
thanks for the pointer... :-)

However, while it's true that SVM (in its current form) imposes severe limits to dynamicity, it'd be a bug if jaotc, jlink or any other of the startup efforts (such as AppCDS) in the OpenJDK project changed semantics or imposed limits to indy-style dynamicity in any way:

- jaotc compiles code ahead of time, but do anything crazy like replacing indy callsites with something else. The bootstrap methods and machinery to spin bytecode may be AOT-compiled, of course, but the end result should be indistinguishable from running without AOT, semantically. - jlink should be neutral in most aspects w.r.t dynamicity, and all of the plumbing for indy lives in the java.base module (which can't be removed by jlink). - jlink *does* include a plugin to generate some of the runtime invariant building blocks used by indy statically at link-time based on profiling information. This is a speculative optimization that doesn't remove any capabilities: if the LFs, BMH species etc that have been pre-generated exists, they'll be used and the JVM might spend a bit less time setting things up. If they don't exist code will be spun up dynamically. Again, users shouldn't notice any difference other than slightly faster ramp-up time.

With regards to opportunities I think there are plenty of improvements that could be explored, both in the implementation and in the APIs. Coincidentally, I've recently been looking at a bunch of ISC stress tests as a tool to explore optimization opportunities in the MH API, and proposed one rather general optimization in this space mere hours ago[1]. Might be able to find some more in that general area..

Condy is another recent improvement that can likely be used for a lot of things, adding dynamicity and laziness in places where indy might not be the best fit. One example of that here: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8186216


[1] http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/core-libs-dev/2018-November/056480.html

On 2018-11-07 18:01, Ghadi Shayban wrote:
The Great Startup Problem [1] was a wonderful read highlighting the problems surrounding the early life of a JVM application. In-flight efforts that allow (to a limited extent) better startup characteristics include jaotc, substrateVM, jlink. These efforts all trade away dynamicity of some sort, and dynamicity is one of the magical powers of the JVM.  What sort of opportunities exist for improving startup that don't trade away the capability to run indy or impose whole-program analysis? As a user of Clojure, I value how dynamic the JVM is along several dimensions.

[1]http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/mlvm-dev/2014-August/005890.html <http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/mlvm-dev/2014-August/005890.html>

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