonomous
 Robot Systems
 Held in conjunction with RSS 2009
Seattle, WA, USA, June 19, 2009

Paper Submission Deadline: May 1, 2009

Jaume Bacardit <j...@cs.nott.ac.uk>
Date: Apr 7, 2009
Subject: Metaheuristics for Large Scale Data Mining

Call for Papers
Memetic Computing Journal special issue on
 Metaheuristics for Large Scale Data Mining

Guest editors:
Jaume Bacardit - University of Nottingham, UK
Xavier Llora - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL

Paper Submission Deadline: May 31, 2009
Camera-ready Deadline: September 30, 2009

From: Vanneschi Leonardo <lvann...@disco.unimib.it>
Date: Apr 8, 2009
Subject: Parallel and Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms

Call for Papers
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machine journal
 Special Issue on Parallel and Distributed Evolutionary

Paper Submission Deadline: April 30, 2009

Date:  Apr 16, 2009
From: Fernando Fernandez Rebollo <ffern...@inf.uc3m.es>
Subject: ICAPS Workshop papers

Call for Papers
19th International Conference on Automated Planning
 and Scheduling ( ICAPS-2009)
Thessaloniki, Greece,  September 19-23, 2009

Paper Submission Deadline: June 23, 2009 PDT

Date:  Apr 16, 2009
From: Chris Hiestand <chiest...@salk.edu>
Subject: NIPS Workshops Proposals

Call for Workshop Proposals
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)
Whistler, BC, Canada, December 11 and 12, 2009

Proposal Submission Deadline: July 17, 2009

Date: Apr 12, 2009
From: Steve Tanksley <s...@naturesourcegenetics.com>
Subject: Nature Source Genetics, Inc, Ithaca, NY

Position in Computational and Statistical Research
Nature Source Genetics (http://naturesourcegenetics.com)
is a computational genomics company dedicated to the
development and application of new algorithms designed to
harness natural genetic variation in the improvement of plant
and animal species. Located in Ithaca, New York, NSG
scientists interact with a team of distinguished faculty
from Cornell University and other major research institutions
worldwide in problems related to genetics and genomics. The
person hired for this position will work with and support a
team of scientists working in the areas of computer science,
operations research, statistics, databases, software engineering,
quantitative/population genetics and breeding.

From: Dennis Lucarelli <dennis.lucare...@jhuapl.edu>
Date: Mar 3, 2009
Subject: Complex Adaptive Systems Research Supervisor, Johns Hopkins, MD

The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL),
a national leader in scientific research and development,
located midway between Baltimore and Washington, DC is
seeking a Complex Adaptive Systems Research Section Supervisor.

Lead a section of applied researchers in the area of Complex
Adaptive Systems.  This individual will be responsible for
planning and coordinating individual research agendas to meet
overall strategic goals of the Research Center as part of the
Systems and Information Sciences group management team. Maintain
a strong personal research agenda, with national and international
visibility, building upon at least one area of current group strength
in machine learning, probabilistic modeling and inference, decision
theory, or planning/control.

Required: Ph.D. in EE, CS, or Mathematics with specialization in
pattern classification, machine learning, probabilistic modeling
and inference, decision theory, or adaptive control.  Strong
record of research in area of specialization:  significant
publication record and professional reputation.  Experience in
management of small, highly capable research teams.  Successful
grant or project proposal experience. Excellent communication and
interpersonal skills. Desired: Experience in program/business
development. Leadership in relevant professional society.
Strong IP product history.  Experience in mentoring and development
of early career researchers.  Experience in strategic technology

Eligibility requirements include US citizenship.
For more information go to: http://www.jhuapl.edu/employment/
and perform an Advanced Search with Job Opening ID: 70370 or
send email to dennis.lucare...@jhuapl.edu.

From: Eric Xing <epx...@imap.srv.cs.cmu.edu>
Date: Mar 6, 2009
Subject: Machine Learning and Statistics Genetics, CMU, PA

We have recently secured funds for 2 postdoc positions at CMU.
The first position is on developing statistical machine learning
models and algorithms for "dynamic topic models and perspective
models for structured browsing of large corpus of text/image/
video/network data", funded by NSF and a CMU internal grant
promoting development of potentially commercialzable AI/ML/Stats
methodologies and systems.

The second position is on developing new methodologies and
theories for sparse structured input/output learning, in
the context of "Genome-Transcription-Phenome-Wide Associations
in complex diseases"; and at the same time performing empirical
systems biology and genetic analysis on SNP, microarray, and
complex phenotype data. This project is funded by a new NIH grant.

More details of the projects are available at
and we encourage incoming postdocs to also explore other projects
listed in this page, and initiate new projects.

The ideal candidates should have a strong track record of research
in machine learning, NLP, IR, statistics, and statistical genetics,
evidenced by high quality publications; be able to communicate and
work with collaborating student/postdocs and external PIs; and be
able to carry out research and develop ideas independently. Good
programming skill and solid statistics/math background are highly

Each position is expected to be a two-year position (one year
initial contract + 1 year performance-based renewal), with generous
salary and travel support.

