On Jul 28, 2011, at 2:20 AM, Ola Bini wrote:

> Hi,
> I've hit a very annoying performance problem with invoke dynamic/method
> handles that makes certain benchmarks about 3 times slower for identical
> operations. This code is related to to variable lookup and the basic
> idea is that I have a LexicalScope class which contains a parent
> pointer. It has a LexicalScope.One subclass that extends LexicalScope, a
> LexicalScope.Two that extends LexicalScope.One, etc, and there is a
> field on each of them that contains that indexed variable.
> At compile time, I know what lexical depth and index a variable maps to.
> The original code generates straight bytecode for this. My benchmarks
> (depending on depth and breadth of the lexical scope) goes between 2.1s
> to 4.1s. The byte code just does this:
> get the current scope
> get the parent of the scope (by repeatedly getting the parent field)
> cast to the specific scope size we are interested in
> get the field for the index we are interested in
> do regular return/invocation on this value (this is the same process as
> the other call paths, so should be fine).
> However, when I try to do the same thing with MethodHandles, the best I
> can get it to do is 8.1s to 15s, which is pretty terrible (it was even
> worse before I stopped using methodhandles directly to fields.
> MethodHandles to a getter method gave me 10%).
> The actual method handle creation looks a bit like this:
>        MethodHandle current = identity(LexicalScope.class);
>        int currentDepth = lexicalDepth;
>        while(currentDepth-- > 0) {
>            current = filterArguments(current, 0, PARENT_SCOPE_METHOD);
>        }
>        MethodHandle valueMH = null;
>        switch(lexicalIndex) {
>        case 0:
>            valueMH = filterArguments(SCOPE_0_GETTER_M, 0, current);
>            break;
>        case 1:
>            valueMH = filterArguments(SCOPE_1_GETTER_M, 0, current);
>            break;
>        case 2:
>            valueMH = filterArguments(SCOPE_2_GETTER_M, 0, current);
>            break;
>        case 3:
>            valueMH = filterArguments(SCOPE_3_GETTER_M, 0, current);
>            break;
>        case 4:
>            valueMH = filterArguments(SCOPE_4_GETTER_M, 0, current);
>            break;
>        case 5:
>            valueMH = filterArguments(SCOPE_5_GETTER_M, 0, current);
>            break;
>        default:
>            valueMH = filterArguments(insertArguments(SCOPE_N_GETTER_M,
> 0, lexicalIndex-6), 0, current);
>            break;
>        }
> The rest just applies the same method handles for invocation/return as
> the rest of the call site is using.
> SCOPE_2_GETTER_M is defined as
>  findVirtual(LexicalScope.Three.class, "getValueThree",
>       methodType(SephObject.class)).asType(SCOPE_GETTER_M_TYPE)
> where getValueThree is just a final getter method.
> I tried switching out asType to explicitCastArguments. That ended up
> being about 5% slower. I tried removing the asType by defining all the
> methods on LexicalScope and overriding them (which in practice would
> never call the base method). This didn't give any performance change at all.
> So now I'm a bit lost - I have no idea why this is so much slower than
> the explicit bytecode. Any thoughts? My next attack will be to go and
> compare the assembler.

The bad performance sounds like something is not inlined at all.  How are you 
invoking valueMH?  Via invokedynamic or a direct MH call?

-- Christian

> Cheers
> -- 
> Ola Bini (http://olabini.com)
>  Ioke - JRuby - ThoughtWorks
> "Yields falsehood when quined" yields falsehood when quined.
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