ven 10 novembre 2017 08:30 -> 17:30 CET
IDM S??dtirol ??? Alto Adige, Bolzano, Via A. Volta, 9

08:30 Registration and check-in
09:00 Coming soon
09:30 Being of Service to FOSS, Danese Cooper - PayPal Holdings, Inc.
10:00 The Coming Era of the Blockchain and What It Means to You, Roberto
10:15 Organizing New Venture For A Dominant Design, Alessandro Narduzzo - Free
      University of Bolzano - Bozen
10:30 Deep Learning ??? a Recent Trend and its Potential, Susanne Greiner - 
      Phoenix S.r.l.
10:45 Outsourcing Cyber Risks, Luca Moroni - Via Virtuosa
11:00 SFS Award 2017
11:20 Coffee break
11:45 Open Source Governance between Community and Business, Mirko Bohem - Open
      Invention Network LLC
12:15 Leveraging the Copernicus Sentinel satellite data with Free Software,
      Markus Neteler - mundialis GmbH & Co. KG
12:30 Design-driven free software, Tobias Bernard
12:45 Critical success factors for open source implementations in public
      services, Gijs Hillenius - IT Journalist
13:00 Networking Lunch
14:00 Track Industry: Business Models
14.00 Track Technology: Coders & DevOps
14:00 Track Hackathon: Vertical Innovation Hackathon

Ingresso gratuito, previa registrazione[1].


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