
Thanks for you comments.

On Sat, Jul 9, 2011 at 19:01, Jochen Theodorou <blackd...@gmx.org> wrote:
>> Code is here:
>> https://raw.github.com/nahi/jsr292-sandbox/master/src/jp/gr/java_conf/jruby/MethodHandleTest.java
> lookup I don't know. I am not sure about the recent versions, I think
> the lookup is using the same "core" as Reflection plus additional
> checks. I don't expect that to be faster. It would be very nice though.
> The performance of the invocation cannot be meassured like you do it I
> think. The big pro comes from the ability to inline the method calls,
> but this is only present if you use the invokedynamic bytecode
> instruction. There is currently no way in Java to express invokedynamic.

Sure. I should have written it clearly. I heard from someone at Java
SE 7 launch event that reflection would get faster on Java SE 7 even
if you don't use dynamic language, so I wanted to measure the
MethodHandle perf without invokedynamic.

For invokedynamic, I did some (bogus, experimental, micro)benchmark
with current JRuby.
http://bit.ly/invokedynamic (Flash, Japanese)
Please see the circle at the right edge of 5 circles. Invokedynamic
support of JRuby is still experimental but it already outperforms
existing optimization code for some microbenchmarks. Great job,

Disclaimer: I'm one of a JRuby committer :)

> And a third point... even if there where invokedynamic used, I think in
> your case it would not really bring forth the real performance
> possibilities, since your receiver is changing all the time.

Sure. JRuby's current invokedynamic code checks receiver type with the
test for guardWithTest if I understand correctly. Invokedynamic would
not bring perf gain for my sample MethodHandleTest, but if naive
MethodHandle invocation is slower than reflection, invokedynamic might
be the way I thought.

> But in general I must say, I would have expected the performance to be
> at least near Reflection as well. I mean the situation is for Reflection
> not all that better.

Agreed. I won't expect it to Java SE 7 GA though.

// NaHi
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