Thanks for the review.
Updated version:
* Since initialization order is important, why don't put the
initialization in the existing static initializer? This will secure for
inadvertent field reordering in future.
Good idea. Fixed.
* Any reason two new fields are "private"? All other seem package-private.
These fields are intended for usage only in
MHI.varargsArray/buildFiller. They were private before and I decided to
keep that. It is fine for MH_*/NF_* to be used from other places in
j.l.i (e.g. NF_checkSpreadArgument is used in LambdaFormEditor).
* Any performance problems if we actually count FILL_ARRAYS_COUNT in
during the static initialization, instead of putting a magic value?
It's more about code structure than performance.
There's a dependency between FILL_ARRAYS size & LEFT_ARGS.
If FILL_ARRAYS_COUNT is moved to Lazy, LEFT_ARGS should be moved to Lazy
as well or LEFT_ARGS should be lazily initialized separately.
IMO it doesn't worth an effort.
Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov
On 10/02/2014 08:55 PM, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
Small update:
Need to reorder initialization sequence in MHI.Lazy. Initialized
FILL_ARRAYS and ARRAYS are required for later MH lookups.
Additional testing:
* jck (api/java_lang/invoke)
* jdk/java/lang/invoke, jdk/java/util/streams w/ "-ea -esa" and
Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov
On 10/2/14, 7:52 PM, Vladimir Ivanov wrote:
Core j.l.i classes are preloaded during VM startup in order to avoid
possible deadlock when accessing JSR292-related functionality from
multiple threads. After LF sharing-related changes, FILL_ARRAYS and
ARRAYS are initialized too early. It affects startup time & footprint of
applications that don't use JSR292.
The fix is to move these fields into MHI.Lazy class, thus delaying their
initialization to the first usage of JSR292 API.
Testing: failing test, manual (measured HelloWorld app startup time;
compared -XX:+PrintCompilation logs)
Best regards,
Vladimir Ivanov
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