On Jul 11, 2013, at 10:30 AM, Christian Thalinger 
<christian.thalin...@oracle.com> wrote:

> On Jul 11, 2013, at 12:35 AM, Cédric Champeau <cedric.champ...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> Le 11/07/2013 06:09, Charles Oliver Nutter a écrit :
>>> Maybe a solution could be an annotation to mark calls to not
>>> appear in any stacktrace?
>>> Personally, I'd love to see *any* way to teach JVM about
>>> language-specific stack traces. Currently JRuby post-processes
>>> exception traces to mine out compiled Ruby lines and transform
>>> interpreter frames into proper file:line pairs. A way to say "at this
>>> point, call back my code to build a StackTraceElement" would be very
>>> useful across languages.
>>> Of course, omitting from stack trace has very little to do with
>>> stack-walking frame inspection tricks like CallerSensitive.
>> +1 the solution to annotate classes so that they are "transparent" to the 
>> stack frames, combined with @CallerSensitive, is likely to fix our problem 
>> (unless Jochen remembers if there was really a problem with it). But that's 
>> the future.
>> We're facing a serious problem: we already have a bug report using openjdk 
>> 1.7.0_25, and if the removal is really intended to go into 1.7u40, Groovy 
>> will just be broken. This is something that needs to be considered 
>> seriously. For example, @Grab, our dependency download tool which works in 
>> scripts depends on getCallerClass. It's a major feature that would be 
>> broken. The bug I'm talking about which has been reported a few days ago is 
>> about ResourceBunder.getBundle which nows trigger an infinite loop if used 
>> in Groovy. (Unfortunately, we couldn't reproduce locally since we need to 
>> build an older jdk version, this takes a bit of time). We are really happy 
>> to discuss an alternative for JDK 8, but it's too soon to remove in JDK7, 
>> because as we said, there's no alternative!
> If the patch ends up in 7u40 then there will be a property or command line 
> switch to turn it back on for applications which just can't live without it.

Here is the CR btw.:


-- Chris

>  There is plenty of time to figure something out until 8.
> This mailing list is perhaps not the right list to express your concerns.  
> I'm not sure if you've already done this but you might think about posting to 
> jdk7u-dev.
> -- Chris
>> The only reasonable explanation I can find for removing getCallerClass(int) 
>> from JDK 1.7u40 is a major security issue. If there's not, please reconsider 
>> it, or Groovy will be broken (if anyone sees how we can replace it today 
>> with a solution that would work on jdks 5 -> 7, we're happy to consider it). 
>> There are lots of applications in production with Groovy and Grails and 
>> starting to see them fail after a JDK update would be a total disaster.
>> Thanks!
>> -- 
>> Cédric Champeau
>> SpringSource - Pivotal
>> http://www.springsource.org/
>> http://www.gopivotal.com/
>> http://twitter.com/CedricChampeau
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