On Mar 30, 2013, at 1:56 AM, Charles Oliver Nutter <head...@headius.com> wrote:

> I've been fiddling about with performance a bit again recently, and have 
> noticed a perf degradation since b72. I mentioned this to the Nashorn guys 
> and Marcus discovered that InlineSmallCode=2000 helped them get back to b72 
> performance. I can confirm this on JRuby as well, but in any case it seems 
> that something has regressed.
> Here's some numbers with JRuby. Numbers are for b72, hotspot-comp, and 
> hotspot-comp with InlineSmallCode=2000. You can see that current hotspot-comp 
> builds do not perform as well as b72 unless that flag is passed.
> https://gist.github.com/headius/de7f99b52847c2436ee4
> I have not yet started to explore the inlining or assembly output, but I 
> wanted to confirm that others are seeing this degradation.
> My build of hotspot-comp is current.
> I do have some benchmarks that look fine without the additional flag 
> (neural_net, for example), so I'm confused what's different in the degraded 
> cases.

I'm not sure if Marcus talked to you already about this but there are two fixes 
that caused this regression:

1.  http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8007439

which was fixed by:


in HS25-b24.

2.  We turned off tiered compilation:


The InlineSmallCode=2000 is a way to work around the tiered slowdown.

-- Chris

> - Charlie
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