On 04/20/2015 11:06 AM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
Hi Peter,

We did consider supporting field and method literals in 9, leveraging the same 
syntax as for method references combined with target typing. But, we have 
currently concluded it would be best to punt it to post-9.

As a result there is currently no compelling need to support VarHandles in the 
constant pool, which, while not particular hard AFAICT (famous last words!), is 
a welcome reduction in work.


You don't even need to have VarHandle in the constant pool,
once you have invokedynamic, you can create any constant you want at runtime, MethodHandles are in the constant pool only because you need it to reference the bootstrap method of an invokedynamic, you need it to bootstrap invokedynamic if you prefer.

That's not fully true because we may also want to have a way to represent constant fields in annotation. This give me an idea, invokedynamic should be used to specify the constant values in annotation. It will be extensible for the JDK and any (dynamic) languages that have a more powerful annotation mechanism
(Groovy anyone?) will be able to leverage that.

At runtime, an annotation will still be a proxy but instead of using java.lang.reflect.Proxy,
it should use the Proxy2 API [1] :)

[1] https://github.com/forax/proxy2

On Apr 20, 2015, at 10:41 AM, Peter Levart <peter.lev...@gmail.com> wrote:
The thing that pushed us over the edge is that value types are coming.  With value 
types, one can create type-safe, zero-cost, specialized wrappers for 
{Static,Instance,Array,Native}VarHandle<T> that wrap an underlying VH; because 
these wrappers can be values, they can provide type safety with no indirection or 
footprint costs.  So it seemed better to provide a simple, clean, low-level API now 
that doesn’t make any assumptions, let the early adopters (mostly us) deal with the 
fact that type safety comes at runtime (just as with MHs), and later provide a clean 
set of value wrappers on top of it.
This seems like a good plan for post-JDK9 times. But I still miss one thing in 
this picture - the syntax. If purely API approach is taken, then we will still 
be using Strings to identify fields and do the caching of VarHandles ourselves. 
Are there any plans for specifying syntax for constant [Method|Var] handles in 
Java or is this being reserved for post-JDK9 times where the syntax will be 
used to produce type-safe wrappers (similar to approach taken with 
MethodHandles vs. Lambdas)?

Regards, Peter

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