To formally apply, please send CV, research statement, and 2 letters
of recommendations to both
 Michelle Martin (mhayw...@cs.cmu.edu)
 Eric Xing (epx...@cs.cmu.edu)

I'd also be happy to respond to informal inquiries directly addressed
to me.

Eric Xing

From: Hugo Zaragoza <hu...@yahoo-inc.com>
Date: Mar 16, 2009
Subject: Machine Learning Yahoo! Research Barcelona

Yahoo! Research offers a new Postdoctoral Fellow
position in Barcelona (Spain) in the area of machine
learning. This position is for one year, and can be
extended to another year depending upon a good
evaluation. The starting date is flexible, but we are
interested in filling the position as soon as possible.

We provide an exciting environment with research
groups working on various different areas, including
web mining, parallel and distributed computing, information
retrieval, natural language processing, and multimedia.
Researchers in this position will have a chance to perform
academic work, such as working on conference and journal
publications, and to interact with engineering groups inside
Yahoo! US, thus being exposed to problems of real systems.

For this call, we seek to hire specifically researchers interested
in the development and application of machine learning algorithms
to problems in Web search and Web mining. Please find more
detail below.

*PhD degree in computer science, electrical engineering,
  mathematics, or equivalent field;
* Research experience and familiarity with the literature.
  Internship in an industrial lab is a plus;
* Ability to generate new ideas, to innovate, and to work on
 projects spanning different areas of computer science;
* Strong publication record;
* Good programming skills.

Specific knowledge areas (one or more):
* Statistical and/or Probabilistic learning theory
* Application of machine learning to large scale
  ranking problems (ad-hoc search, filtering, summarization)
* Application of machine learning to large scale data
  analysis (unsupervised learning, clustering, etc.)
* Semi-supervised learning, Structural/Relational learning
* Efficiency and implementation issues in machine learning

To apply, please send your resume to:

Arrange to have three letters of reference sent electronically
to this same e-mail address. Please specify the position
you are applying for in your application. For any further
inquiries, send messages to:

From: Xianghong Jasmine Zhou <xjz...@college.usc.edu>
Date: Apr 2, 2009
Subject: Machine Learning/Bioinformatics at USC, CA

Post-doc Position in Machine Learning/Bioinformatics
University of Southern California Los Angeles, California

The Computational Laboratory of Integrative Genomics
at University of Southern California seeks a motivated
and talented PhD for a postdoctoral position in Bioinformatics.

The candidate will work on developing machine learning
algorithms for large-scale genomic data, such as
biological networks, microarray gene expression data,
protein interaction data, and time-series data.

More information about our lab can be found at http://zhoulab.usc.edu.
More information about the USC CompBio division
can be found at http://www.cmb.usc.edu

Candidate Qualification:
* Recent Ph.D. in Machine Learning or Data Mining with
  excellent publication record
* Bioinformatics experiences preferred

Please send CV and two contact addresses of references to:
  Prof. Jasmine Zhou xjz...@usc.edu.

From: Hinrich Schuetze <hinr...@hotmail.com>
Date: Apr 8, 2009
Subject: NLP and Visualization, Stuggert, Germany

3 PhD positions in Natural Language Processing
and Visualization Institute for Natural Language
Processing, University of Stuttgart and Computer
Science Department, University of Stuttgart

The Institute for Natural Language Processing (IfNLP)
and the Computer Science Department of the University
of Stuttgart, Germany, invite applications for three PhD

IfNLP is one of the leading NLP research institutions
worldwide with four professors in different areas of NLP, a
research staff of 40 and an undergraduate program in NLP.
We offer the opportunity to work on cutting-edge research
projects in a dynamic and international research team and
up-to-date infrastructure and resources.

3 PhD positions are available immediately in two different
projects funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.

Semisupervised Annotation Resolution
2 PhD positions
Supervisors: Gunther Heidemann
                   Hans Kamp
                   Hinrich Schuetze

This project will develop interactive visualization methods
for the semi-supervised annotation of large amounts of
training data for statistical co reference resolution.

Interactive Visual Analysis of Complex Information Spaces
1 PhD position
Supervisor: Prof. Hinrich Schuetze

This project will integrate statistical NLP and
user-tailored interactive visual exploration methods and
apply them to the analysis of patents.

Candidates should have an excellent university degree in a
relevant field of study such as computational linguistics or
computer science.

To apply, send your CV in PDF format to sabine (at)
ims.uni-stuttgart.de by May 15, 2009. Please use the
subject line "PhD positions". You should also provide two

The University of Stuttgart is committed to increasing the
proportion of women in research and teaching. Qualified
women are encouraged to apply.

From: alexandra <a...@fe.up.pt>
Date: Feb 20, 2009
Subject: NN in Classification, Regression, and Data Mining

Summer School NN2009
Neural Networks in Classification, Regression and Data Mining
Porto, Portugal, July 6-10, 2009

Early Registration: May 18, 2009
Poster Submission Deadline: June 15, 2009
End of ML-LIST Digest Vol 21, No. 3

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